Friday, October 26, 2007

My Media Kit

Hello and welcome,

My name is Maria. I am a full time mom of two who enjoys networking, photography, jewelry making, scrap-booking, reading and writing for Maria's Space and substituting as a teachers aide with K-8th grade students as well as working part time in a daycare with toddlers. It is a busy, busy life

If you are a company or a PR person, please feel free to contact me directly for any networking opportunities.

Would you like a review on your product, service, website? I love reviewing products and sharing, especially if the product works, makes life easier, is fun, tastes good, or is just pretty.  I enjoy trying new products and giving my readers my honest opinion.

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  • Sponsorships ARE always appreciated! If possible, please include two products so that I can offer a giveaway to readers. Giveaways are a great opportunity to increase exposure to your product.
  • All giveaways link back to you. Great advertisement since I post the giveaway on various giveaway sites, my entertainment blog and my RSS feed goes to 10 separate locations.
  • Giveaways usually run for 2 weeks with the hopes of bringing as many people to your site.
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  • Please email me at: ree026 (at)
  • There are no charges or fees associated with our review process. Please try to include some marketing material so that I can do a thorough review
  • Review of your product will be posted within 2 weeks of receiving with a link sent to you.
  • Please let me know if you want the review sent to you before it goes live.
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  • Sponsorships ARE always appreciated! If possible, please include two products so that I can offer a giveaway to readers. Giveaways are a great opportunity to increase exposure to your product.
  • All giveaways link back to you. Great advertisement since I post the giveaway on various giveaway sites, my entertainment blog and my RSS feed goes to 5 separate locations.
  • Giveaways usually run for 2 weeks with the hopes of bringing as many people to your site.
  • Please provide if possible a 125 x 125 (or smaller) button which will be in the sidebar for the duration of your campaign.
  • A winner will be chosen using Giveaway Tools and will be notified of the win within 1-3 days. They have 3 days to claim their prize or another winner will be chosen.
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  • Once the campaign is completed, you may use portions of the reviews on your site (with appropriate linkbacks where applicable).

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I look forward to networking with you! 

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Maria Gagliano (ree026 (at) )

Sunday, April 08, 2007

New Blog at WordPress

I will probably keep the two of them up for now but I think I am heading over to Wordpress.

My new blog is In the Blink of an Eye can be found here

If you have a chance, let me know what you think.


Saturday, April 07, 2007

Tribute and Easter Post

Tonight as I do on every April 7th since 1978 I think about my mom. She will be dead 29 years this year, that seems so ridiculous. It is a life time ago and yesterday.

I was 12 when she passed away from Cancer. It is amazing how the lose of such an integral part of your core makes life so complicated. There is not a day that goes by that I am not affected by the loss of my mother. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t wonder how my life would have turned out had she not died. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t wish that my children were able to feel her arms around them to see her joy in knowing and loving them.

There will never be a day that I don’t miss her with every single fiber in my soul.
As I sit here with tears streaming down my face wishing I could feel her, hear her, smell her, touch her once again I am so thankful for everything that is my life but I can’t help but wonder why. Why, she was taken from me. Why she had to suffer. Why I had to see so much. Why my babies will never know their grandmother.

Last year I wrote about my mom and my grandmother and how they share the same birth and death date. I believe that everything happens for a reason however I would love to know the reason. I have always felt that the reason for them to have the same dates was to prove to me and anyone who cared to believe that there was something bigger than all of us. Fate? Maybe. Coincidence? Maybe.

Last years post with more detail can be found here.

The love I feel for these two pivotal people in my life is still as strong as the last time we drew breath together.

I love and miss you Mommy and Grandma and I think and pray for you every night.

As for Easter….

Today, the kids and I colored eggs (sort of). They colored their hands, the tray that had the dye for the eggs and that is about it. The Hoff took pictures (Thanks Honey) which is really nice since I am usually the one with the camera so all my pictures with the kids are staged using my timer.

Tonight I put their Easter Baskets together and can’t wait for them to see them. I loved Easter when I was a kid. I hope that I can make their Easter as special as I felt it was.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Potty Training is going to be the Death Of Me

So I am undertaking the humungo, painful task of training my soon to be 4 year old. I had vowed to myself.. that he would not turn 1 with a bottle, 3 with a pacifier and 4 in diapers. The bottle and pacifier are long forgotten but the diapers are another story. We have gone done this road before (and here) but he was never really ready. I truly think he isn’t sure if he wants to be a big kid yet. I think I have to make the whole idea of being a big kid very exciting. We’ll see how it goes.

