Mommy Blogger who loves to write, talk, take photos, spend time with my family and friends, read, and breathe.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Christmas 2006
Geez..It has been so long since I was able to get on here. I have been trying to keep up with the blogs I read but I have been unable to commit time for myself.
Anyway, Christmas was great. My kids got WAYYYY to much stuff. We spent the Eve as we have for the past 14 or more years, at my in-laws. This will be the last year that we do that. Not that anything happened, I just would love to try to duplicate some of my childhood memories. My in-laws eat late, then start opening gifts after 12:00. We live over an hour away and don't get home until the kids are long asleep. I really want them to put out milk and cookies for Santa, put on their new Christmas Pj's, watch a movie with mom and dad, put out reindeer food and go to sleep because Santa can't come unless little kids are sleeping. Next year the kids will be 4 and 2 and a little more aware of all that goes along with the holiday and I want to give my kids the fantasy for a little while.
Anyway, Christmas was great. My kids got WAYYYY to much stuff. We spent the Eve as we have for the past 14 or more years, at my in-laws. This will be the last year that we do that. Not that anything happened, I just would love to try to duplicate some of my childhood memories. My in-laws eat late, then start opening gifts after 12:00. We live over an hour away and don't get home until the kids are long asleep. I really want them to put out milk and cookies for Santa, put on their new Christmas Pj's, watch a movie with mom and dad, put out reindeer food and go to sleep because Santa can't come unless little kids are sleeping. Next year the kids will be 4 and 2 and a little more aware of all that goes along with the holiday and I want to give my kids the fantasy for a little while.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Pee-Pee on the Potty
Holy friggin crap, I am ready to jump on the roof. My kid pee-pee'd on the potty tonight. No, not the friggin 3.6 year old whose diapers I will be changing until his wife takes over the honor but it was my angel baby girl.
Last week I had this idea that since my kids want to copy each other, maybe if I started the girl on potty training the boy will follow. I sat her on the potty yesterday and the boy went crazy, he wanted to go too. He was doing everything to get in the bathroom. Umm maybe I am onto something I think to myself. Cocky yes, but I am hopeful. He sits for about 2.3 minutes, says all done ( he didn't) and he flushes and leaves. I try to follow but my daughter wants to stay. So we sit for another 15 minutes, I pull up her clothes and tell her good trying.
Tonight my son not feeling well goes to bed at 7:30. I head to the bathroom for a pee break. My daughter follows and sits on her potty. I go to leave the bathroom and she yells "potty." I allow her to sit there for another 10 minutes (never taking off her pj's or diaper because I thought she was just sitting for the sake of sitting). Getting bored sitting there, I head to the door. She yells, "potty." I pick her up and walk with her to the living room. I place her on the couch and she yells, "potty" and throws herself down, whining. I walk with her to the bathroom because I don't dare let her cry long enough to walk her brother (God forbid). As I enter the room I have a light bulb moment. Wait, maybe she really has to go. I remove her pj's and diaper. She sits and the next thing you know.... I hear it! Holy crap. In the highest voice I have ever uttered I scream "Are you peeing?" I am not even sure how she managed to continue the flow with my celebration going on but she did and I was so proud. I actually called her Godmother, my sister, her grandfather and my mother-in-law to tell them. I am sure they all think I am a freak but they should know that already.

Goddess, I am so proud of you baby girl. You shock and awe me everyday. You rock! Your strong will, and fierce spirit frustrate and impress me at the same time. My only regret is that your brother was not awake to tell him and your daddy was working.
I love you ladybug. Mommy
Last week I had this idea that since my kids want to copy each other, maybe if I started the girl on potty training the boy will follow. I sat her on the potty yesterday and the boy went crazy, he wanted to go too. He was doing everything to get in the bathroom. Umm maybe I am onto something I think to myself. Cocky yes, but I am hopeful. He sits for about 2.3 minutes, says all done ( he didn't) and he flushes and leaves. I try to follow but my daughter wants to stay. So we sit for another 15 minutes, I pull up her clothes and tell her good trying.
Tonight my son not feeling well goes to bed at 7:30. I head to the bathroom for a pee break. My daughter follows and sits on her potty. I go to leave the bathroom and she yells "potty." I allow her to sit there for another 10 minutes (never taking off her pj's or diaper because I thought she was just sitting for the sake of sitting). Getting bored sitting there, I head to the door. She yells, "potty." I pick her up and walk with her to the living room. I place her on the couch and she yells, "potty" and throws herself down, whining. I walk with her to the bathroom because I don't dare let her cry long enough to walk her brother (God forbid). As I enter the room I have a light bulb moment. Wait, maybe she really has to go. I remove her pj's and diaper. She sits and the next thing you know.... I hear it! Holy crap. In the highest voice I have ever uttered I scream "Are you peeing?" I am not even sure how she managed to continue the flow with my celebration going on but she did and I was so proud. I actually called her Godmother, my sister, her grandfather and my mother-in-law to tell them. I am sure they all think I am a freak but they should know that already.

