Sunday, August 31, 2008

Product Review - Yoplait Kids

Last week I purchased Yoplait Kids yogurt.

I was eager to see what my kids thought of it considering the one I buy for them is very expensive and coupons are never offered for it. 

We got home and I asked as I was putting the groceries away if they wanted yogurt. They both said yes, I shook them up, opened them up, plopped straws in them. Two minutes later they said they were all done. They threw them away and asked for more.

Shocking! The like one brand and one kind of that brand. Now, here they are asking for more?

I gave them each another which they both drank all of.

For dinner I asked my daughter if she wanted pizza or chicken and she said, yogurt.

I went to take out their yogurt when she asked again for the new one.

Could it be the Diego picture on the container. I don't know. Could it be that it is new? Don't know that either. What I do know is that she loves it. It fits in my bento box and she would rather have it more than anything else.

Lunch in this house for the past 3 days has been a Yoplait Kids Yogurt and an apple. Sounds like a diet for adults but I think this is a terrific healthy lunch for kids.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Car Wash Can Be Scary If You Are 3

I took the two of them into a car wash the other day. My son was amazed, this was the 2nd time and he couldn't wait. The Goddess on the other hand was very nervous. She kept hiding behind her juice to peek out.

In this one she is saying, "no, no pictures".
Handsome loved the sudsy water that cascaded over the vehicle. He just kept saying, "the sun's going down. Look it's night time."

Tiny Video of the Car Wash

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Accountant Is A Shithead

Yesterday, I explained what has been going on with my Accountant.

He was supposed to call me this afternoon according to what he said yesterday. I called him at 1:30 telling him that I expected his return call by 3:00 and that honestly, I was surprised that I had to chase him around for my amended return.

He called at 4:45. I asked him if my return was ready and he said he was printing it out as we speak. He wanted to check it out and would I be able to pick it up at 5:30.

I honestly didn't want to have to pick it up and felt that he should make some sort of effort since I have been the one contacting him since he admitted to his F'Up. I said yes because honestly I didn't want to wait any longer.

When I got there I told him the new office had a lot of character. The building was over 100 years old and charming. I had the kids sit down and he handed me the folder with my paperwork in it.

He started to explain what I would be getting back and I questioned him on the amount. He said, that he had messed up the return because of the cost of goods and I told him that I understood that because that was what started the whole thing rolling.

If you know me you know that this is totally out of character but I said to him, "I have to be totally honest with you because if I don't I will be upset when I leave here that I didn't say anything. What happened?' He again said, something about him leaving the cost of goods out and I told him I knew that but why did it take a week to get my return back?"

Then I said, that I felt it was disrespectful that I had to chase him down for a week to get my amended return back and "people make mistakes and you owned up to it but if this was your money that you were waiting for you would want it. You know our situation and how we are struggling, it isn't right that you took a week to get this return to me. If I were you I would have been in constant contact with my client to let them know what was going on. You never returned my calls or my emails and that is not good business. Word of mouth is a huge compliment and you could have totally rectified this problem by handling it professionally so what happened? Why did it take a week to get this to me?"

He said, "I have no excuse. I was planning for my ribbon cutting." I then told him that "he should have called me to tell me that he had something he was planning but that he would get to my return as soon as he was done. I got the amounts to you on Thursday and you had your ribbon cutting on Tuesday (name) there was plenty of time to either do my return and get it right back to me or to let me know that you didn't forget me and would get it to me as soon as your ribbon cutting was done."

He sat there with his arms folded, nodding his head because really, what could he say? It was all true. It was so uncomfortable. I know he was just waiting for me to finish but I just had to say something.

Waste of time? Probably! He thinks I am an idiot? Most likely. Honestly I don't really care. I never cursed him, I never raised my voice, I just spoke the truth and he can never say I disrespected him.

Some People Just Suck!

Friday Fill In

Come on over to Friday Fill In and play along. we go!

1. When I'm sick I'm a total martyr. No one is going to take care of me so why complain.

2. When I take a walk, I think about songs. There is usually a song in my head.

3. Money can't buy happiness but it can buy me a lot of fun things that will make me and my family have a ton of fun.

4. Cotton makes me feel comfy and leather makes me feel sexy.

5. The strangest person/character I've had lewd thoughts about was Goofy, you know he has got to be a wild man in bed.

6. My favorite color these days is Brown because it looks great with so many colors.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to watching Jurassic Park III, tomorrow my plans include heading to ballet class with my daughter and Sunday, I want to go to the park with the family if weather permits.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I so can't stand drama. Being a non confrontational person I have been put into a position that I am not at all comfortable with.

On this post I explained what is going on with my taxes.

Basically my accountant
F'd up my taxes costing me a ridiculous about of money that we have struggled to pay.

I told him on Wednesday, what the problem with the taxes were. He was rude over email basically telling me in three words that I was not looking at the return right. When I emailed him again explaining the problem he didn't respond so I wrote again that I would be calling him in the morning.

I did and he had to admit that he screwed up. He tried to put the
onus on me as we expected but that was not something I was about to allow. Basically he was informed that we hired an accountant and that if we were accountants we would have done the return ourselves. He asked for a list of everything we have paid to the IRS so far and I gave it to him the next day which was Thursday.

To be honest I had expected to hear from him on Friday informing me that he would be dropping the return off to us that afternoon. That is what I would have done if I screwed up as badly as this character. Nope, not this guy. Nothing on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. So Tuesday, I emailed him asking that he let me know when the return would be ready. Nothing! Wednesday morning nothing! So, this afternoon I called him by cell phone. He doesn't know the number so he picked up quickly. I heard a lot of noise behind him as he said his name.

I told him it was me and that I was wondering if the return was done. I mean really it is a one line item and the word amended. What is the problem????

He told me that he was having his ribbon cutting today and would have it ready tomorrow afternoon. "Oh your ribbon cutting?" Crazy since we are clients you would think that we would be invited to this new office ribbon cutting thing. Whatever, I digress.

"There is cake and wine here if you want to come down." Oh.
Ok. Um. No and No.

"Alright, tomorrow afternoon, you will call me and let me know when it is done? Yes he tells me.

Ok, go back to your ribbon cutting." He says, "thanks" and we hang up.

That was the conversation.

This is how I wish it had gone.

Him -
Errr...yes. hello.

Me- Hi, asshole it's me. The person you screwed out of 16,000.00.

Him - Oh, yes Maria. I was going to get....

Me - No! You are going to get here right now with my God damn amended tax return you get me shithead.

Him - Yes, yes...I will be getting that to you right now. Starting my car and pulling out of my spot as we speak.

Me -
Ok, that is more like it. Shit for brains. Drive fast and bring stamps because after I sign it I want you to run it to the post office and make sure you send this out priority. You hear me. I said, DO YOU HEAR ME???