I went out on Sunday to purchase a bazillion pairs of underwear. When I got home I handed him the bag. He took it and said, ”for me?” I told him, “yes, they are for you. Here are your big boy underwear.”

Monday, I asked him if he wanted to put them on he said no! Very firmly I might add. I didn’t push it figuring I would try again tomorrow (Tuesday).

Tuesday I took a different approach; as I was dressing him for the day I put the underwear on instead of diapers. I told him that he was getting to be such a big boy and that it was time to start going to the bathroom like Mommy and Daddy. He started his mantra, he has been saying it for about three months now, “Mommies, go potty, Daddy’s go potty, Nicholas goes potty, the Wiggles go potty, hippopotamuses go potty.” I always follow with “yes, everyone goes potty and soon you will too.”

Tuesday being our first official day of potty training. We had two accidents. Why, well mostly because the damn kid flat out refuses to sit on the toilet. How can I get him to potty train if he doesn’t sit on the damn toilet? When he did he gave me about a teaspoon of urine before he said he was done. I think he was just freaked out about seeing it happen. He held out for 6 hours without going and finally the flood gates let loose and he soaked himself and everything around him. He was literally dripping from his pants as he cried in actual pain. He has severe excemza and has a lot of open sores on his legs from scratching himself until he bleeds. We cleaned him up and told him he just has to tell us he wants to go and we will take him.

He sat on the potty Wednesday, we had 2 pee accidents and 1 poop accident. He did sit on the toilet three times but never did go. I haven’t rushed t0 clean him when he has an accident. I know it hurts his legs. He cries in pain and as much as it pains me, I am hoping that he associates not going on the potty with pain. I don’t leave him long probably about 2 minutes instead of immediately.

Thursday, yesterday we had 2 more pee accidents and 1 poop accident. Oh well, it’s only the third day right? This is going to take a while and patience is very necessary.
Today, he sat on the toilet in the morning. Nothing. He had an accident about an hour later. He sat on the toilet about 2 times between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Around 11:00 a.m. he asked to go downstairs. I told him that he could go if he went to the bathroom first. He did and peed about a tablespoon of urine. I high fived, low fived, middle fived, foot fived. Jumped up and down and stood on my head celebrated. I was thrilled. I told him he was a big boy and told him he could go downstairs. He cried out 2 minutes later that he was wet. Another accident. What the F man!?

He sat down 2 times after and did pee on the toilet. I am so happy. I can’t even explain how proud I am. I know that I will be cleaning up a lot of accidents in the next few weeks but I am hoping to have this thing down by the end of the summer.

Looking on the bright side…I am just thrilled that after 2 days I can finally get him on the toilet without a tantrum.

Jesse, you are such a big boy, getting bigger everyday. I am so proud of you. You are the sweetest boy, so spirited and funny. How did I ever get so lucky to be chosen as your momma? I love you sweet baby boy. You are my heart on legs and I couldn’t breathe without you. I love how you hug me and caress my face. I love how you ask me if I want to read (be still my heart). I love how you look for your sister when she isn’t in view. I love to hear you sing. Your sweet little voice makes me smile from ear to ear. I love everything about you sweetie. Love, Mommy

Friday, March 30, 2007

Two heads are better than one

I love when they sit together

Cheese cake pose

Cheese cake pose
Originally uploaded by on_angel_wings2001.
Sup with this cheeky pose?

My Old Man

Last week was my husband's 36th birthday. It is crazy to me how long I know him. I met him two months after his 20th birthday. 16 years have flown by! Christ where did it go? 1 house and 2 kids later, but it still seems like yesterday. I can remember our first meeting and everything after as if it just happened. He's a difficult man but a good man. A complicated dude but a fair man. Sensitivity isn't in his personality. He is a solid man. I never feel unsafe. I know that he will do what he has to do to take care of his family. He is not for the faint at heart. You need a backbone to be in his life and you can't take yourself too seriously he wouldn't dream of letting you. He is smart, calculated, hard to read, funny, likable, opinionated, chauvinistic and a smart ass but he's my smart ass and I love him.

This year is the first year that my kids are excited and understand what parties are so the days leading up to my husband's birthday on March 22nd were spent saying, "not today; Daddy's birthday is in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, day/days." I am not sure what they expected but after cake and presents they still were asking when the party was.

Written in the card from the kids I wrote:

Dear Daddy,

You are tons of fun whether in the sun or playing in the water.
So it’s on the deck what the heck it’s with your son and daughter.

We sit and wait, investigate the sounds outside the window, the van pulls up, Daddy’s home let’s play you’re tired but you do anyway.

