In September I wrote of a friend who needed a liver. I am happy to report that she is doing well and did indeed get the liver she needed to live! God rest the soul of her doner .
I have been getting drive by updates from her husband (whenever I drove by their home I would ask how she was doing). He was always optimistic and said he would tell her that I was thinking about her.
Last night I went by her home to drop off a basket I put together for her recovery. Nice warm flannel pj's, lavender linen spray for her pillow, lavender candle, lavender lotion, a journal, and a quick, witty, light, unemotional paperback. I was going to hand off the basket to her hubby and get back to my kids. I knocked on her door and guess who answered...She did! Holy S-H-I-T. I could not believe my eyes or my ears as she invited me in. I thought she would be lying in bed, sleeping, relaxing, or whatever and here she was hugging me.
We sat at her table as she described the last few months of her exhausting life. We discussed our last meeting and I told her that I could not believe that I was sitting here talking to her. I never thought I was going to see her again. She said that right after our tea time everything snow balled. She mentioned how close to death she had been, how much pain, how tired she was and how she had accepted that she was going to die. She was ready and asked the doctors to stop working on her. She didn't want to take a liver if it meant that someone else would better benefit from it (that's her, always caring about others). The doctors told her that, "earth would be a better place with her in it and that he was going to do what he could to make that happen."
I told her that if this doesn't tell her how much she should be here nothing would. Her job on earth is not done and I am excited to see what God has in store for her. I told her that no one gets three chances at life. She said that it was funny that I said that because on her birthday her family sang Happy Birthday to her three times. Once for her first life before a liver transplant and one for each rebirth.
I couldn't hug her enough. I was afraid I would hurt her because she is frail and her scar is still healing but when she hugged I hugged with gusto. She is stunning even with her scar and her loss of muscle from bed rest.
Debbie, you will always be my walking, talking earth Angel. You are truly special and blessed. Someone up there loves you deeply and we down here love you too. Your inner strength is amazing and your inner light shines so bright that I need shades. I am a better person for just knowing you. I wish for your new life to be filled with peace, love, happiness, and joy. God bless you and he blessed me by keeping you here! I love you.
Angel Image by www.creationsbydawn.net
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