Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday

Monday, July 28, 2008

Ruby Tuesday

Over at Work of the Poet Mary is holding another Ruby Tuesday. Who doesn't love RED?

Basically, you post one of your own pictures as long as it features, *all together*, RED! A little red, a lot of red, your choice.

This is red velvet cake I made, it was yuuuummmmyyyy!


  1. Wow, that's one red cake!

    Happy Ruby Tuesday.

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Ummm.. I like dipping my finger and tasting the batter! =) I am sure this is delicious!

    Mine's also posted. Check it out HERE.

    Have a great day!

  3. That's alot of red for sure.

    Have a great RT.

  4. it looks as if you mixed your paint:)

  5. I don't think I've seen red velvet cake that red before!
    Now I'm craving batter...

  6. Wow, that's very red. Bet it was yummy too.

  7. Anonymous1:44 AM

    I've never had red velvet cake. What flavor is it? I'm going to guess cherry. Or maybe cherry-vanilla. Happy Ruby Tuesday.

  8. I've never heard of red velvet cake before. I'm imagining it tastes like cherry as the batter sure is RED!

  9. I would have sworn it was paint! How did you get is so read? Very cool.

  10. That really looks yummy. Any leftovers? Have a great Tuesday!

  11. The mixer paddles were always my favorites when mom make a cake. Had to argue with my siblings as to who could get these.

    A teaspoon to get the remnants from the mixing bowl was not quite as satisfactory!

    A great cake it was I'm sure!

  12. I LOVE this photo!

    it is so vivid.

    and it made my mouth water

  13. Leora, Happy Ruby to you.

    Jenn, Me too. That picture looks awesome.

    Drill, Thanks for visiting.

    Marcia, It does look like paint. Yummy paint.

    Carletta, It was really good.

    Raven, It was so good. I should post pictures of the little cake balls I made. They were yummy too.

    Bobbie, Actually I think it just takes like basic cake colored red. If there is a flavor my taste buds aren't picking it up.

    EG Tour Guide, It does look like it tastes like Cherry.

    Gayle, I think my bedroom walls would look wonderful painted in that color.

    Ivahoe, There were no leftovers. It was taken to school for an Easter party. I made little balls to look like easter eggs and put them in an Easter basket.

    Ralph, Me too. I remember sitting there with my sisters waiting to take one before someone else got it.

    Dianne, Thank you. I agree.

  14. Reminds me of the cakes my mother used to make. Yum is right.
    Happy Ruby Tuesday!
    I am up here

  15. What a cool shot! I never knew the batter was such a vivid red for red velvet cake. LOL!!

  16. Whoa! A RED velvet cake! Such RED batter! I bet that tastes dee-lish! Thanks for participating in Ruby Tuesday! :)


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