Goddess, I am so proud of you baby girl. You shock and awe me everyday. You rock! Your strong will, and fierce spirit frustrate and impress me at the same time. My only regret is that your brother was not awake to tell him and your daddy was working.
I love you ladybug. Mommy
Monday, December 11, 2006
Playing Catch-Up
Damn it has been so hectic lately. Time has totally gotten away from me. Kids still crazy.
Went out Saturday for my annual get-together with my girlfriends for a much needed chick only lunch. Once again, thank God for good friends.
Christmas shopping done and 95% wrapped.
Tree up and decorated with as many unbreakable ornaments as possible.
Still working on a project for my niece and hope to have it completed by Saturday.
Still talking potty training with the boy, he is totally against it. So I will be changing diapers until his wife takes over.
Finally sent in my holiday pictures of the kids. It took about 100 shots to get one where they were both looking at the camera at the same time. By the end of the photo session, one was in tears (Goddess), one was screaming for milk (PT), and my voice was hoarse from yelling their names.
Got picture with Santa taken..yippy. Second in line, waited about 15 minutes for late Santa. Got up to Santa, placed girl on his lap. Toddler decided he didn't want anything to do with Santa. I moved away, photographer runs up to Santa with a picture, they tell him that the printer is not working and they will fix it in 15 minutes. Santa still holding my girl, talks sweetly to my son and daughter for roughly 20 minutes. The camera people say they almost have it fixed. Santa talks to the kids some more and finally coaxes my son into his lap. The photographer says ready, I moved away and the rest as they say folks is history. The first picture of my son on Santa in 2 years. Ok, my kids are not smiling in the picture, they actually look like deer in a headlight, but the point is this..a picture was taken of my two kids sitting on a smiling, rotund gentleman who goes by the name of Santa. Finally!
Reported someone for inappropriate behavior online. Those of you who know me; know that this piece of Shit had to be really bad for me to report them to the proper authorities, but I did and I would do it again.
Became a Nielsen Family. Big brother records what I watch on TV and listen to on the radio. Not so hard. I just wear a little device around my neck all day then plug it into it's charger at night. Easy as pie!
Went out Saturday for my annual get-together with my girlfriends for a much needed chick only lunch. Once again, thank God for good friends.
Christmas shopping done and 95% wrapped.
Tree up and decorated with as many unbreakable ornaments as possible.
Still working on a project for my niece and hope to have it completed by Saturday.
Still talking potty training with the boy, he is totally against it. So I will be changing diapers until his wife takes over.
Finally sent in my holiday pictures of the kids. It took about 100 shots to get one where they were both looking at the camera at the same time. By the end of the photo session, one was in tears (Goddess), one was screaming for milk (PT), and my voice was hoarse from yelling their names.
Got picture with Santa taken..yippy. Second in line, waited about 15 minutes for late Santa. Got up to Santa, placed girl on his lap. Toddler decided he didn't want anything to do with Santa. I moved away, photographer runs up to Santa with a picture, they tell him that the printer is not working and they will fix it in 15 minutes. Santa still holding my girl, talks sweetly to my son and daughter for roughly 20 minutes. The camera people say they almost have it fixed. Santa talks to the kids some more and finally coaxes my son into his lap. The photographer says ready, I moved away and the rest as they say folks is history. The first picture of my son on Santa in 2 years. Ok, my kids are not smiling in the picture, they actually look like deer in a headlight, but the point is this..a picture was taken of my two kids sitting on a smiling, rotund gentleman who goes by the name of Santa. Finally!
Reported someone for inappropriate behavior online. Those of you who know me; know that this piece of Shit had to be really bad for me to report them to the proper authorities, but I did and I would do it again.
Became a Nielsen Family. Big brother records what I watch on TV and listen to on the radio. Not so hard. I just wear a little device around my neck all day then plug it into it's charger at night. Easy as pie!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Chocolate Puss and Pretty Smile
They are cute but man they test my patience almost 20 times a day.
The boy; well..he has gotten into throwing things. You know, the kind of things that come crashing down and land on his sister's head.
Also, he has started jumping off the dining room table. Where do they get this shit from?
Then there is the hitting. He used to just yell now he is hitting me. WHAT???!!! Oh hell no! He is going to be black and blue before this lesson is learned. There will be no mommy hitting.
These days...he is saying his prayers, watching Lazy town and working out with Sportacus. Talking about his friends at school, playing with his Little People village and pretend play food. He also needs a ton of things in order to go to bed. There are three to four books, Twinkle from Higgletown heroes, his Wiggle dolls, his blanket, some play food, and recently a box with Santa Claus on it and a painted wood rainbow that he put inside it, that he had to have from Michaels Craft Store. No idea how he sleeps with all this stuff clanking around but he needs it all or will not go to sleep. Last night we couldn't find Twinkle and he stood in the middle of his room biting his blanket until we found her. Kids!
The girl; she does everything he does, so I am waiting for the day I see her standing on the table ready to take her first leap into her first cast.
She is 19 months and 19 pounds with the lungs of a 250 pound women. Not sure where the screaming comes from but man this Banshee girl can break glass.
These days she loves to hug, give kiss on the mouth, play with anything her brother is, sing her alphabet song, watch Elmo, dance, and be read to. She can count to 12 and can name most things in a picture book. Lately we are working on colors and letters and talking on the walkie talkie phones that her Godmother sent over.
Monday, November 13, 2006
I Am In Love
Tonight while flipping channels I fell upon TLC's special about Kenadie Jourdin-Bromley.
Kenadie has a very rare condition known as Primordial Dwarfism. You can read all about her on her official site here

She is known as the littlest angel and I believe she is a gift from God. While watching the show I flipped on my laptop and Yahoo'd Kenadie's name. They have a donation link on their site to help pay for Kenadie's various expenses. They take Paypal and I made a donation without a second thought. If you are as touched by beautiful Kenadie as I was, please make a donation to help her parents take the best care of her as possible.

