Maria's Space: What I am Thankful For

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What I am Thankful For

As Thanksgiving approaches I find myself thinking about the many things I am thankful for.

A few years ago I had a gratitude journal (Oprah idea) and would write 5 things a day I am grateful for. Sometimes it would be as simple as being grateful for a really great cup of coffee and other times it was being thankful for being above ground. Whatever it was, I love reading where I was then. I need to get back to basics; for my sanity! I think the gratitude journal would be a wonderful way of dealing some of the stress I feel on a daily basis as of late. So here it I am grateful for:

  • My son giving me a million unsolicited, very loud kisses today
  • My daughter finding my stupid, weird, spastic dance entertaining as I struggled to keep her happy while I made dinner.
  • My husband coming home safely; the weather was hideous tonight.
  • The pumpkin pie bars I made tonight for the first time coming out beautiful for my Mom and Tot brunch tomorrow.
  • My dear friend Teresa for all she has done for me lately. You are a true friend with a big heart and I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Bek, It's not as good as your Elaine dance I must say!


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