Day is done, one goes to bed with a weary head while you play the other’s cradle.

The bed is packed, mom’s neck is whacked and that’s a fact but what can you do? We stick to you two like glue.

We love you Daddy, mom does too can we play more games with you?

Love, J&S

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Webkinz Stole My Life

Where have I been? I was just thinking it has been forever since I blogged and I have so much to write about.

I got myself involved in Webkinz World.

If you don't know what it is..check it. You get a stuffed animal with a code that gets entered onto the website and low and behold your pet online. Cuuutee. Then you get it a house, furnish it, feed it, make sure it is happy and healthy, play games to make more kinzcash for more fun and exciting stuff for your pet. Come to think of it, if you are a parent this would probably be redundant.

Fun, safe, educational environment for your kiddies. My kids love it.

If you end up getting a cyber pet, let me know. Maybe our pets could chill at each others house one day, play a game, catch a snooze, or whatever.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Child Chatter

Idea stolen from the beautiful and talented Holli

Driving back from the supermarket on Sunday I caught my son's eyes in the rear view mirror.

Son - You smiling Mom?

Me - Yes, baby! I am smiling.

Son - We have fun times Mommy.

Me - (Heart swelling out of my chest) Yes, sweetie, we DO have fun times.

Changing my son's diaper this morning...

Son - Change my diaper?

Me - Ok, lie down

Son - I've got a big butt

Me - No honey, you have a little butt. Where do you get this stuff from?

Son - You've got a big butt mommy?

Me - (inside my head; "You've got that straight!") No honey. We don't go around telling people they have big butts.

Son - You have a small butt mommy?

Me - Yup, honey I do but we don't go around talking about people's butts. Ok?

Driving my son to school this morning, I listened to him talk with his sister. He says words and then she says the same word back.

Son - Lake

Baby girl - Wake

Son- Cat-eh-pill-ah

Baby girl - catefiler

Son - Sun

Baby girl - Sun

Son- Dog

Baby girl - Dog

Son - Cow

Baby girl - Cow, moo moo

Son - Very good, well done. Awesome job. You are a big boy

Me - Very nice. Thanks for being so encouraging but she is a girl

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

50 Random Questions

1. What Curse Word Do You Use The Most? Fuck! There I said it. Fuck, fuck, fuck...I love that word.

2. Do You Own An iPod? Nope

3. What Person On Your Top 8 Do You Talk To The Most? Susan

4. What Time Is Your Alarm Clock Set To? Clock? I have toddlers who needs a friggin clock?

5. Do You Want To Fall In Love? Ok?!

6. Do You Wear Flip-Flops When It's Cold? Yup but not outside duh!

7. Would You Rather Take The Picture Or Be In The Picture? I love taking pictures but I also would love to once in a while be in a picture not just on self timer.

8. What Was The Last Movie You Watched? Some sucky movie called Stay Alive.

9. Do Any Of Your Friends Have Children? Most of them

10. Has Anyone Ever Called You Lazy? Nope

11. Do You Ever Take Medication To Help You Fall Asleep? Nope....I have 2 kids who never let me sleep but I would never take something that would help me sleep. I am jealous of those Lunesta commercials. Everyone looks so damn comfy.

12. What CD is currently in your c.d. player? Melissa Etheridge Greatest Hits.

13. Do You Prefer Regular Or Chocolate Milk? Either; regular is great. I love chocolate too.

14. Has anyone told you a secret this week? It sounds so juvenille but yes.

15. When Was The Last Time You Had Starbucks? Last week. Love me some Starbucks

16. Can You Whistle? Nope


18. Do You Think People Talk About You Behind Your Back? Nope..but if they did I could care less. I spent years worrying about what people think of me.

19. Did you ever watch cartoons as a child? Yup.

20. What Movie Do You Know Every Line to? I don't think there is a movie I know every line to. I know every line to every Wiggle video tape we own but not a movie. I know tons of lines from History of the World and Young Frankenstein though.

21. Have You Ever Done The Dirty In A Field? Nope

23. Do You Own Any Band T-Shirts? Yup.

24. What Is Your Favorite Salad Dressing? I like oil and vinegar

25. Is Anyone In Love With You? I hope my husband is but I know my kids are

26. Do You Do Your Own Dishes? Ain't no one else going to.

27. Ever Cry In Public? Yup.

28. Are You On A Desktop Computer Or A Laptop? Laptop

29. Are You Currently Wanting Any Piercing Or Tattoos? Nope

30. What’s The Weather Like? It's bloody cold mate.

31. Would You Ever Date Anyone Covered In Tattoos? Yummy. I totally am into tats and piercings

32. What Did You Do Before This? Feed the natives

33. When Was The Last Time You Slept On The Floor? this something people do often?

34. How Many Hours Of Sleep Do You Need To Function? Don't know since I haven't functioned or slept since having my kids. I get about 3-6 broken hours of sleep a night.