I have never seen anyone so special in my life and I am totally in love with her.
Kenadie baby girl, I will think of you everday. May God bless you and keep you in the palm of his hand.
Kenadie has a very rare condition known as Primordial Dwarfism. You can read all about her on her official site here

She is known as the littlest angel and I believe she is a gift from God. While watching the show I flipped on my laptop and Yahoo'd Kenadie's name. They have a donation link on their site to help pay for Kenadie's various expenses. They take Paypal and I made a donation without a second thought. If you are as touched by beautiful Kenadie as I was, please make a donation to help her parents take the best care of her as possible.

I have never seen anyone so special in my life and I am totally in love with her.
Kenadie baby girl, I will think of you everday. May God bless you and keep you in the palm of his hand.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Me and my Rugrats

Tonight I took a bunch of pictures of me and the babies. Why am I standing in the kitchen? Why couldn't I find a more appropriate backdrop/props for the photos other than the random empty beer box or the blue garbage pail? And...lets not even discuss the overcrowded refrigerator door!
I can never get the Precocious Toddler (I think it is time to change his name - he is now 3 1/2 years old and so far from a toddler) to look at the camera long enough to take his picture. He was loving the sound the camera was making on timer (it's a coyote) and he wanted to "DO IT AGAIN!"

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Halloween 2006
This Halloween started out on the biggest friggin big, fat, sour note possible. The Precocious Toddler was rushed into a costume and force fed a slice of pizza after his late speech therapy session so that I could catch up with a bunch of friends and their offspring to go trick-or-treating. He had no time to transition and I had no time to forewarn him about what we were about to do. As I flip open the trunk, open the carriage, unleash the kids from their carseats and snatch the girl to slam her into the carriage, I am shouting, "come on guys, let's go, let's go, chop, chop, move move move"!!! My son is following directions like a trooper.
I take off running, pushing the carriage with one hand and dragging the boy by with the other down the street. OK...time to slow down and have fun right?!
As we approach the group, the boy spots a wagon with two of his little friends in it. He has a wagon at home..he loves being in it..he wants in too. He asks to get in, I thrust a bag in his hand, give him a pat on the back and say, "Go, go, baby..say trick-or-treat and thank you. Go with your friends. Go get some candy."
Well, maybe for another kid this would have sounded like fun but not for my kid. He wanted in the wagon and he wanted in now. He starts jumping up and down and SHOUTING that he wants in. He is screaming at the top of his lungs about the wagon and throwing himself around. I am watching the cars, pushing the carriage, making sure he doesn't get run over by a car or crack his head open on the pavement and walking with now 250 other people all vying for the most, best candy.
We walk up to the first house and there is a 80ish year old women handing out candy. My son is screaming and trying to run. As I work myself, the trashing, screaming toddler and my carriage up the little path, passing people who already got candy and in front of those who want candy the women says something that I don't quite hear. I say "what?" I get closer, hold out the boys bag, tell him above his screaming to say trick-o-treating and thank you, she says it again. I hear something that sounds like..."Is he a little retardo?" I say, "What?" I let go of my son's hand and the carriage thinking I am going to drop fists with this old bat who has now highly insulted me and my son. I look her up and down thinking..B'otch, you have no idea what I have just gone through to get him to this damn door..get ready to bleed. I can take her! Shit she's only weighs about her age. As I am contemplating how I beat the piss out of her without my kids needing therapy for the next 15 years she says..."Is he Lucy Ricardo?" I unclenched my fists and after giving a weak smile, and a "yeah" drag the kid and the carriage back down the path to join the group.
My son is still asking..ok wait not asking...Screaming, thrashing, crying, jumping, throwing himself to the ground and hyperventilating that he wants the wagon. The group tries to make room. There is none!
I turn and ask if he wants to go home. He screams no! Do you want candy? No! Do you want to walk? No? As I am wishing I had brought some holy water to douse him with; I tell my friends to go ahead I am going to walk back to the car. Pushing the carriage with my tits..thank God they are good for something other than nursing. I half carry/drag the kid. He is all of 3.5 feet tall and 41 pounds. I am 4' 11". I can't carry this thrashing kid. I put him down. I tell him to walk. He screams! I gave my very first biff to the back of his head. Well I think it was a biff anyway. I am not sure if it was executed properly and I am not sure if it is considered a biff when it is the back of the head and not the front. It was my pinky and my ring finger but it felt like a biff.
The boy gets into the car after 25 minutes of dragging and clench teeth quiet yelling (my throat still hurts). He is out of breath and so am I! My daughter hasn't even made a peep. Thank God for small favors.
We get home and a friend and her family are walking up my driveway. I tell her candy is on the steps help herself. I tell her about my outing and she walks over to the car. Says, "Come here honey" to the boy. He goes to her. Takes her hand and proceeds to the end of the driveway.
What??? We are going trick-or-fucking-treating? I am shocked. She takes him to the first house holding onto his and her own sons hand. She is whooppping and running with them. I run back to the car. Grab my carriage, the girl, flashlights and glowsticks and proceed to have an awesome time with a well, mannered, well behaved precocious toddler. What the F!!!!!
