Maria's Space: Heads or Tails - WAIT

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Heads or Tails - WAIT

For more Heads or Tails or to play along go here

On seeing the word "Wait" the first thing that came to mind was this song which I had heard a billion times yesterday during our 80's Hair Band day of music.

So crazy, I haven't watched this video since forever ago. Check out that hair, the clothes and the moves. I was so into the 80's long hair guys. Mike Tramp wasn't my personal favorite but I thought any guy with long hair was hot.

This was a really good song. The whole album was really good. What ever happened to Paula Cole?


  1. I finally found your blog and post!
    WOW! We are two peas in a pod this week~great minds think alike! You will see if you visit Blast From the Past at my place!

    Happy HoTs!

  2. Love that Paula Cole song. Great choices for wait. As a part of the Hippie generation, I'm partial to men with long hair myself. Thanks for visiting Raven's Nest.

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Nicely done, and I'm glad you played this week, too.

    I was sure I'd already commented, so maybe it didn't go through? If you get duplicates, sorry :)

  4. Anonymous7:00 PM

    A great post. I love listening to the songs from the takes me back.

    My HoT is up at my place:

  5. Thanks for dropping by my HoTs at Small Reflections earlier and leaving the link back to your Profile page. I’m glad you enjoyed the ‘weight’ related cartoons. It would be helpful if you left a clue about which of the 6 blogs you post HoTs on to make it simpler and less time consuming to find. My computer is SLOW and locks up easily these days … so I almost gave up. I would have sent email if your address was available. I wasn’t able to listen to the songs … but once my new computer arrives I’m hoping I’ll have more options. Hope you had a good day ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  6. nice videos. thanks for the drop on my site.


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