35. Do You Eat Breakfast Daily? Yes, it's my favorite meal

36. Are Your Days Full And Fast Paced? Yup, except today I was leisurely lazy

37. Do You Pay Attention To The Calories In The Package/Box? Sometimes

38. Do You Use Sarcasm? Sometimes because it never works for me. People take me too seriously my delivery must suck or something

40. Are You Picky About Spelling And Grammar? More than I deserve to be

41. Have You Ever Been To Six Flags? Great Adventure? Sure

43. Do You Get Along Better With The Same Sex Or The Opposite? Either.

44. Do You Like Mustard? Yes

45. Do You Sleep On Your Side, Stomach Or Back? Used to be my back. Now I am nursing or hugging a toddler so I sleep however I get it.

46. Do You Watch The News? Nightly

47. How Did You Get One Of Your Scars? Removal of a precancerous problem

48. Who Was The Last Person To Make You Mad? My husband

49. Do You Like Anybody?

50. What Is The Last Thing You Purchased?

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Create a Connection - Getting to know you

Here is the questionnaire Swampgirl posted on Create A Connection for today. If you play along, please let me know. I would love to read yours.

1a. What is one thing about your body that you hate, deny, talk trash about?
Well, I don't hate anything about my body but there are a few things that aren't the same as they were before. I could say I hate my stomach pouch, (I always had a flat belly until kids), but carrying my big babies while pregnant did that to me (1 was 9.5 lbs, the other 7.5 lbs). I could also say I hate my c-section scar, but my babies entered the world through there. I could also hate my not so perky boobs, but they feed 2 babies (still nursing one). I could hate the lines around my eyes, mouth and forehead but you know what I got those from laughing. My grey hairs, well I was lucky they didn't come until I was 35 and pregnant with my 1st. My mom and sisters were grey in their 20s. I could hate the scar on my breast where a precancerous cell was removed but I prefer the scar over the cancer...basically I love it all!

2a. What is one thing about your home that doesn't feel good? My kitchen! I love cooking and spend a lot of time in there. It is a large room but not very functional. My counter space is only about 12" x 16" what can you do with that? The cabinets are ugly, the walls need paint, the counter top put the Ug in ugly and the stove top works when it wants to.

2b. What is one thing you can do to change that? Well, lets the lottery! No, actually I intend to make a change very soon by painting the cabinets and the walls. It is the easiest, cheapest change I can make right now.

3a. Is there a relationship that you have difficulty with? I guess the relationship with my husband is the most difficult right now. We have different priorities at the moment and I have moved quite a few rungs down the ladder of importancy in his life at the moment. I am a sensitive women who feels things very deeply and he is the kind of man who is very literal and has no time for long talks about what I need right now. Nothing against him and I am not looking for suggestions on how to make things work because there is not a relationship problem there is a priority problem. I have not blogged about it and probably won't.

3b. What is something small you can do to either salvage it or come to terms with the way it is now?
Nothing at the moment. I am doing everything I can and so is he. I have come to terms with it. I think in any relationship, you have to decide what you can live with for the rest of your life and not everything is going to be perfect.

4a. Is there something you are afraid to do, but would like to try it? I am afraid to sing in front of people. I don't know when that happened because I used to be a big karaoke singer in my early 20s. When there was a loll in participation the host would hand me and my friend the mic and we would sing until someone else wanted to. I would love to get up on stage and belt out a song.

4b. What can you do to begin a plan to try it? At the moment I will continue singing for my children and if the time, place, feeling is right who knows...

Friday, February 23, 2007

Photo Thursday

Yesterday was Tammy's last day to host Photo Thursday at Creative Connections.

The theme she chose is Fun.
The things I do for fun I couldn't possibly post on my blog for the world to see.

Mostly what I do for fun is play with my kids. I love playing with them. Singing, Dancing, Pony rides, 100 rounds of Ring O Round the Rosy, and then some. I also love taking tons and tons of pictures of them and playing with Photoshop. I hold a few photo sessions a month and just snap away.
Here are some pictures of the kids and some Photoshop Pictures that I think are fun.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Getting To Know You

Swamp Grrl is hosting Get to Know You Day for February over at a group I belong to called Create a Connection. Check it out!