So..needless to say..what started out as a shitty evening turned into something quite wonderful. Minus the pictures. After the first 45 minutes of my evening I was to drained to pull out a camera. If you know know I love my pictures.
I take off running, pushing the carriage with one hand and dragging the boy by with the other down the street. OK...time to slow down and have fun right?!
As we approach the group, the boy spots a wagon with two of his little friends in it. He has a wagon at home..he loves being in it..he wants in too. He asks to get in, I thrust a bag in his hand, give him a pat on the back and say, "Go, go, baby..say trick-or-treat and thank you. Go with your friends. Go get some candy."
Well, maybe for another kid this would have sounded like fun but not for my kid. He wanted in the wagon and he wanted in now. He starts jumping up and down and SHOUTING that he wants in. He is screaming at the top of his lungs about the wagon and throwing himself around. I am watching the cars, pushing the carriage, making sure he doesn't get run over by a car or crack his head open on the pavement and walking with now 250 other people all vying for the most, best candy.
We walk up to the first house and there is a 80ish year old women handing out candy. My son is screaming and trying to run. As I work myself, the trashing, screaming toddler and my carriage up the little path, passing people who already got candy and in front of those who want candy the women says something that I don't quite hear. I say "what?" I get closer, hold out the boys bag, tell him above his screaming to say trick-o-treating and thank you, she says it again. I hear something that sounds like..."Is he a little retardo?" I say, "What?" I let go of my son's hand and the carriage thinking I am going to drop fists with this old bat who has now highly insulted me and my son. I look her up and down thinking..B'otch, you have no idea what I have just gone through to get him to this damn door..get ready to bleed. I can take her! Shit she's only weighs about her age. As I am contemplating how I beat the piss out of her without my kids needing therapy for the next 15 years she says..."Is he Lucy Ricardo?" I unclenched my fists and after giving a weak smile, and a "yeah" drag the kid and the carriage back down the path to join the group.
My son is still asking..ok wait not asking...Screaming, thrashing, crying, jumping, throwing himself to the ground and hyperventilating that he wants the wagon. The group tries to make room. There is none!
I turn and ask if he wants to go home. He screams no! Do you want candy? No! Do you want to walk? No? As I am wishing I had brought some holy water to douse him with; I tell my friends to go ahead I am going to walk back to the car. Pushing the carriage with my tits..thank God they are good for something other than nursing. I half carry/drag the kid. He is all of 3.5 feet tall and 41 pounds. I am 4' 11". I can't carry this thrashing kid. I put him down. I tell him to walk. He screams! I gave my very first biff to the back of his head. Well I think it was a biff anyway. I am not sure if it was executed properly and I am not sure if it is considered a biff when it is the back of the head and not the front. It was my pinky and my ring finger but it felt like a biff.
The boy gets into the car after 25 minutes of dragging and clench teeth quiet yelling (my throat still hurts). He is out of breath and so am I! My daughter hasn't even made a peep. Thank God for small favors.
We get home and a friend and her family are walking up my driveway. I tell her candy is on the steps help herself. I tell her about my outing and she walks over to the car. Says, "Come here honey" to the boy. He goes to her. Takes her hand and proceeds to the end of the driveway.
What??? We are going trick-or-fucking-treating? I am shocked. She takes him to the first house holding onto his and her own sons hand. She is whooppping and running with them. I run back to the car. Grab my carriage, the girl, flashlights and glowsticks and proceed to have an awesome time with a well, mannered, well behaved precocious toddler. What the F!!!!!
So..needless to say..what started out as a shitty evening turned into something quite wonderful. Minus the pictures. After the first 45 minutes of my evening I was to drained to pull out a camera. If you know know I love my pictures.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Banshee Girl Update - I love and adore you baby girl
Way back in the day I wrote about Banshee Girl here and here and her spirit. Ok, truthfully it was her attitude that I wrote about.
She is and I imagine will always be a screamer. I don't mean a little tiny baby girl scream. I am talking about the kind that makes me want to hang like a cat from the ceiling by my finger and toe nails. I have thought about hiring her out if there is a horror movie in need of a scream. She reaches Mariah Carey notes. I sometimes do refer to her as Mariah. "Be quiet Mariah" "Stop it now Mariah" probably one of the reasons she doesn't seem to know her name.
These days she is adorable, loving, sweet and funny but still a friggin, God damn, nail on chalk board, torn in my eye screamer.
She sings, "Blue's Clues," "Happy Birthday," "Dorothy the Dinosaur" (Wiggle song for your novices), and tries to sing her alphabet but only knows the melody. She does know that there is an A, E, H and S but has no idea what they look like. I love when she tries to sing the itsy, bitsy spider. She does the finger thing and just says, "eeeeiiiiitttt, out! Too cute man! My husband likes when she says, "yeahheeyyy" after you sing something to her. My other favorite thing that she does is call her brother, "Jesse, Jesse." There is nothing like hearing your second offspring calling for your first. Who knew that I would have two!??

I love that she says, hi and bye to total strangers like she is the mayor. I love that she gives big loud, kisses on the mouth. I love that she holds her cat or doll and says, "ahhhhhhh baby!" I love that every drink or edible is just called "More" and if she wants up or down she says, "I want out." I love when someone sneezes she says "Bless you" and will stop nursing to say it to me. Cuuutee!