Him - Yes madam. Pulling in front of your steps right now.

Me - Keep the car running and have a pen ready. Bye

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Angel

"Like a ghost through a fog. Like a charmed hour And a haunted song
And the angel of my dream" - Stevie Nicks
Wordless Wednesday participation can be found here.

ABC Wednesday - 1st Time

F is for Friends...

Tonight my girlfriend and her daughter took me and my kids out to Outback. I haven't been there in over 12 years. It was sweet to have someone take me out and sneak away to "wash her hands" or to tell the staff that whatever I ordered for dessert was to have a birthday candle on it.

She is probably my "newest" friend out of all my friends. We know each other for about 2 years but it seems oh, so much longer. We met when our kids were in Preschool together and spend a lot of time together during the school year.

She is someone I can count on and who I love very much. I adore her sense of humor, although sometimes she is a bit over the top. All part of her charm folks. If you really know her you would know that she is caring, sensitive, loving, affectionate, and loves her family and friends. She and I have a lot of things in common; we are constantly telling each other, "I do that too" or "I just did that, saw, that, said that, etc."

I adore her and I am so honored to have her in my life.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - A Day At The Zoo

Always dress your kids in bright colors when heading to a very public place. It is so much easier to spot them in a crowd.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Weekend Snapshots

Coming back from my daughter's dance class we made a u-turn only to spot this 500+ lb black bear sitting on someone's lawn and eating some flowers. If there was a way out I would have driven past it but I would have had to turn around at a dead end and with my daughter in the car this seemed like a bad idea.

Scenic Sunday

My very first submission to Scenic Sunday.

Product Review - Unique Skins

I am in love with Unique Skins!

What is this you ask?

Well, this is a company that assists you in giving your products personality. Unique Skins is a vinyl covering that you choose or design. It is made of 3M material and leaves no sticky residue when removed.

You can apply a Unique Skin to your I-pods, Cell Phones, MP3 Players, Laptops, Game Consoles, etc.

You simply chose your device, the make and model, then design, design till your hearts content. There are thousands of themes, backgrounds, and designs to chose from.

You can use their backgrounds, or your own photos, and add text. I chose to use the headings of 2 of my blogs and one of their backgrounds.

These make great gifts too. I am already thinking about 4 people I can check off Christmas gifts for by getting them skins for their I-pods, cell phone or laptop. For my husband, I think I might get him 1 with his company logo on it and another of the kids for his second laptop.

The quality is great (My photo's looked great).
They are easy to use (Goes on easy and comes off easy too)
Price is fantastic ($25.00 for my laptop cover)
Shipping - Safe (nice big unbendable envelope), cheap ($2.95 for my laptop cover).
Delivery - It took 2 days from the time I ordered until the day it was delivered to my door. (Now that is fast!)

Warning: Extremely Addictive. Don't come yelling at me because you can't stop getting a new skin for your phone, laptop or whatever. You have been warned.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lens Day - Self Portrait

Lens Day - Self Portraits - Picture of my new nose bling

My Ballerina

Be still my heart. This morning I took my daughter to a free introductory ballet class for little 2-4 year old preschoolers. We went last year but she and her brother got bored when the instructors took too long to get things moving. We were the only people to show up and they kept hoping others would come in. We left and when I saw they were doing it again this year, I left my son home.

She was excited and we dressed in her pink tutu, leotard. She was excited and so was I when we walked in 5 minutes before class and saw 5 little ones already sitting on the floor with an instructor.

She was asked if she wanted to come sit with them; to which she said yes without even looking at me. I took my place against the wall with the other smiling parents. I felt bad that we had dressed up because no one else had. Not bad for my daughter, just bad for the other girls because the instructors made a big deal about her outfit. Thankfully the girls are so young I doubt any of them took it personally.

When the class started she took directions well and proceed to really enjoy herself while I (the only parent with a camera, of course), snapped quiet pictures (no flash to disturb) and some video.

She wants to go back tomorrow, but I told class isn't for a few weeks and that if she liked it we would see.
I really hope we can afford to send her because she did exactly what I would have wished. She walked right in, took direction, smiled, laughed and sparkled all day. She even dance counted a few times 6, 7, 8.

Since losing my mom when I was 12 this was exactly the memory I was hoping to be able to make with my own daughter. I took ballet when I was her age and I hope we can manage it for her.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Fill In

1. Dancing to the beat of my kids fighting while trying to maintain my blood pressure makes me feel silly.

2. The last time I called my Grandma I nearly told her I love her. It is not something we have said but we write it on cards.
3. When I drive I sing.

4. I saw him standing there by the record machine.

5. Give me love, give me laughter, give me life.

6. Next week I am looking forward to cramming in as much as possible before school starts.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to relaxing, tomorrow my plans include dance class for my daughter and Sunday, I want to go to the park.

Product Review - Sunny's Adventures

Friday, I received Sunny's Adventures by Leketha Marie Johnson in the mail and have read it with my kids at least 6 times in two days. The reason I mention that little tidbit is because this is a chapter book with adorable black and white illustrations, geared toward ages 9-12. My children are 3 and 5 and can mostly sit for a picture for about 10 minutes let alone a chapter book.

The main character Sunny is a very likable, smart, friendly girl who solves the problems or mysteries that come up in each of the 5 stories. Each chapter has a break down of clues that Sunny used to solve each mystery.

The book is great for reading comprehension, I was able to ask both my children a lot of open ended questions that allowed them to pay attention to the story and follow along, as Sunny solves a lost puppy case, a missing pie, a stolen class mascot turtle, and more.

The writer, Leketha Marie Johnson uses logic and children's natural desire to figure things out to write an excellent book geared to hopefully turning out some classic mystery fans as they get older.

What this mom liked the most about Sunny's Adventures, is that the main character was not precocious, or mischievous. There was never a time that I felt that the character belittled, poked fun at disrespected any of the other characters to make a point. Unfortunately, there are a lot of writers out there who do not realize that you don't need to create a mini adult to sell children's books.

Sunny's Adventures, is a book your children will love to read on their own or you won't mind reading to them again and again.

Honestly, I hope my children turn out half as respectful as Sunny is. I would be the proudest mommy.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


So the past two days have been hell.

Things are tough when the only paycheck is from self employment.

We have been strapped for the past 3 years but lately things have been a little tougher. It could be the economy, it could be we don't really know how to budget, it could also be that there is a lack of communication on the bread winner's part of what the REAL picture is.

All I know is this; as someone who tries to always see the sunny side of things it gets a little scary when I am told that I just might have to sell my engagement ring to keep the house. least we are healthy I remind myself as I knock on wood.