1. What is your favorite word? Adore and Mommy
2. What is your least favorite word? I hate quite a few of them but here are some C*nt, B*tch, Hate
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Things that make me feel or think. Music, My children and Gods gifts (sunsets, flowers, rain, natures colors)

4. What turns you off? People who are haters. Singlemindedness, simplemindedness and people who can't or refuse to see the whole picture.

5. What is your favorite curse word? So easy...F*ck
6. What sound or noise do you love? My kids singing, my husband saying he loves me, rain, and the sound of my kids sleeping
7. What sound or noise do you hate? Static and my kids crying in pain
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I would love to be a farmer
9. What profession would you not like to do? I could never work sanitation or clean other peoples filth in any way.
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? You were everything I intended you to be. Good job! Your Mom is right over there.


You had that Fisher Price Doctor's Kit with a stethoscope that actually worked.
Unfortunately not, I had already grown out of this type of toy when it came out.

You owned a bicycle with a banana seat and a plastic basket with flowers on it.
I TOTALLY had a bike with a banana seat and a basket with flowers.

You thought Gopher from Love Boat was cute (admit it!)
I never thought Gopher was cute.

You had nightmares after watching Fantasy Island.
No! Why?

You learned to skate with actual skates (not roller blades) that had metal wheels.
My skates had plastic/rubber wheels but I think that is because I learned in the 80s

You had either a "bowl cut" or "pixie", not to mention the "Dorothy Hamill". People sometimes thought you were a boy.

I never had any of these cuts. I wanted to be Stevie Nicks. My hair was always long.

You had rubber boots for rainy days and Moon boots for snowy days.

YEAH! You owned a "Slip-n-Slide", on which you injured yourself on a sprinkler head more than once.

Never had the Dorothy Hamill, Moon boots (whatever that is), or a Slip N Slid

You owned "Klick-Klacks" and smacked yourself in the face more than once !
I had Kabangers - KaBangers, to the left, KaBangers to the right. Kabangers, Kabangers, Kabangers Dynomite. Kabangers.

Your Holly Hobbie sleeping bag was your most prized possession.
No! Holly Hobbie sleeping bag but a lot of Holly Hobbie things

You wore a poncho, gauchos, and knickers.
I did wear gouchos and panchos but I have no idea what the hell a knicker is. I believe that is what they call underwear in some countries.

You begged Santa for the electronic game, Simon.
I didn't have Simon nor did I want it but my sister had it and we played a lot

You had the Donnie and Marie dolls with those pink and purple satiny shredded outfits, or the sunshine family
I DID have Donny and Marie dolls but I think I had Donny and my little sister had Marie or vice
versa. I still have Donny somewhere in my closet.

You spent hours in your backyard on your metal swing set with the trapeze. The swing set tipped over at least once.
I had a swing set but it NEVER tipped. It threatened whenever we were on it but never actually did.

You had homemade ribbon barrettes in every imaginable color
I never did the ribbon thing but my family weren't crafty folks

You had a pair of Doctor Scholl's sandals (the ones with hard sole & the buckle). You also had a
pair of salt-water sandals.
Dr. Scholls...oh yeah...I loved them, probably why my feet always hurt now and why I go
monthly for a shot in my heel for my spur. Damn getting old sucks sometimes. I have no idea what salt-water sandals are

You wanted to be Laura Ingalls Wilder really bad; you wore that Little House on the Prairie-inspired plaid, ruffle shirt with the high neck in at least one school picture; and you despised Nellie Oleson!
I never had Laura clothes but man I wanted to be her and I totally wanted Charles Ingalls to be my dad. I DID hate Nelly.

You wanted your first kiss to be at a roller rink!
Didn't think about kissing in the 70s(I don't think)

PONG! ("video tennis" ) was the most remarkable futuristic game you've ever heard of !
Never played Pong (even now...I have no idea what that even looks like)

You know who Strawberry Shortcake is, as well as her friends, Blueberry Muffin and Huckleberry Pie.
I think I knew who they were but I was not into Strawberry Shortcake

Your hairstyle was described as having "wings" or "feathers" and you kept it "pretty" with the comb you kept in your back pocket. When you walked, the "wings" flapped up and down, looked like you were gonna "take off"
I so loved my Wings and never felt like they were feathery enough. I always carried a big fat comb in my pocket and constantly flipped my hair.

You carried a Muppets lunch box to school and it was metal, not plastic. With the thermos inside some were glass inside and broke the first time you dropped them.
I had a white Barbie lunchbox and then the Sweathogs from Welcome Back Carter. My thermos constantly broke.