These days she is adorable, loving, sweet and funny but still a friggin, God damn, nail on chalk board, torn in my eye screamer.
She sings, "Blue's Clues," "Happy Birthday," "Dorothy the Dinosaur" (Wiggle song for your novices), and tries to sing her alphabet but only knows the melody. She does know that there is an A, E, H and S but has no idea what they look like. I love when she tries to sing the itsy, bitsy spider. She does the finger thing and just says, "eeeeiiiiitttt, out! Too cute man! My husband likes when she says, "yeahheeyyy" after you sing something to her. My other favorite thing that she does is call her brother, "Jesse, Jesse." There is nothing like hearing your second offspring calling for your first. Who knew that I would have two!??

I love that she says, hi and bye to total strangers like she is the mayor. I love that she gives big loud, kisses on the mouth. I love that she holds her cat or doll and says, "ahhhhhhh baby!" I love that every drink or edible is just called "More" and if she wants up or down she says, "I want out." I love when someone sneezes she says "Bless you" and will stop nursing to say it to me. Cuuutee!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Just some pics
Monday, September 25, 2006
Money, money, money
Today I reached my limit.
My life have been so stressful over the last 18 months. I have done really well about not letting myself get sick over how very scary things have become. Once upon a time...I was the girl who worried, stressed, puked, lost sleep, and cried over every fit and fart that rippled through my life. After having kids I decided that I would be more like my husband...if you have no control over something don't waste time stressing about it. So...when he left his job after our daughter was born to start his own business I thrust my arm in the air and yelled "yes, do it."
Obviously starting a business is stressful and takes time. Being the supportive, in-love, dutiful wifey that I am, I stood behind my man and sang his praises whenever a family member or girlfriend rallied that the timing was poor. When would the timing be right I asked them? Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and I totally stand behind him. I would hear, "he's lucky he is not married to me" or "I would be telling him to get his ass a job." I thought whatever...thankfully he is not married to you, he is married to me!
I still feel that way 18 months later...I hope and pray that everything will come together soon because I don't know how we will live otherwise.
Today, I was told that we would no longer be carried under our State Aid Health Insurance because we have $3,000 in savings more than allowed. I called them to ask for a informal conference to have them re-evaluate our paperwork. I told them that we have a house, an equity loan, car payments, winter coming so there will be oil payments, and that the $3,000 will be exhausted before they can finish our paperwork. I was told that the denial would stand until we show that we have spent the $3,000 and on what..then we could start our paperwork over again. Friggin government! The women was sympathetic but her hands are tied.
We are eligible for Wic but I refuse to take the kids to have blood drawn so that we can get food! My daughter would be fine but my son would have to be held down and that is just too traumatic for him and for me.
My husband is doing the best he can and I trust that he will take care of me and the kids. He told me today that everything will be ok and not to worry, but that is his job as a husband. I remain optimistic that everything will eventually work out but I am so scared sometimes.
Ok...deep breath..I just had to write it down so I could put it away for the night!
Today I reached my limit.
My life have been so stressful over the last 18 months. I have done really well about not letting myself get sick over how very scary things have become. Once upon a time...I was the girl who worried, stressed, puked, lost sleep, and cried over every fit and fart that rippled through my life. After having kids I decided that I would be more like my husband...if you have no control over something don't waste time stressing about it. So...when he left his job after our daughter was born to start his own business I thrust my arm in the air and yelled "yes, do it."
Obviously starting a business is stressful and takes time. Being the supportive, in-love, dutiful wifey that I am, I stood behind my man and sang his praises whenever a family member or girlfriend rallied that the timing was poor. When would the timing be right I asked them? Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and I totally stand behind him. I would hear, "he's lucky he is not married to me" or "I would be telling him to get his ass a job." I thought whatever...thankfully he is not married to you, he is married to me!
I still feel that way 18 months later...I hope and pray that everything will come together soon because I don't know how we will live otherwise.
Today, I was told that we would no longer be carried under our State Aid Health Insurance because we have $3,000 in savings more than allowed. I called them to ask for a informal conference to have them re-evaluate our paperwork. I told them that we have a house, an equity loan, car payments, winter coming so there will be oil payments, and that the $3,000 will be exhausted before they can finish our paperwork. I was told that the denial would stand until we show that we have spent the $3,000 and on what..then we could start our paperwork over again. Friggin government! The women was sympathetic but her hands are tied.
We are eligible for Wic but I refuse to take the kids to have blood drawn so that we can get food! My daughter would be fine but my son would have to be held down and that is just too traumatic for him and for me.
My husband is doing the best he can and I trust that he will take care of me and the kids. He told me today that everything will be ok and not to worry, but that is his job as a husband. I remain optimistic that everything will eventually work out but I am so scared sometimes.
Ok...deep breath..I just had to write it down so I could put it away for the night!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Catch up....