Here is my silver lining, last night while meeting with an insurance broker who was nice enough to spend 2 hours speaking with me while knowing he would not be selling me anything (check for his business link on my side bar very soon), he noticed that my accountant made a humungo shall we say FUCK UP on out taxes. You see in April we were informed that instead of receiving a refund we were going to own the price of a mid size car. Well, this insurance broker took the time to pour over my tax return while we spoke and noticed a huge error on my accountants part. So, to make an already long story short, my taxes will need to be amended and we WILL be receiving a refund on the money we struggled for the past 4 months to pay!!!!

Dare I say it; HALLELUJAH and AMEN!

Thursday Challenge - Festival

The theme this week at Thursday Challenge is to present a picture taken at a festival such as a Fair, Exhibition, Circus, Midway, Parade, Party, Amusement Park,..

My submission this week, was the morning of the circus came through and set up the big tents. We watched the men and elephants raise the tents and walked around as the circus slowly came to life.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Come and join the wordless fun at Wordless Wednesday

Last Weekend Rocked!

Last weekend I headed out with my kids minus the husband to my girlfriend and her husband's version of Lalapalooza called Ozzapalooza.

These two go all out when they throw a party. The only thing missing was an outside bar. Come to think of it, I thought there was going to be one of those this year. Bek?

We get a hold the date thingy in the mail then the real package comes.

Included in the package

A concert looking ticket giving the date, time, location, admission price which of course states FREE (one of my favorite 4 letter words).

An RSVP card that asks you to call so that they can buy enough beer

Directions in case

VIP Card giving us access to all Ozzapalozza events like the VIP gazebo, etc. It says that we should present the card for Free Parking and Unlimited Use of the Bathroom.

A Water Alert Card - This is a child friendly party so the card tells us that the kids get use of her kids kiddie pool, water table, sprinkler so we are told to bring an extra set of clothes just in case.

The 08 Special Attraction List -
  • 3 Flags Amusement Park which is her daughters swing set.
  • The Cage which is her daughter's play room complete with totally cleaned the night before toys (because she is THAT kind of hostess.
  • The BatCave which is her husband's pride and joy - A ridiculous, everyone should bow down and scream they are not worthy upon entering the doors. The room features a 8ft screen, with 4 of the most relaxing, reclining chairs you will ever see, surround sound, HD viewing, Xbox 360, PlayStation and a DVD collection to make Best Buy drool.

It was great to sit with Bek's Aunt and talk for an hour I totally stole her forever. She was awesome.

Her father-in-law Columbus (not his real name) was the best. I loved how he was with my kids.

There were kids from last year that must have grown at least 2 feet in 1 year. Everyone seemed so grown!

To top a wonderfully fun, relaxing day off I won the raffle which was a Godfather Gift basket (colander, pasta, sauce and The Godfather DVD) which totally rocked.

On top of all this Bek loaned me 3 more books. I read Stephanie Meyer's Twilight and loved it she when I returned that one she dropped the next 2 plus the final book of the series into my arms. It was like she was giving me a whole set of encyclopedias. I thought I was going to need help getting the 3 books to the car but thank God I have been working out and handled it like a champ.

It was a rockin good time. I can't wait to see what the theme is next year.
Unfortunately, I didn't take many pictures but I did get to help out a lot more than usual. How is this possible? Usually my husband is with me which means 2 sets of eyes on the kids and I can't but this time I could. Maybe it is just that the kids are getting older. Last year I was worried about my 2 year old falling or something. I guess! Ummm...I'll have to figure that one out.

Product Review - Skin MD Natural

Last week I received Skin MD Natural in the mail and let me just say there is nothing that I don't love about this product. The first thing I did when I received the bottle was open the cap to smell it. Is has a nice, fresh scent which was surprising considering the MD in the name. I expected it to be stronger.

Skin MD Natural™ is like a shield for your skin, it works by keeping natural or unnatural absorbents (i.e. the sun, dish detergents, antibacterial soaps from drying out your skin

The cream smells fresh and relaxing and spreads easily on your skin with a natural and light feel. BTW...a little really does go a long way. You get maximum coverage with a very small amount of cream.

I used it on:

My daughter's knees which have taken a beating from going to the beach, they look beautiful.

My son's dry patches on his arms and legs from eczema that have been there since he was 2, they look amazing.

My heels (which I really have no right to display) from wearing sandals all summer are softer, without big, ugly dry patches.

My husband's hands which are all cut up from working in his field, never really look clean, are starting to look so much softer.

Time Flies When You R Having Fun
Two weeks ago today I started a health plan (I totally prefer this term to diet) with my husband. If you were following along when I weighed in here.

I am very happy to report that I am down 6 pounds by following a very easy plan.

Ok, want to know the secret?

Come here...I'll tell you.




Ok, you reduce calories and work out.

There, now you know.

No seriously, here is what I am doing.

Breakfast choices - egg beaters with 1 slice of deli ham or cereal such as Wheaties or All Bran with blue berries.

Lunch - Turkey breast on wrap with lettuce, mayo or soup or Lean Cuisine meal, or salad with greens and some tuna on top.

Dinner - Turkey breast wrap again, or steam veggies with grilled chicken and a salad, or Lean Cuisine meal, or soup.

I have had some snacks/cheats but I average only about 4 a week. My snack might be a small Baby Bell cheese, berries, apples, I had a small breakfast sausage last week when my son didn't finish his breakfast. Also, there has been chocolate milk when my daughter didn't finish hers and a piece of almond, raspberry tart, and a burger at a BBQ this past weekend. I even had 2 cupcakes on my birthday and the remainder of my daughter's ice cream yesterday when she didn't finish.

These are my choices so I am not saying to follow by any means. I just mention it because my cousin, father and friends have been asking how I lost it so far. I would love to know what I would have lost if I didn't have the snacks and if my period wasn't just days away.

As for exercise, we work out 3 times a week but I am also doing Wii Fit which I do not calculate into my plan because I don't get to do it as much as I would like.

3 reps of each with resistance bands of

  • Overhead press

  • Bicep curls

  • Squats

  • Lunges

  • Lateral raise

  • Chest press

Also, 3 reps of push ups and sit ups.

The idea is to do as many as it takes to fatigue the muscle but never stop working. No long breaks if you need to rest the muscle work on a different muscle.

It takes roughly about 35 minutes.

If you read this and you are trying to lose weight, leave your link. I am interested to see what other people are doing.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Slice of Life Sunday

This week Slice of Life is asking for 1 of the following themes.

1. A Naughty Moment of My Youth

2. 2 x 4 = 8, the teacher I most appreciate

3. Writer’s Choice - A story about any childhood memory, from earliest to about age 10-11.
This week I am again picking 3.