You and your girlfriends would fight over which of the Dukes of Hazzard was your boyfriend.
My friend's weren't into the Dukes and I was totally in love with Bo Duke (Mr. John Schneider who is now on Smallville). The Dukes were on from 1979 - 1985. But sometime between 82 and 83 the Dukes were replaced by some other boys who I didn't like. When the original cast came back I had grown out of the show. I am full of useless information like that. I had to be home on Friday's at 8:00 to watch and then met my friends on the stoop at 9:00 if it was Summer.

YOU had Star Wars action figures, too!
I DIDN'T have Star War figures but I think my little sister had Hans Solo

It was a big event in your household each year when the "Wizard of Oz" would come on TV.
Your mom would break out the popcorn and sleeping bags!
Oh yeah, we loved the Wizard of was so much fun to sit down and watch it complete with commercials and all.

You often asked your Magic-8 ball the question: "Who will I marry. Shaun Cassidy, Leif Garrett, or David Cassidy?"
My sister had the Magic 8 Ball and I did ask if I would get married more than a few times.

You completely wore out your Grease, Saturday Night Fever, and Fame soundtrack record album.
I loved Saturday Might Fever and Grease. While Saturday Night was a little scary with one girl getting raped and one guy committing suicide I did like the music and who didn't love Travolta?

You tried to do lots of arts and crafts, like yarn and Popsicle-stick God's eyes, decoupage, or
those weird potholders made on a plastic loom.
I was not into crafts as a kid.

You made Shrinky-Dinks and put iron-on kittens on your t-shirts!
I did make shrinky dinks but mostly with kids I babysat for. Imagine? Nothing like a little kid turning on an oven and putting little plastic things in it.

You used to tape record songs off the radio by holding your portable tape player up to the speaker.
Oh my God! I totally taped all my favorite songs off the radio. I even recorded my favorite TV shows if I like the theme song.

You had subscriptions to Dynamite and Tiger Beat.
I did have a subscription to Tiger Beat and my walls were covered with posters torn from the pages.

You learned everything you needed to know about girl issues from Judy Blume books.(Are you there God, It's me, Margaret.)
I LOVED Judy Blume but I doubt I learned all my girl issues from her books. That's what girlfriends with older brothers were for.

You thought Olivia Newton John's song "Physical" was about aerobics. (?? its not??)
I knew that Physical was not about exercise but I thought it was about making out.

You wore friendship pins on your tennis shoes, or shoelaces with heart
I did have a few shoelaces with fun things on them...but the most embarrassing part is when I followed the trend to attach bells to my shoelaces.

You wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer.
I didn't want to be a Solid Gold Dancer but I loved watching. We didn't have MTV or videos so this was when you got to see that popular song on the radio being performed. It was the only time you got to see the singer.

You drowned yourself in Love's Baby Soft - which was the first "real" perfume you ever owned.
I loved Loves Baby Soft but my favorite was *cough* Sweet Honesty from Avon

You glopped your lips in Strawberry Roll-on lip-gloss till it almost dripped off.
I wasn't addicted

Monday, February 19, 2007

Summitted for my induction into the Mother of the Year Competition

Does this even exist? I know they have one for Dad's but one for Mom's?

Accomplished Today...(broad smile, feet up and hands behind my neck)

- Breakfast - Pancakes for the kids and oatmeal for me

- Beds made

- Everyone dressed

- Craft time - Macaroni glued to paper

- Craft time - Water painting

- Craft time - Coloring

- Craft time - Snow Cones using snow and cherry juice

- Dusted every baseboard and trim through the entire house. The kids actually helped..I sprayed they dusted and I followed with a dust rag.

- Talked to my sister 3 times

- Lunch - Scrambled egg for the PT and apple and yogurt for the Goddess

- Dusted every corner and ceiling throughout the house

- Gave pony rides for 1/2 hour (this counts as exercise right?)

- Glued letters to paper

- Watched Peter Pan with the kids (This is the first time they sat down to watch a Disney movie they lasted 30 minutes and then were bored but at least we are getting there.)

- Sat down with PT to teach him the computer mouse we used this site

- Dinner - Pizza for the kids and steak for me.

- More pony rides about 15 minutes (I am bone tired)

- Made homemade chocolate covered buttered toffee (didn't come out as I wished but taste awesome).

- Bedtime ritual including 5 books and 12 items that had to be gathered before the Toddler would go to bed.

- Toddler asleep by 8:00 and the Goddess asleep by 9:30

- Blog post done

Sunday, February 18, 2007

What a Difference a Year Makes

I was just going through my February 2006 picture folder and found this picture

I took this picture February 14, 2006.