Basically life has gotten busy. I am not sure what is so different from a few weeks ago but days are speeding by. Monday is a play date, Tuesday pre-school and library and speech for my son, Wednesday special instruction, Mom and Tot group and speech for my son, Thursday pre-school and speech for my son and Friday special instruction for my son. Busy, busy...
Today I brought the precocious toddler to pre-school and (damn I need to change his name/blog; he is no longer a toddler). I pulled up and brought him to his teacher who was waiting outside. I asked if she wanted me to bring him to class and she said she would take him. I got in the car and started pulling away. I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw him looking at me. I realized that he had never seen me drive away because I usually bring him inside. I stopped the car and waited. Would he cry, run towards the car, throw himself on the ground? The teacher waited for another kid to get out of the car, took my son's hand and walked toward the school. I watched him watch me the whole time. His little face in my mirror, wondering where his mommy was going without him. After he went inside I stopped the car and ran to the window of his class room. Was he being consoled? Was he standing by the door crying? I tried 3 windows and couldn't find him. My heart raced. He was in the corner playing with another little boy perfectly fine. The teacher noticed me and pointed to him. She gave me the thumbs up and I shot her a big thumbs up back and headed to the car.
He totally doesn't need me. My big boy is getting so big. Scary.
Monday, September 11, 2006
September 11, 2001

A day I will never forget and everyone I know will never forget. As we approach the 5th Anniversary, I am consumed with watching all the television specials documenting the events of this devastating day. I remember where I was, who I was with and everything said that day. I remember crying and being asked did I know anyone working in the towers and answering, "thousands of strangers." I remember who I held onto as news of the towers falling were broadcast over the radio in my office. I will never forget being afraid like I was that day. I will always remember how we, all of us came together.
In honor of the American's and Non-American's who perished, D.C. Roe sent out a request. He asked that bloggers unite to write a tribute for each and every victim killed when two planes attacked the World Trade Center.
I was the 178th person to sign up and was assigned:
Joseph Anthony Eacobacci
I did not know Joey but through my research I have learned that he is someone that all of us would have loved to have in our lives.
Joseph's worked for Canter Fitzgerald on the 105th floor of Tower 1. He was 26 years old and engaged to Denise who he was with for 4 years.
In High School, he attended Holy Cross School from 88-90. He was one of the "cool" kids according to classmates. He always had a kind word for everyone.
He was a captain on the Georgetown Football team. A natural leader and an outstanding athlete.

Joey was according to friends and family; kind, smart, loving, caring, good looking, funny, loyal, warm, thoughtful, and a parent's dream. He was always smiling and full of energy.
He sounds like someone who had a lot of love and was the kind of person you wanted in your corner.
I have read whatever tribute I could find on Joey and most talked about his loyalty to his family, friends and fiancé. He loved unconditionally and without bounds.
Someone wrote Family, Friends, Football and Food. It is obvious that Joey was down to earth, kind hearted and funny.
It is ridiculous to think that his only crime was actually going to work that day along with the thousands who perished.
I, for one hope that we never forget that beautiful September morning when everything turned red, black and grey.
In honor of Joseph Anthony Eacobacci I vow to remember his name, and the day.
Along with the millions who mourn this day I pray for the souls of our brothers and sisters who had to give their lives so that we could become a stronger nation.
To Joey's family and friends, my heart aches for all of you to have lost such a beautiful soul. He was everything God had intended him to be. May God Bless you and everyone who hurts due to this hateful attack.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Damn Kid!!!
So Thursday was the Precocious Toddler's first day of preschool. I exhibited the basic maternal symptoms of nausea, a stress headache and the proverbial broken heart that my baby boy was so grown. My little guy was beginning a long, long road in his life and this meant something to me. I took the casual picture with his dad who would not be able to go to school with us, something about a job or money or something. PT did not want to stand for a picture so my husband got behind and as I called "PT" the husband smiled and well you get the idea.
On the way to school you would think that I was starting school I had such butterflies. We walked into the school. An aid asked him his name as we entered the school's main doors but he just screamed "noooooo" at her. My first thought, "Oh this should be a great experience, Not"!!!!