It is 1977, I am 11 years old and my mother is diagnosed with lung cancer. My parents tell me that my mother has something called tumors on her lungs and they show me the X-ray of where they are. An X-ray. A picture of what looks like nothing is about to change my families life forever. My mother is told that she has 3 months. I am not sure if I am told of the timeline. She lasts 8 months. 8 LOOOOONG months of coughing, comas, cancer, courage, clots, and caring.

I am there when my mother's hair falls out from chemo. I am lying on my belly watching an old Montgomery Ward black and white TV at the foot of her bed. She is sitting up by the pillows. I see her out of the corner of my eye as she pulls hair out of her head. She is holding a few bunches in her hand. She asks me to go downstairs and get her a garbage bag. I head down annoyed that I have to leave the TV.I am not sure what I am watching.

Grabbing a paper bag from Grand Union from under the sink I head back upstairs and hand it to her. We don't say anything. I see her crying in my peripheral vision as she takes hair from head and places it in the bag. I am very aware of what she is doing and I think I sort of know in a way but I am 11 and confused.

It is one of the most profound moments of my life and yet I was like a fly on the wall just watching it, not reacting, not speaking just trying to avoid.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saturday Photo Hunt - Colorful

My Week in Pictures - August 10 - August 17

August 10, 2008 - I took this picture of a some kind of huge bee. We had zipped up the gazebo when we spotted him buzzing around. He was the size of a small hummingbird. After looking at him lying on the table in some sort of spasms I may never kill another bug in my life. Look at those eyes.

August 11, 2008 - My son is so happy in this picture. We had been holding hands and spinning. He had crayons in his hand saying they were like a rainbow. I snapped this just as I let go of him while spinning.

For the rest of the story come over here.

The Saturday Special - Sounds

1. Sound that makes you laugh? I am such a child, farts make me laugh.

2. Sound that makes you cry? One of mine crying when they get hurt always makes me tear up.

3. Sound that makes you cringe? The screeching of breaks.

4. Sound that makes you relax? The sounds of my children sleeping.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friday Five

1. What is your favorite song right now? Why? Johnny and June by Heidi Newfield. I think it is catchy and because she is singing about the love of June and Johnny Cash. In the song she says, "When you're gone, I wanna go too, Like Johnny and June" and that line, along with how she works in the titles of their hits makes this song for me. They loved they way we should all love.

For lyrics and video come over here.

2. What genre of music makes you the happiest? I guess it would the be music of the late 70's with Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, Pink Floyd, Wings, Hall and Oates, Bob Seager, The Eagles, Springsteen. Not my all time favorite genre but it makes me happiest.

3. What would you name your band and what kind of music would you play? Lovin' Life. I think I would play kids songs these days. My theme has changed over the years. Once upon a time it would have been alternative music with a darker edge.

4. What is your favorite lyric of all time? Why? This is hard. I love so many lyrics for different reasons. There is a song by Pearl Jam (one of my favorite bands) called Black. I played this song over and over again during a difficult time in my life. Even now, I still listen for this lyric when I hear it on the radio. I want everything to stop so that I can HEAR it. The lyric I am talking about goes like this, I know some day you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a sun, in somebody Else's sky. Why, why, why can't it be me. Very basic but Eddie's voice is full of torment and hurt on the ME part and it was exactly how I felt when I needed that song.

5. What band/artist could you never live without? Why? That would be Stevie Nicks. I don't know that there is another female who writes like her.

Friday 5

Come and play along with Friday 5.

What did you last replace batteries for? My daughter's talking teddy bear.

What have you thrown away that you probably could have had repaired? Not much gets thrown out here without first trying to repair it. My husband can fix anything. If it was chucked, it was broken!! Probably an kids keyboard that had just burnt out and was only $5.00 purchased 2 years ago. We got our money's worth.

Among items in your line of sight right now, what should probably be put in the trash? Some junk mail sitting in a pile on the table. This place stays pretty neat.

When did you last use disposable cutlery while dining in your house? Last month I had a mini party for my friend's son with just our kids because we had missed his birthday. I had left over disposables from a party I threw in April so I used those.

Whose actions cause you to waste time you otherwise wouldn’t waste? Waiting for people who are always late. Time is precious, I don't like to wait when I could be doing something.
Thanks for participating, and have a frugal weekend!

Friday Fill In

1. The last meal I had at a restaurant was Chili and salad at Chili's.

2. Narrow minded people are something I intensely dislike.

3. The full moon mesmerizing to me.

4. Later! Is one of my favorite local expressions.

5. Sometimes it's best to ignore.

6. Juno is the best movie I've seen so far this year!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to going to sleep early, tomorrow my plans include heading out to Ozzapaluzza my friend's early BBQ, and Sunday, I want to head over to Kohl's to buy my birthday gift.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Photo Friday - Self Portrait-Face Bling

I always wanted a pierced nose, so today I did it. 42 years old and pierced.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Go to Bed, School's A Coming

With back to school around the corner, most of my mommy friends are talking about schedules and mainly how to get their kids back on them.

Have you had a scheduled bedtime?

Have your kids been sleeping until whenever they decide to wake?

Then it might be time to start rescheduling that school time clock again.

If you are letting your kids stay up until whenever, start sending them to bed around an hour earlier than usual. Over the course of the next three weeks move it up until they are back on schedule.

Having a routine at night will make the transition easier for all of you.

Family fun time (game, movie, playing outdoors, taking a walk around the neighborhood, snuggling together on the floor, or whatever your family loves to do that isn't extremely active.

*A snack



*Tooth brushing

*A story or two

*Hugs and kisses, good-night
In the morning, start setting the clock for an hour or two earlier depending on when your little darlings are waking. Use that extra time to do something together as a family. Make them breakfast, take them to the park, a farm, or the library. The weather is nice and cool in the morning and no one else is there. Walk around and enjoy your last few weeks together before every one's life becomes more routine.
Starting slowly will make the transition easy for everyone involved and make it a whole lot easier than waiting until the week before school.
Enjoy your kids because they grow out of us a whole lot quicker than we grow out of them.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thursday Challenge - Outdoors

Things to Be Grateful For

My birthday is never really a big deal. Maybe it is because I don't outwardly make a big deal of it but I do think it is kind of a big deal. I would love the whole family to come in to my room in the morning and scream happy birthday as they lavish me with a few tokens of their affection, home made cards, breakfast in bed, kisses, nothing big. Lunch with some friends would be awesome and then dinner out with my family would be heaven. But since, it doesn't always go that way, I am going to remind myself of the things I am grateful for today.

- My friends all calling me to wish me a happy birthday.

- My kids singing happy birthday with my husband tonight.

- My husband coming home and taking the kids to the yard for a little while.

