Maria's Space: Saturday Photo Hunt - Dark

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Saturday Photo Hunt - Dark

Saturday Photo Hunt is doing Dark this week as their theme.
This is the photo that is in my side bar and probably one of my favorite pictures. I love the dark with the light contrast. I was doing black and white mode on my camera just highlighting the green. My husband had picked each one up and was tickling them when my son also started tickling his sister. I loved the moment and am glad I was able to catch it forever.


  1. Very sweet moment. Lucky you for being able to capture such priceless photo.

    Mine's up at

    Happy weekend!

  2. K, Thanks for checking me out.

  3. You are right. This pictures is definitely something full of memory. And, it instigates me to use black and white mood once in a while too, when I am shooting for my little girl. That should be nice. :P


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