There were kids crying "I don't want to go" and some stressed out sweaty parents consoling but my son passed them all and walked right into his classroom. He started playing with some puzzles and saying "hi" to any kid who walked over. My plan was to walk around with Goddess and then slowly back out of the room. PT kept calling "Mommy" as he played. I guess he just wanted to make sure I was still there. As he was putting the puzzle back together a little boy sat down across from him. PT asks, "Chris what's wrong? What happened?" I think, "Oh my poor little guy. He knows so many Christopher's that he is calling all little boys Chris." I turn to the kid, and tell PT that not all kids are named Chris." I ask the little boy his name and God damn it, it was Christopher. So proud, my little guys picked that up by listening to conversations around him. I never give him enough credit.
I slowly got closer to the door, open it and slip out. As I walk to my car in the thickest fog I can remember being in I have no idea what to do with myself. I put Goddess in and head out with no direction. I end up in a friend's driveway, call her, she throws down the lifesaver, and I climb out of my deep, dark abyss. I know, I know..but I just left my baby boy with a room full of strangers, didn't say good-bye and drove away. I have Mommy Guilt people! Sue me.
I watch the clock ticking by defiantly slow. Then after much talking, water, cake and a shoulder to take my mind off of things I see that it is finally time for me to go pick up my sweet, loving, big brown eyed, affectionate, God I miss him so much, baby boy.
I walk into the school and hear screaming. Could it be? Could it be mine? Why didn't they call me? How long has he been screaming? As I approach the door, the teacher give the thumbs up and walks over. "Nope not yours. He was great, Smiled the whole time." I ask, "Did he ask for me"? "No, sorry she tells me." Honestly I am thankful that he didn't but I did feel a little tug on my heart.
I head outside to wait with other parents. I am ready for the door to fly open and for the sworm of kiddies to rush out screaming for their moms, dads, or what-have-you. I poise the video camera, holding the Goddess in my arms await for my little boy to come out and hug my legs as we tell each other how much we loved and missed each other.
The door flies open, PT is the second kid out. Amidst the screams of "Mommy", "Daddy" is my own voice "Baby Boy, Baby Boy!" True, I have it on video. I sound like a complete and utter idiot. After the initial "Mommy" as he flew out the door he shot past me, stopped to look at all the kids and parents hugging shrugged as if to say, "what is this lovefest for" and ran to play on the lawn. What the F Man???!!!
So when does my little boy cry? When I ask for a friggin hug!!! Threw himself on the ground and pretended to cry. Some well meaning person wanders over, asks if he is OK and I tell her, "Yeah, he's fine."
As I talk him into leaving I start walking and see his father (complete surprise, but a good one), I say, "Look, it's Daddy." My son flies down the sidewalk, throws up his arms, my husband swings him up, they hug and walk towards me. Damn Kid! In my mind that is what I had expected to happen for me. I mean I am happy that my husband got it and it warmed my heart but what the F man??
We shall see what happens next week, but his first day...rocked!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Why Am I Sitting Here Crying????
Tomorrow morning my baby boy will be starting pre-school. It seems only yesterday we were holed up in a hospital room getting to know each other. The rest of the world was quietly put on hold as I held my perfect, beautiful first born and examined every finger, toe and crease on his body. He was mine and oh yeah his father's but for those four days in the hospital he was selfishly mine alone.
I watched him tonight as he played with his toys, he has a different favorite every few days. They are tenderly carried around as he goes about his day. They sit at the table with him, go in the car with us, and sleep with him. Tonight it was The Higglytown Heroes that we picked up at the Disney store today. Cuuttee!!! He came into the living room where I was watching Rockstar Supernova and said "Mommy?" I said, "Baby Boy" he said "Mommy" we go back and forth like that for 10 minutes sometimes. He ran out of the room and I teared up thinking about how one day he will be too grown to think about sharing silly games with me, his biggest fan.
His clothes are laid out. He is asleep and all I can think about is tomorrow. This will be the first time since he was 5 months old that I have dropped him off anywhere. I hope I can get through it!!!
I vow to hold the tears back tomorrow and not take more than 300 pictures of him going to school but after I get back home to await for the close of his very first day (2 1/2 hours) away from me all bets are off.
I watched him tonight as he played with his toys, he has a different favorite every few days. They are tenderly carried around as he goes about his day. They sit at the table with him, go in the car with us, and sleep with him. Tonight it was The Higglytown Heroes that we picked up at the Disney store today. Cuuttee!!! He came into the living room where I was watching Rockstar Supernova and said "Mommy?" I said, "Baby Boy" he said "Mommy" we go back and forth like that for 10 minutes sometimes. He ran out of the room and I teared up thinking about how one day he will be too grown to think about sharing silly games with me, his biggest fan.
His clothes are laid out. He is asleep and all I can think about is tomorrow. This will be the first time since he was 5 months old that I have dropped him off anywhere. I hope I can get through it!!!
I vow to hold the tears back tomorrow and not take more than 300 pictures of him going to school but after I get back home to await for the close of his very first day (2 1/2 hours) away from me all bets are off.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Fl-ow Fl-ow Cuuuttee
Yesterday I put my daughter in a pair of sandals that have a separate space for the big toe (there must be some flipping name for them but not having a shoe fetish I have no clue). I must have a friggin shoe thing.
This for some reason was one of the cutest things I have ever seen. She sat down on the floor and kept pointing to the flowers "fl-ow fl-ow." Yes sweetie, those are flowers. I do not have a shoe thing myself, but to see her in these adorable shoes made me crazy.