- Shooting the shit with Bek today. Talking to a friend about randomness really does take your mind of the craziness of life.

- The beautiful butterfly they graced me with her presence today, yesterday and the day before. She needs to start paying rent.

- Receiving cards from my dad, grandma (both with money - woot), my friend Bek and my dear friend who I have never met in Australia. I am dying to meet her. Oprah, can you hook us up?

- My son's therapists stopping by for their last day with him and talking about whatever. One of them hugging me for my birthday, hugs are always good. I am a big time hugger and I think it is a lost affection.

- Spending some time to myself today at the computer.

- Finding out that one of my blogs made the blogs of the day over at Wordpress. That really rocks!

- Having my friend Teresa call to tell me that her niece might be born on my birthday. Her sister in law is in the hospital laboring as we speak.

- And most of all, being above ground, breathing, healthy and alive. Amen!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me

Now this is weird, Wishing myself a happy birthday. I guess if I was journaling I would write something like this:

Tomorrow is my 42nd birthday. August 13th! 42 years ago my parents were in love and expecting. My mother really wanted a baby girl and she got her wish. Since she is gone over 30 years of my life I take my birthday to remember her. I sit with the thought that she labored and pushed feeling me exit her body until we were two. I was born at 7:38 a.m. and she held me. She was happy and had visitors who were also happy to see this brand new baby enter the world. Honestly, there is nothing like a brand new baby. All the possibilities for their future and wanting to teach them and guide them through all of lifes twists and turns. Unfortunately she was taken from me way too soon and I never got to hear her tell me about dating, girlfriends, college, work, heartbreak, marriage, sex, or mothering.

Sometimes I allow myself to imagine how our conversations would go.

Me - Hi Mom, it's me.
Mommy - Hi, honey! How are the kids?
Me - Oh, you know how it is. They are driving me crazy and I am tired of playing referee.
Mommy - You know Maria, you and your sisters were the same way. You loved to play together but I spent a good part of my day seperating you guys. Two of you were fine but add the 3rd one and all hell broke loss.
Me - How did you handle it?
Mommy - I think with your two a good swift kick in the arse!
Us - Laughing
Mommy - Put them on I want to tell them how much I love them and that I will see them in a couple of days.
Kids - Laughing and answering mostly yes/no questions.
Me - Mom? Have a great night and I will talk to you tomorrow if not later.
Mommy - Ok, just don't call me during America's Got Talent or Without a Trace!
Me - Love you Mom
Mommy - Love you too baby!

I have no idea what kind of relationship we would really have but I know that she loved me and she knew I loved her so hopefully we would still be close.

As for my real world, I might go off diet to have a cupcake because my kids loving singing happy birthday to anyone. They have been singing happy birthday to me all month and making me little pretend cakes. My husband should be home tomorrow night for my birthday, which will be a first since he started teaching nights, the past 2 birthday's he has had to work and doesn't come home until 11:48 p.m.

In the past 15 days I have gotten a "surprise" gift from my kids daily. They walk up and hand me a gift bag saying something like, "Happy Birthday, you are going to love it Mommy" or "It's what you wanted." I open the gift bag to find their ball, favorite stuffed animal, a crayon or just a hair clip. They are adorable as they watch me ooh and aah over the gift. I love this little game and I am sure they will have grown out of this next year so I am enjoying every moment.

Anyway....Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me...Happy Birthday to Me.

Wordless Wednesday - The Artist

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - #3 - TuTu Much

I adore this picture of my daughter and my girlfriends daughter posing after watching a video on ballet.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

For An Amateur Review of the book Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

See my Entertainment Blog Chotskies.

Slice of Life - Week 21

Slice of Life choices for the week of August 10, 2008 are:

1. A Lesson Learned in My Youth

2. A Flight of Fancy

3. Writer’s Choice - You may choose to write about anything that has happened or is happening in your life that you feel moved to share.

I am again this week choosing #3 and I picked a post I wrote in 2006 about my grandmother and my mother.

Today is April 8th. April 8th is the same and different for me every year. Sometimes it is just a normal melancholy day and othertimes it is 1978 or oddly enough 1991. You see, today my mother is dead 28 years and my grandmother (father's mother) 15 years. If that is not strange enough; my mother and my grandmother not only share a death date but..they share a birthdate. Double whammy. Mom died when I was 11 It was scary, hard, lonely, weird, and sad. I think about everything I went through as a 11year old with a dying mother and feel so bad for my 11year old self. I wish I could just hold my little 11year old self and tell her that everything is going to be ok.

I wish I knew more about my Mom. I am constantly making sure that I leave my little ones a legacy. I want them to know who I am. I spent so many years trying to gather information on my mom. I wanted to speak to people who knew her. Not as a daughter, a sister, a wife but as a women. I would give anything to sit and talk with Diane the women, not my mother! I would also love to know what she thinks of who I am now! Is she proud of who I have become? Does she think I am a good mom? A good person? A good women! It is so weird to think that this year I will be turning 40 in August. My mother never reached 34. I will forever be older than my mother. I cannot imagine what it would have been like to have three daughters, an 11 year old, a 10 year old and an 8 year old and then be told that you are terminally ill and would leave them.

After mom died we eventually moved in with my Grandmother. Grandma was a frail, scared women. She was caring and funny but so scared of everything. She had bulimia her whole life and I believe that she knew that my grandfather was molesting me. I remember her walking in one time and walking right back out. I don't hold it against her I think that she was to scared to do anything about it. She took in me and my two sisters and did the best that she could. When I was told that she was gone I remember sinking to the floor and crying my eyes out. Why! Two important women in my life gone forever.

I hope that I have done them both proud. I hope they knew that I think of them everyday and that I am so sad that my babies will never get to know them. I wish I could call my mother whenever Jesse does something cute or call her and say I need a break could you please come hold Skye for a while she is driving me crazy. (btw here she comes now crying at my feet - God help me).

Mommy and Grandma you are the spirit in me! I love and miss you!

Fun With Photoshop

I knew this shot was awesome when I took it, but there was one little problem. Yes, these folks should be able to enjoy the beach too but what about my photoshoot????
With the help of Photoshop (love Photoshop) I was able to make it look like I captured a moment. This is my girlfriend's youngest girl and her baby boy enjoying the summer.

Notice, even the wet spots on the wood have been removed! I highly recommend Photoshop, this only took 10 minutes.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

My Week in Pictures Aug 3- Aug 9

Check out my week in pictures on my Memories Through Photography Blog.

The Saturday Special~~Creative Adventure XVI

1. While on a Caribbean cruise, I take the elevator to get to my room. Accidentally pressing the wrong button, the elevator door closes and then opens and I find myself staring at a group of men with cell-phones at the end of the hall. They are all wearing black tie and talking quietly?