My son still has a pacifier which is so funny to me. The part that is NOT funny is the fact that he is STILL wearing a diaper 1 year later.

Here is a picture I took of him this year February 14, 2007. Funny we did the same thing only the girl was napping at the time.

The Goddess - February 14, 2006

The Goddess - February 14, 2007


Breaking Their Neck or Practicing for the Olympics - You be the judge!!!
Yes, I know he needs a hair cut...he refuses. I should have named him Samson. Surfing lessons begin next summer.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith Dead - 1967-2007

I am so saddened by this news. I feel so bad for her and her 5 month old baby girl.
I was so sad when I heard about her son Daniel who died right after her baby was born and now to hear this I am sincerely devastated.

She is being compared to Marilyn Monrow today but Marilyn didn't leave an innocent baby girl behind.

Marilyn didn't bury her son.

I want to just sit down and cry for everything that is wrong in that baby girls life. I hope that she has strong, smart, loving people surrounding her and I hope that she is sheltered and protected as she grows up with such a bizarre legacy.

Anna always seemed so lost to me. The blonde bombshell who captivated the world with her strange, behavior and life situation. She always seems so sad to me.

I hope that Anna is now resting in peace.

Monday, February 05, 2007

So Exciting

I fell upon Create a Connection while reading one of my favorite blogs. I am so happy I did...thanks Holli.

I joined the Book Swap..and met Kristen when I was assigned her name and provided with the link to her blog.

I am so psyched and can't wait to get her package into the mail.

I am so looking forward to reading everyone's blogs.

Fun! Fun! I am so excited about this that I have asked a dear, dear friend if she wants to do a monthly swap with me. We were talking today about possible themes and then I figured I could come up with a few now...

1- Character Socks
4-Gag Gifts
5-Christmas ornaments
6-The makings of a drink (Martini's anybody?)

Are just a few possibilities...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bed Time Routine Update

The Precocious Toddler has been on an awesome bedtime schedule ever since his Daddy started working 2 nights a week. We used to put him down like most people I know. We would lie with him until he drifted and then sneak off. While the other took care of the Goddess. When the MOTH (Man Of The House) started work, we knew that things had to change. We moved out of the bed and took to lying on the floor next to the bed, then in the middle of the room, in the doorway and slowly down the hall until one night we were just out of view and he was sleeping alone. The whole time this was happening Goddess was screaming in her crib or being rocked in Moth's arms. She has never slept a night in her beautiful crib and when we head to bed she comes with us.

Toddler knows the bedtime routine. We drink some milk, brush his teeth, change his diaper, head to the bedroom, where we have already dropped off everything that is necessary to sleep with for that particular night (tonight was 2 books, blankee, Barney, a car from his Christmas train, a white Vet bag that contains, JoJo from JoJo's Circus, a cookie monster figure, 5 Little People and a flashlight). The necessities change nightly but blankeee and the flashlight are always there, then we kiss Daddy if he is here, say our prayers, and then a big kiss for Mommy and "see you later" from Toddler, "Love you Baby," from Me.

This weekend we took the side of the Goddess' crib down. We talked about it being her big girl bed the whole day. We read books in it, place her stuffed animals around it, and made it a place she would want to be.

This is the third semi-successful night. Why semi-successful...well...I lie in the crib (ha), nurse her until she falls asleep and then unfold myself so that I can get out without too much movement (another ha), she wakes 1-4 times between 8:15 - 11:30 p.m. Then ends up in my bed by the time I go to sleep about 12:15. Not bad I guess for the 3rd night and for a kid who has yet to sleep on her own.

I hope to eventually get 5 solid hours of her in there. That is my goal and I hope to have her on the same schedule as the Toddler by the end of the summer. Anything before that will be icing.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Blast from my Past

Today while catching up on some internet reading, (stomach flu kicked my ass yesterday), I fell upon some information from my childhood hometown, Millbrook, NY.

The village of Millbrook was a great place to grow up and I have so many amazing memories of living in a small, quaint town of about 1,000. Bike rides with friends, the playground, chuch on Sunday, Sunday school, Brownies, camping, dairy farms, family ice cream runs, drive in movies, parades, fireworks, lemonaid stands, horseback riding, catching frogs, polywogs, and fireflies and holding them in a jar until the last possible moment. Family outings to Vanderbilt and Roosevelt Mansions. It is also where my Mom is buried and my grandparents still have a summer home. Today it is considered one of the wealthiest towns in the State of New York and is full of antique shops and Bed and Breakfasts.

