I am from...
I am from family outings that lasted from morning to night; beginning with bacon and eggs over the BBQ to smores at dusk. Swimming and laughing with friends and playing all day with my sisters.
I am from paper dolls cut from the Montgomery Ward and Sears catalog hoping that I got first dibs before my sister’s took the best pictures.
I am from dancing in front of my mirror with a hair brush to the tunes of my youth.
I am from playing in the raked leaves, climbing up the tall trees, swimming in the creek, dancing in the streets, struggling in the heat and marching to my own beat.

I am from posters on my wall, stuffed animals on my bed, and dear diary sessions that last for hours.
I am from egg creams made with love and letter shaped pancakes for birthdays.
I am from lying in the dandelions and watching the clouds roll by after spinning too long at the playground.
I am from dogs and cats, puppies and kittens that were always being born but never stuck around long.
I am from Sunday dresses, white gloves, lacy headscarves and tiny handbags with silver clasps while I tried not to swing my legs and hit the pews in front me while listening to the guitars during folk mass.

I am from catching frogs, fireflies, butterflies, ladybugs and salamanders and holding them for hours before letting them go.
I am from scraped knees, bug bites, and sunburn
I am from skipping stones, jumping rope, relay races and playing man hunt.
I am from Kool-Aid pops, jiffy pop, peanut butter and banana sandwiches on wonder bread, big glasses of milk and homemade donuts

I am from Pufnstuf, Magic Garden, Brady Bunch, The Munsters, Gilligan’s Island, Little House on the Prairie and Shirley Temple Theatre on Sundays.

I am from Holly Hobbie, Pippi Longstocking, Chinese Checkers, and Twister

I am from ponchos, gauchos, prairie skirts, and plaid pants.
I am from Brownies, Girl Scouts, sleepovers and note passing.

I am from sickness, sorrow and secrets
I am from loneliness, lies and tears
I am from hope and healing
I am from here and I am from there
I am from her and I am from him
I am from me