2. Being the curious type, I leave the elevator and start to walk down the hallway and soon come to an open door. Inside I see George Clooney, adjusting his tie, slapping some cologne on and he starts walking toward the door.

3. Now worried, I turn around to go back to the elevator when I suddenly see that he has spotted me and as he leans over to give me a kiss on the cheek...
4. A little relieved and laughing to myself I realize that I am early for our date.

Oh well, a girl can wish can't she?

That was fun. If you want to play along come on over to The Saturday Special.

Saturday Photo Hunt - Dark

Saturday Photo Hunt is doing Dark this week as their theme.
This is the photo that is in my side bar and probably one of my favorite pictures. I love the dark with the light contrast. I was doing black and white mode on my camera just highlighting the green. My husband had picked each one up and was tickling them when my son also started tickling his sister. I loved the moment and am glad I was able to catch it forever.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Weight, I am Too Fat

Yes, I know that is the wrong weight but humor me.

This Tuesday my husband and I started our new healthy way of eating. I have never dieted in my life. I was bulimic for years and have stayed away from actually dieting since being helped.

We decided to just watch what we eat and workout 3 days a week to start. Last year my husband was in the best shape of his life when he put himself on a plan.

It worked for him and I am now willing to do whatever it takes and since we are doing this together I am looking forward to sticking to it.

Since having bulimia I haven't stepped on a scale. I never wanted to make my weight about a number for fear that I would relapse if I saw it. Even while pregnant I told them not to mention my weight number unless it became a problem. I would get on the scale backwards and they would write it down, never showing or telling me.

We started on Tuesday.

The problem: My husband wanted me to get on the scale. He said, it's just a number and that's all it is. Let's see where we are starting and not think about it. I got on!

The ugly: I am going to say it, my weight that is, here it goes. 168. Yup, there it is. I put it here because being accountable is a big part of staying true to any weight loss plan. Right? Right!

The Eating: We wrote a list of what we would allow ourselves to eat and created a shopping list. As long as I feel there is variety I will be ok. My husband on the other hand can eat the same 3 things for months if that is what it takes.

The Workout: We are doing 3 days a week for now in the morning. We get up at 6:00 a.m. and workout for 45 minutes using tension bands and good old exercises such as push ups and sit ups. His words: We are not running a marathon we are trying to get healthy. As little reps with big results. If it takes 8 X to fatigue the muscle that is what it takes. It is all about form and results.

This week's meals: (coffee every morning and water all day long)
Breakfast - Wheaties with 1% milk
Lunch - Broth, and 1 small can of corn
Dinner - Turkey sandwich, wheat bread, mayo, lettuce and berries.

Breakfast - Wheaties with 1% milk
Snack - Apple
Lunch - Turkey wrap, mayo, lettuce
Snack - Strawberries
Dinner - Grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, brussel sprouts.

Breakfast - Wheaties and All bran with 1% milk
Lunch - Turkey wrap, mayo, lettuce
Dinner - Grilled eggplant and zucchini
Snack- Black berries

Breakfast - I forgot to eat
Snack - Chips and Salsa
Lunch - Salad and bowl of chili
Dinner - Blueberries

Yes, I know Friday was a sucky meal day but it was an extremely busy day. We left the house at 9:00 a.m. and returned at 4:45 p.m.

Tonight I brought home Wii fit and was a little discouraged as I got on the scale. My weight and BMI make my little Mii person very big. It also says I am obese and maybe I am fooling myself but I never saw myself as obese.

Not going to get down on myself because changed are being made and I am going to do the best I can to keep myself motivated to continue with the plan. Stay tuned.

Know and Tell Friday - #1

I just found this accidentally tonight and thought I would try it out.

Check out this blog, two friends on different sides of the world have a blog together.

1. My favorite bedtime attire is two piece PJ's either shorts/pants and a shirt.
2. The perfect meal would include STEAK with a hearty side of Salad and a big glass of Water.
3. The most memorable girl's night out I've ever had was when I went out with my sister when we were younger and danced until the wee hours of the morning, just enjoying being together.
That was in 1985. I was 18 years-old.
4. My earliest memory is playing at a sand table in Kindergarten.
5. The family is gone for the evening and I will spend my time reading (this won't happen for ages, I have a 3 & 5 year old and them leaving without me seems far enough off that I will not allow myself to stress about this yet.

6. Right now I am comfortable in my old nursing rocking chair, listening to Bill O'Reilly.

7. When I am done blogging, I am going to brush my teeth and lie down in bed to read.

Friday Fill-Ins

1. You know you're old when you need help walking, getting out of a chair and can't hold your own urine. (I found this really hard to answer. I don't know the answer to this. I have a 90 year old grandma who can pretty much walk, talk, hear, and take care of herself.

2. My heart is divided between sleeping in and going to church every Sunday

3. Sleep and money is what I need RIGHT NOW!

4. I have felt the edge I have known the depths of despair (but I will never go there again).

5. Gah, won't these people stop talking.

6. Going to bed as soon as you can!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to reading, tomorrow my plans include shopping alone, a gift from my husband for my birthday and Sunday, I want to have a fantasy meal.

Friday 5 for August 8: I Saw it in the Movies

Head on over to Friday 5 to play along with this interesting meme. I found this a little hard to do and I hope I did the idea of the theme justice.

In Citizen Kane, the main character’s last word before dying is “Rosebud,” which is discovered later to be the name of a favorite childhood sled. The idea is that this rich, powerful, hated man, in his last moment, finds himself thinking of happy, innocent times. If the film were about your life, what word might you utter in similar sentiment? "Mommy" For so many reason. I have been searching for who she was my entire life. She died before I got to know her and long for the day I see her again. Also, because really that is who I am. I am mommy to my beautiful children and honestly that is ENOUGH for me.

In Groundhog Day, the main character is forced to live the same day again and again until he has learned to love others and to love himself. If you found yourself in an endless loop, living one day repeatedly until you learned the lesson that was holding you back, what would that lesson be? I would eventually have to speak up for myself and say what is on my mind. I hold so much back because I am not confrontational and because I am really good about picking my fights. Sometimes this is to a fault and I find myself at times playing Monday morning quarterback, wishing I had said or done what I really wanted to do and not worry about making waves.

In Freaky Friday, a mother and daughter who have difficulty understanding each other find themselves each living the other’s life (occupying the other’s body and everything!). If this were to happen to you for similar reasons, whose body would you wake up in? I would have to live my husbands life. Although I know how hard he has it, I don't think he knows how hard I do. We would probably end up appreciating each other more after seeing what the other goes through everyday. We could never do each other's job nor would we want to. Neither one of us could handle the other's responsibilities.

