I never really complain on my blog. I think complaining is a waste of time but you know what, sometimes you just need to bitch!
Mr. Dude with the boxer who walks down my street and let's his dog crap on my lawn while looking up at me as I look out the window.
Umm, hey fella, if you don't mind the dog shit, let the dog out in your own back yard. I don't have a dog and would love to be able to let my kids walk on my lawn without worrying about piles of dog doo. K?
Freelance People, could you please send me the damn P.O. when you send the work which I had to follow up on because you said I would be getting it two weeks ago and you forgot to send it. I would love to send the work back and bill ya but not until you send me the P.O. that your Accounting Department needs signed and delivered so that I can get paid.
Special Education Lady, enough with the attitude. We need to work together in the best interest of MY CHILD! You don't need to agree with what I decided you just need to be professional and do your damn job.
Guys Removing Trees in my area, could you please pay attention! I am tired of waiting for you to notice me before you walkie talkie down to your buddy before flipping your sign to S-L-O-W and then proceeding to give me the hand gesture that says, slow down as I roll 3 miles an hour through the free lane. Could you finish up and stop taking minutes away of my life that I won't get back?!
Miss The World Has To Stop for Me, could you please fill out your damn deposit slip before getting into line for the drive through bank. I had to sit behind you for damn near 15 minutes before you even put your slip into the canister to send to the teller. Then when it was sent back it was another 5 minutes before you pulled out only to park your car and walk into the bank. Couldn't you have done that in the first place! You are lucky my kids were in the car.
I hear ya sista! I've done my share of complaining. Such is life. It always feels better to vent every once in a while. I know some of those things would make me upset too. Although, I've been the lady at the drive through at the bank before. Guilty! I never knew that would upset people. Now I will be more careful.
ReplyDeleteCascia @ Healthy Moms