I wish I could go back more often, mainly to take my kids to the cemetery and the park. I would love to take pictures of them playing on the same lawn that I caught my first frog. Hear their voices bouncing off the same walls that my own bounced off so many years ago between the ages of 4-7 would make my heart soar. A trip back home is on my agenda for this year.

This is Bennett College. It was a beautiful female college at one time. My dad was a part time janitor there for a short time. He used to bring all kinds of stuff home that the girls threw away. It was an interesting time the 70's. Lots of browns, orange, mushrooms, and

Then it was condos, and now it is just an eyesore. So sad! These beautiful pictures were found on flickr by some really talented photographers.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Too much to write about and not enough time

God damn, sometimes I feel so inspired by the numerous blogs I read. Everyone seems so creative and while I feel I do have a touch of creativity at times (when my Mommy brain isn't overcooked), I can't seem to cut out a tiny bit of time to type something up that would be enjoyable to the masses (2 people) who read my blog. While I don't write for anyone but myself, I feel that I am still "representing" and don't want to just write nonsensical commentary in my little piece of the world that is my life.

The kiddies are watching a Baby Einstein tape so here is my first attempt at a post in a long time. They are cute and they are shouting out the various words that are shown on the screen along with the sign language that goes along with the word. Yeah they are brilliant, I'm not going to lie.

I have been trying to organize a meeting with my son's various therapists (post entry here). There are 3 of them (Special Instruction - 2 xs, Speech - 3 xs, Occupational Therapy 2 x's) plus he has pre-school 2 times a week, Mom and Tot Group 1 time and anything else we manage to fit into our schedule. It is crazy and I believe totally unnecessary. I also believe this is contributing to the night terrors he experiences (averaging about 4 a month). My feeling is that his little brain doesn't have a chance to rest from all this educational, stimulating, input so he is processing crap all the time. I think I need to pull "Mom rank" here and insist on a vacation from all of his therapy for a week. Tuesday when I sit down with everyone in one place (my house) I will let them all know my concerns and instill some down time.

When I started all this therapy I figured it was free, he looked forward to it, and it was also a way for me to bounce stuff off professionals and get suggestions for various goings on with my toddlers.

I have been hearing from his teacher's in Preschool that he does great until his therapist started coming and on the days she misses he does great. Umm...what is that about? The other day they asked that everyone bring in something green for "Show and Share", the Precocious Toddler picked what he wanted to bring and I put it in his book bag. When they were ready for their "Show and Share" they asked everyone who didn't have something to look around the room for something green. My son doesn't know enough to say, "hold on I do have something, it's in my book bag, let me get it." (Hello he is only 3). Why they didn't look in his book bag is beyond me but anyway, I digress. He knows his colors but the teachers told me that the therapist held up various items for him to use. "Here, how about this?" Uh, huh bitchcuseme! Why? If she is a facilitator and the kid is doing what is expected, Back The Fuck Off!!!!

After this he decided he didn't want to participate in the "show and share." It could of been because of numerous things; he wanted to use the thing that was safely in his book bag that he had chosen, he didn't want to be told what to use or his ass hurt. Who know! So he sat under an easel in the classroom very close to the action and "appropriately, clapped and smiled" while the other kids presented." The therapist asked a teacher why she thought he was under the easel and she said maybe he just wants to be under the easel. The therapist said she thought it was because he was overstimulated. What? I swear this shit pisses me off. It is so hard sometimes to sit with a bunch of therapists and have them have reasons for everything. Sometimes things just are! No reason.

I had a convo with one of his therapists the other day and I was talking about a particular thing the boy does to get attention. He takes his hands and rushes the sliding glass doors in my dining room when we tell him no or to just get attention. The therapist pointing to her palms said, "maybe he likes the pressure on his palm." Huh? What the F!? God damn it has nothing to do with the friggin pressure on his palm, he does it because no matter what we are doing, because it is dangerous we stop everything and tell him to not do that. He actually touches the glasses sometimes and if we don't see him, he says...."No, no, no, don't touch the glass." until we notice him doing it.

Like most 3 year olds he loves, craves, is addicted to attention of all kinds, negative and positive. I call him the "Jack Tripper of the 21st century" because he thinks he's funny, and likes to do prat falls for an audience. Like I said, sometimes, things just are. No reason!

When I was in school no one had ADD or ADHD, or any other friggin problem, they just were hyper, needed a kick in the ass, or were looking for attention. Now everyone has to be diagnosed with something.

I'm tired, and this post lasted way longer than I had intended. For those of you who held in there...congrats and thanks.

Friday, January 12, 2007