In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones has to jump into an underground room filmed with the one thing that freaks him out: snakes. “Why did it have to be snakes?” he asks. If the movie were about you, what would you see in the underground room? Spiders. I hate spiders tiny all the way to humungo.

In Sideways, the main character is asked to explain his love for wine made from a certain grape. As he describes the grape, we realizes he is also describing himself, saying that it must be carefully tended and that it is easily damaged. If the film were about you, what passion (hobby, food, collectible, or activity, for example) would you describe and how would you describe it so that you were also describing yourself? Probably scrapbooking. Pulling the theme together, journaling to create a story to be relived again and again. Finding the right pictures to highlight the moment so that the seconds could be saved forever. I am always looking to create a legacy for the time when I am not around. Writing, taking pictures, making moments last hoping that my children will have something to hold onto if I am ever taken from them early. Scrapbooks last forever and I want to leave something behind so that my children remember every moment, every word, every breath, and every I love you.

Amateur Book Review - My Sister's Keeper

Last week I finished My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. This was my first Jodi book and had no expectations going in. I liked it a lot, reading it in 5 days, not a record but for a mom with two kids, a husband who I work for, a freelance job, 5 blogs, MySpace and 2 therapists to work my schedule around not too bad.

My girlfriend (my personal book club bud) didn't love the book and had a hard time getting through it until the end hence the late review. I really wanted her to finish before I wrote about it.

The book is about Anna, a 13 year old girl who was the product of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, who has spent her life giving blood, marrow, platelets and more in order to keep her sister Kate alive. The book is about love, sisterhood, family, and controversial medical science. For those who love a court room story, there is a little of that there although as someone who isn't into those kind of reads, it worked for this story.

Anna decides to hire an attorney to fight her parents for emancipation and keep the kidney that they have scheduled to remove, or Kate will die.

The story was great and one that will hit a nerve with most readers. What do you do if your child is sick and dying but you are told that by having another, you could save her life. I chose not to have a tubaligation for this reason. Before kids I probably wouldn't have thought this was something that was morally correct. After having my babies, I knew there was nothing I wouldn't do for them, including having another baby.

My girlfriend and I had a wonderful conversation about morals and what we would do in this situation. We had very different opinions along with one of her daughters who chimed in that she would never want to hear that she was born to save a sibling.

I think that depending on which character you are sympathizing with at the moment your morals will change. You can sympathize with the father, the mother, the dying sister, the ignored brother, or 13 year old Anna and understand why they do what they do.

My biggest problem and it wasn't so much a problem well into the book was that each character had their own chapters, making them the primary character. I found that I had to keep going back to find out who was who.

I enjoyed the book and felt a connection to Anna, her father and to her brother Jesse all for different reasons. My heart ached at the end and I think the ending will stay with me longer than I want it to.

While trying to find a picture of the book cover, I found out that the movie will be out in 2009 starring Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, Alec Baldwin and Jason Patric. I am so psyched. I love seeing movies that I have already read.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

My 500th POST-Amateur Book Review - Note to Self: On Keeping A Journal and Other Dangerous Pursuits

Happy 500th post, happy 500th post, happy 500th pooooo-oooooo-ssssstttttt. Happy 500th post! And Many more!!!!

I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I’ve never met. I want to go on living even after my death! And that’s why I’m so grateful to God for having given me this gift, which I can use to develop myself and to express all that’s inside me!—Anne Frank, April 5, 1944

I was fortunate enough to receive a beautifully written book by Samara O'Shea called NOTE TO SELF: ON KEEPING A JOURNAL AND OTHER DANGEROUS PURSUITS - Don't be put off by the obscure title. When I first opened the package I thought that the book looked adorable but what is this book about? I couldn't tell by the title. Reading the book I realized that it was a book about keeping a journal.

In the first chapter she references Anne Frank. What girl who loved reading and writing didn't fall in love with the idea of writing a journal? The journal/diary industry has been helping people keeping memories alive for those who come after or just to remember specific moments for oneself.

As a young girl I received my first diary when I was 9. I still have it and wish I had written more. There were too many days between entries to really get a feel of what I was thinking then. The diary I received the year that my mom was sick, my eleventh year is just as empty. Sometimes I wonder if this is really a bad thing. To have the ability to relive such a devastating time in my life in black and white may have been too much for me at certain times in my life.

Back to Samara O'Shea's NOTE TO SELF: ON KEEPING A JOURNAL AND OTHER DANGEROUS PURSUITS. This is a great read for everyone. Not just people who love writing but others who want to document their lives or need a reason to take pen to paper. I dare you to not want to run out and buy yourself a new journal after reading this.

Some journal writing guidelines from the book:

* Write in a stream of consciousness: Forget everything you ever learned about writing and just write. Let it all out: the good, bad, mad, angry, boring, and ugly.

* Ask yourself questions: What do I want to change about myself? What would I never change about myself? (The book gives some to get you started).

* Copy quotes: Other people's words can help you figure out where you are in life, or where you'd like to be. (Something I have just started doing).

* It takes time: Don't lose faith if you don't immediately feel better after writing in your journal. Think of each entry as part of a collection that will eventually reveal its meaning to you.

Another thing that Samara does that I have not seen before is show the difference in writing as we mature. She was an avid writer and has journals/diary's from her youngest years until now and shares them.
I believe I will keep going back to this book for many years to come for guidance, almost like my bible for journaling.

Unlike Samara I loved the thought of a new book and feel that same feeling even now when I open a brand new journal with clean pages that I know will house my thoughts and memories. I love the idea of all the possibilities that will fill it as I run my hand over the pages like Vanna White. Samara, upon starting a book, felt a sense of pressure to fill that first page with something profound setting a precedence for the rest of the book.

What I loved more than anything I read is that as a blogaholic I have given up actually writing in the many books that I have.

-A Gratitude Journal where I was naming 5 things I was grateful for each day.

-Love Letter Journals to each of my kids that were started in the hospital and written in every birthday or holiday or when an important, profound milestone, profound met.

-A Personal Journal where I wrote something everyday no matter how significant or insignificant.

Reading Samara's entries were like getting to be a fly on the wall in someone's home. Some were deep, profound, funny, emotional and very private. I have read journals by others that I have found at garage sales, antique sales, or estate sales and seeing her journal entries were so much more easier and interesting to read.

Important Note: Samara, although I love her personality that shines through in the pages; has a very no nonsense approach and does have entries that may not be suitable to younger writers. She does talk about substance abuse and cheating on her comedian boyfriend (who by the way, I have seen and uses the cheating story in his act). So use your discretion when purchasing for a teen.

I will be running out to get her first book For the Love of Letters.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Dream Recounting by My Kids

It is strange to hear my son recount his dreams. This started last Friday.