Monday, August 28, 2006
Somehow this is my 170th post!!!
Who know I had so much to say???
Just wanted to respond to a friends blog
I am not sure if I did something wrong but I really just wanted to respond to a friend's blog. I was told to sign up to which I did. I guess starting my own could be fun too. Hell, I keep up with two kids journals, and two kid baby books so why not write for myself too? Right now I am sitting on the couch, both kids are finally asleep for the moment; my husband is watching Black Hawk Down for the 20th time and I was going to just find something to read online. But, here I sit writing about nothing which is what most bloggers do anyway. Why anyone would be interested in reading this is beyond me but whatever. I could have ended this like 5 sentences ago yet, I keep on chugging with really nothing to say. Well, actually I have tons to say but I am too damn tired to get into it right now so I guess I will sign off with a promise to myself to keep on blogging. Later!
Just wanted to respond to a friends blog
I am not sure if I did something wrong but I really just wanted to respond to a friend's blog. I was told to sign up to which I did. I guess starting my own could be fun too. Hell, I keep up with two kids journals, and two kid baby books so why not write for myself too? Right now I am sitting on the couch, both kids are finally asleep for the moment; my husband is watching Black Hawk Down for the 20th time and I was going to just find something to read online. But, here I sit writing about nothing which is what most bloggers do anyway. Why anyone would be interested in reading this is beyond me but whatever. I could have ended this like 5 sentences ago yet, I keep on chugging with really nothing to say. Well, actually I have tons to say but I am too damn tired to get into it right now so I guess I will sign off with a promise to myself to keep on blogging. Later!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
- Baby sat today for a 10 month old strangers kid. Did it for the money don't really want to take time away from mine but is money and I am really good at the kid thing. He was sweet and I get him again tomorrow.
- Started a Flickr account
- My son starts preschool on September 7th. I called a local school, they gave me a significant reduction on the monthly cost due to my lack of funds these days and I couldn't turn it up. I think this will be really good for him but I am scared to death. I know this is really what he needs so I am game. He will have to go to school eventually so I may as well get used to it now.
- My husband started a night job two nights a week while we wait for his company to start turning a profit. It's hard to not have him here on those two evenings and I can't sleep until he comes home so I am living on 4 hours of broken sleep these days, down from 5-6 hours of broken sleep. I guess I'll sleep when I am dead.
- Love Big Brother All-Star - it is the only thing I religiously watch these days beside General Hospital.
- Rockstar Supervova has become my new guilty pleasure. I love it! Ryan Star and Dilana kick ass!
- I am enjoying being 40! Just a number man.
- My husband is awesome. He is a good husband, a great father and a wonderful man. He takes care of his family and I know that I can lean on him. I know that there is nothing that he cannot do and I trust him with my life and the lives of our children.
- Dude, what is up with this whole thing? Pluto is no longer a friggin planet. Stop fucking with my shit man!!! I guess I have to remove it from my son's ceiling light now. How friggin confusing. I guess my Trivia Pursuit games are obsolete now.
- John Kerr is a freak and whether he killed Jon Benet or not, he should be fried just for breathing.
Friday, August 18, 2006
More Pics while I wait for time to blog

Brand New Baby Alert!
Who can resist this little adorable face? This is baby Rachel. She came into the world one month ago and I have only held her once. Time for another baby fix really soon. Cuuuttee!!
My Beautiful Daughter

My Sweet Little Man - I adore his little Muppet Face

Monday, August 14, 2006
Suck on this!!!
Geez..while I have been away from blogging there has been some hoopla about the July BabyTalk Magazine because there is a picture of a mom breastfeeding on the cover.
I will never understand the problem with this. I am not sure if people have forgotten that the reason we have been given breasts in the first place was so that we could friggin feed our babies. They are not just fun bags to entertain men. They are actually living, breathing, fleshly, ready to serve, milk filled bottles for our offspring.
Breast feeding is not for everyone. I for one try not to feed my daughter in public but if I actually had to I would have no problem doing it nor would I run to find a bathroom stall (gross) to feed her. I am discreet and no one even has to know that she is eating.
How much longer am I going to breastfeed has become the question I feel I am constantly answering. The answer...I don't really know. As long as my daughter wants to! She will not be nursing past four that is for sure, and if she wanted to stop now I would be ok with that too. She is slowly weaning herself so I guess we will see. My son weaned himself at 10 months so it's anyone's guess.
I will never understand the controversy on some things. I have a live and let live attitude but that is just me. I think there are people who should stop smoking, stop talking, stop driving, stop drinking, stop shopping, stop cursing; I am not telling them to stop so why should I have to stop something I am doing? Something that doesn't effect their lives in any way.
Here's a big F you to anyone who thinks that seeing someone's breast as they feed their little ones is a problem.
If you don't like it...stop staring!!!

I will never understand the problem with this. I am not sure if people have forgotten that the reason we have been given breasts in the first place was so that we could friggin feed our babies. They are not just fun bags to entertain men. They are actually living, breathing, fleshly, ready to serve, milk filled bottles for our offspring.
Breast feeding is not for everyone. I for one try not to feed my daughter in public but if I actually had to I would have no problem doing it nor would I run to find a bathroom stall (gross) to feed her. I am discreet and no one even has to know that she is eating.
How much longer am I going to breastfeed has become the question I feel I am constantly answering. The answer...I don't really know. As long as my daughter wants to! She will not be nursing past four that is for sure, and if she wanted to stop now I would be ok with that too. She is slowly weaning herself so I guess we will see. My son weaned himself at 10 months so it's anyone's guess.
I will never understand the controversy on some things. I have a live and let live attitude but that is just me. I think there are people who should stop smoking, stop talking, stop driving, stop drinking, stop shopping, stop cursing; I am not telling them to stop so why should I have to stop something I am doing? Something that doesn't effect their lives in any way.
Here's a big F you to anyone who thinks that seeing someone's breast as they feed their little ones is a problem.
If you don't like it...stop staring!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006
Happy Birthday to Me....

I am officially 40 as of 7:38 pm tonight. It is strange to think that 40 years ago my mom was healthy and a first time mom. What a beautiful day weather wise.
Today was fairly quiet but after yesterday that is the way to go..
My Birthday Luau yesterday was so much fun. There was me and 8 of my closet friends eating, drinking, and talking. I started cooking Friday night, and finished in the morning while my sister decorated my deck. Guests arrived by 2:00 p.m. and the party began. Being the first to reach 4o out of my peeps makes me feel older but hell what do they say these days? Something about 40 being the new 30?
My husband took (for the first time by himself) both kids out so that I didn't have to host and mother. That alone was a gift in itself. He need not get me anything.
Here are some pics from the day.
My sis and me

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