Here they are in all their glory; size 4 1/2, white, adorable, sandels. Right out of the box, full of possibilities but to me they just make me want to cry.

We have entered toddlerhood. I now have a toddler and a preschooler. Yes, pity me! Craziness, chaos and calamity makes up what once was a happy, quiet, and well-rested home. We are still a happy home but quiet and well rested well..not so much.

it's even sadder when you pack up the baby shoes knowing no one is going to wear them anymore!!! they grow way too fast!!!
ReplyDeleteLala, Oh God...please I can't take anymore. I don't even want to think that far. I can only imagine. When I put baby things away as my son became a toddler I was ok with the fact that I would be having hopefully another baby but this..oh God. She is my last. When I took the bumper down from the crib it killed me. The other day I gave away the infant car seat carrier and the exersaucer. The car seat was so hard too..because I carried both of them around for quite a few months. Time to cry.
ReplyDeleteGood for you for getting good shoes for your kid :)
ReplyDeleteI never thought I would end up spending $40 a pair on kids' shoes, but my son's little fat toddler feet didn't even come *close* to fitting into a pair of normal width shoes. He can almost fit into normal shoes now, but the Stride Rite shoes wear so well...
And your daughter is adorable, BTW :)
ReplyDeleteIs there anything more sentimental than a pair of Stride Rite walkers? Even though I'm a huge fan of Bear Feet shoes, I still had to get Faith a pair of Stride Rites.. even bought the little bell buckles for the ties.
ReplyDeleteCould she be any more precious with the white hat? I don't think so. sigh..