He woke up in the morning and started telling his dream to us as if it had actually happened. I asked him if he had had a dream and he said yes.

Handsome - "Goddess, you fell into the toilet and daddy pulled you out. You have to be careful. ok?"

Goddess - "No I didn't! I didn't fall in. Mommy Handsome is saying I fell in the toilet."

Handsome - "Yes you did and you have to be careful" (which he says as Tareful).

Me - "Oh honey, it's ok. He was just dreaming."

Goddess - "Ok, but the next time I fall in the toilet, can someone call mommy."

The Teach/Husband - "Oh fine! I won't save you next time."

Me - "Why are we arguing over something that didn't happen people? It was only a dream!"

Thursday Challenge - BLUE - Scene Stealer

This is one of my favorite pictures of my kids. I call it scene stealer.

Saying Good-Bye To A True Fighter

The end of last week, we received a call from the family of one of my husband's friends. We were told that he had passed away and the time and place of the wake and the funeral. It was a call we have been expecting to hear for the past 6 weeks. He had come home from the hospital to die and his family and friends knew it.

Facing the death of a loved one if it comes quick or if it was expected is never pleasant and the fighter I am talking about was told 18 years ago that he had 6 months to live. This is a true miracle! Unfortunately I never met him, he was a friend of my husband and he lived in the same town we do but circumstances never made it possible.

Over the past 8 or more years I have spoken to him on the phone when he called to ask for my husband. He was always pleasant and we spoke as if we knew each other. Over the past 2 years I have talked with his wife who called asking for my husband. Either to tell him that his friend was in the hospital or that something needed to be fixed around the house. They would call and he would go to fix the heat, the furnace, the whatever. They would pay him and he would turn around and put it back in his kids trust funds. He always told me that his friend was the best man he knew. Coming from my unemotional husband who doesn't talk about feeling much said a lot to me. This was not something you say about just anyone and if HE was saying it, this was something you could take to the bank.

6 weeks ago I got the call from his wife saying that he was in the hospital, coming out of a seizure and called for my husband. This made me very uneasy because he could call for anyone but he chose to call for my husband. I don't know about you but if a dying man asks for someone, you need to get there. His wife asked if I had a minute and I told her yes, I always had time for her. Having never met her in person, we have spent time talking on the phone for years. This call was different. She usually was tired but she never broke down. It was one of the hardest calls of my life and I cried with her as she told me that her husband had thought he heard mine in the room when he was seizing and was asking for him. I cried when she told me that the doctors have told him that there is nothing more that can be done and I cried with her when she said that he asked to come home so he could die. I cried for him, for their 3 kids, but mostly I cried for her.

Their life has centered around his hospital visits, recouping, tests, operations, and worse. He has been on deaths door more time than anyone would care to count but has always come back stronger and fighting more. Now he was admitting that he fought his last fight and he was ready to rest.

What I regret most was never meeting her before his wake. She knew I was available so I never inserted myself until she called me on to talk but it was very difficult to meet her under such devastating circumstances.

We walked hand in hand into the funeral home and waited in line. She sat in a chair surrounded by her children and her eldest daughter's boyfriend. She wore black and looked broken. I had to hold myself back because I wanted to run to her, throw myself in her lap and sob the biggest tears ever. When we finally got up to her my husband knelt before her and she wrapped herself around him after saying his name and sobbed for what seemed like eternity but was probably 5 minutes at least. The whole time all I could do was hold her shoulder and rub her back. He finally stood and was about to introduce me "this is my w......" when she said my name and we clung to each other as if we had known each other forever. I will never get the way she said my name out of my head. It was so sad, broken, devastating, yet I could hear relief. Relief that we had come and were there.

She had always told me how much they look like each other and that was the first thing that came out of my mouth, "you were right, they do look alike."

My husband knew a lot of people there as the guys had worked together for years. I listened as they all discussed this man that I never knew but had heard of for years. He was a great father, a great man, a miracle, someone who never gave up, someone who lived like he was dying and he was. He never knew when his number was up so he made sure to do and say all the things he needed to.

When it was finally time to leave we headed back up to the family. My husband wasn't sure what to say but then never shut up. He told stories and recounts of his time with her husband their father. She listened and his son, the middle child smiled the whole time. They were clinging to his stories like each one was a gasp of air that they needed to survive. He told them that he would be there for them. That he would drive by to make sure they were ok and if they needed anything to call him. She asked if that would be ok and he said of course, "my door is always open, literally, help yourself to anything in the fridge. My house is your house and the winter is coming I will have to clean your boiler, yada, yada, yada." She said, that her husband would want him to do whatever needed to be done and then she asked him to come closer, "she said, "I love you because he loved you. I love your wife because you love her." Then she turned to me and told me that she loved me and I said it back and meant it.

The moment I will never forget was her son, 14 years old, called my husband just as we were about to walk away and said, "before my dad died, he told me that if I ever needed anything or if I ever need to talk I should talk to you."

My husband told him of course, he said that he would always be there and something like, "your father always knew I was right. I may not have all the answers but I have the right answers. I used to tell him that if he ever thought I was wrong that he should refer to the fact that I was always right" yada, yada.

We walked out and I said, "wow, he wants you to look out for his son. He did that for a reason and you need to make sure you will be there." I really want my husband to make a very big effort in this boy's life. He will need him and it was important to this boy's father. He could have called on anyone but he called on my husband. My husband shouted, "oh thanks man! Just what I needed." I was like, what? He said, oh he would know what I was talking about and he would have found that funny. He used to tell me "hey, you Spaniards have to do something, you just can't cross our borders." He is making sure I do something.

D-Wherever you are, I hope you are pain free and resting. You would be so proud of your family and how strong your children were. You did a fabulous job and everyone respects and admires you. There were thousands of pictures of you and your children smiling and they will have years of memories of you being there. We should all be as strong and determined as you. Rest in peace and know that your family had an amazing role model and your strength shines through.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - Wagon Ride

To play along with The Teach's Ruby Tuesday or to see more Rubylicious pictures go here.

Manic Monday - Big

This is my favorite clip art for Manic Monday so far. James and the Giant Peach was one of my favorite books when I was a kid.

The first things that come to mind for me are:

My kids are getting so big. How did we get here? Didn't I just have my son yesterday? Wasn't I just a first time mom a week ago? Now there are 2 and they are getting bigger every day.

In fact my daughter says that to us at least 3 times a week. "I'm getting bigger every day." This line comes right after, "what happened to your baby?" Uggghhh.

Unlike a lot of my girlfriends with kids, I am sooooo not rushing to big boy/big girl thing. I love having babies and would have 2 more if my husband was interested and if I was younger.
Hold your babies tight because they grow out of you a whole lot quicker than we grow out of them!!!!
Happy Monday