Mommy Blogger who loves to write, talk, take photos, spend time with my family and friends, read, and breathe.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
ABC Wednesday - K - Kids

Monday, September 29, 2008
I've Been Tagged
I was very surprised this morning when I saw I was tagged by CrazyNLove Mom. Who knew?
I am honored to be tagged by anyone but especially someone I don't know.
Eight Facts About Me:
1) I am for the most part uncomfortably truthful.
2) I would die for my children.
3) I am girly but goth. I like dark drapes and dark walls but I also love Shabby Chic with tons of florals. My two personalities never do battle, they are both very calm and relaxed.
4) I have two sisters but most people don't know about one of them.
5) I can't take enough pictures. I need to document every moment.
6) My husband was my "boy toy" so it always shocks me that we are married 11 years this year.
7) My husband and I have a wonderful balanced relationship. We rarely fight. I can probably count 3 - 6 in the past 11 years or 16 if you could the dating.
8) I wish I had a better relationship with my in-laws. They are from Spain and sometimes things get lost in translation.
I am honored to be tagged by anyone but especially someone I don't know.
Eight Facts About Me:
1) I am for the most part uncomfortably truthful.
2) I would die for my children.
3) I am girly but goth. I like dark drapes and dark walls but I also love Shabby Chic with tons of florals. My two personalities never do battle, they are both very calm and relaxed.
4) I have two sisters but most people don't know about one of them.
5) I can't take enough pictures. I need to document every moment.
6) My husband was my "boy toy" so it always shocks me that we are married 11 years this year.
7) My husband and I have a wonderful balanced relationship. We rarely fight. I can probably count 3 - 6 in the past 11 years or 16 if you could the dating.
8) I wish I had a better relationship with my in-laws. They are from Spain and sometimes things get lost in translation.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Monochrome Monday - Hiding In Plain Sight
Well you're not like anyone else
(You're not like anyone)
You're just an instant flash of light
That shines... - Stevie Nicks
My daughter is my personal muse. I love taking pictures of her and she loves having her picture taken.
She constantly poses herself. This was a pose she decided on with a "mommy take my picture." We were waiting
my son to finish his gymnastics and she wanted to "play" with him so badly. In her boredom she took refuge in a
shoe cubby and sat. I got the camera and started to take pictures of her. Behold, the genius that is my daughter.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
WIP Meme - Week In Pictures

Join my lonely meme and create a running, photo diary of your week.
I am trying to create a legacy for my children and Photos are the best way. When I look back at my childhood photo albums I wish my mom was around to tell me the details of the photo like:
Where we were going?
What was happening?
How old was I?
Who are those people?
Scrapping is a great way because you get some photos and some journaling, but who has time for that these days?
JOIN THIS MEME by adding the button to your post and coming back to comment so that I can come see yours. You can find the button and link on my side bar

September 21, 2008 - I got my daughter the cutest rag doll outfit last year for this year but it is too small. Doesn't it figure. She was only wearing 12-18 months last year and shot up this year to a 2T-3T. This is a 2T but damn I should have gotten 3.

September 22, 2008 - This is a costume she wore on her 2nd Halloween, and it still fits! Go figure.
September 23, 2008 - I used the video camera this day!
September 24, 2008 - Here is my baby. Come on, could she make my heart swell an bigger? She loves her preschool and wants to go every day. All dressed up with a little hand-me-down backpack she can't wait for those school doors to open.
September 25, 2008 - My favorite man and my favorite 3 year old were having a very educational moment. More on this cute moment this week.

September 26, 2008 - Indoor picnics are big in this house. My kids think anytime you place a blanket on the floor it is called a picnic. This was their first time watching Super Why and they were loving it. They actually asked me to take this picture and you will never hear this photographer complain. Ok, it's not the best composition but my camera has been having trouble with it's shutter, so I press and hope for the best.

Sometimes Lining Up Toys Is Just That!
I recently searched out lining up toys and was quite discouraged to find that everyone who spoke about their child lining up toys was concerned about this being normal.
I checked out the 3 bigger sites (National Autism Association, First Signs, Autism Society of America) for Autism information and symptoms and found nothing regarding lining things in their signs and symptoms information.
Why does lining up toys have to amount to anything? If you look around kids see things lined up all around them. Cars on the road, cars in parking lots, people walking on the sidewalk, baking that we do at home, groceries on shelves. Having things lined up is just being orderly.
This is not to say that lining things up is not a sign of a bigger problem but if it isn't coupled up with a whole lot of other symptoms such as milestones not being met or other more blatant signs than hold your concern.
There has been so much lining up toys in this house over the years but honestly, lining up things is just ONE trait out of many that points to Autism.

(She told me that they were having a parade)

(She said, that they were all going to the "barm" or farm)

(They wanted to watch Blue's Clues with her)

(They are all waiting to hug the bunny)
My daughter was a very early talker and she was able to tell me what she was doing. My son who started Early Intervention at 23 months and now is in speech and OT working on his lisp and his grip (all connected to his speech delay) used to put things in lines too. Some people told me he was autistic when he was 23 months old. The reason? He was lining things up! Give me a break. You can see the beginning here. He is doing great, the lining ended right around the time it started.
I started researching all things related to Autism when he was 23 months. Always concerned, always watching, always worried but never stressed. I wanted to make sure that when people talked I had the answers. Educate yourself. Read everything. Talk to your pediatrician but in the long run, make sure you are armed with the knowledge to get your child the best possible care. Early intervention is important but don't let people tell you that lining up toys is a RED FLAG to Autism! I did that! I wish now that I had been stronger to tell them to "F" off. I was so shocked that someone had thrown the autism word out after discussing my son lining things up. If this is the case than all of my friends who line up their kitchen spices or refrigerator supplies in alaphabetical order should get evaluated now.
People with autism also process and respond to information in unique ways. In some cases, aggressive and/or self-injurious behavior may be present. Persons with autism may also exhibit some of the following traits:
* Insistence on sameness; resistance to change
* Difficulty in expressing needs; using gestures or pointing instead of words
* Repeating words or phrases in place of normal, responsive language
* Laughing (and/or crying) for no apparent reason;
* Preference to being alone; aloof manner
* Tantrums
* Difficulty in mixing with others
* Not wanting to cuddle or be cuddled
* Little or no eye contact
* Unresponsive to normal teaching methods
* Sustained odd play
* Spinning objects
* Obsessive attachment to objects
* Apparent over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to pain
* No real fears of danger
* Noticeable physical over-activity or extreme under-activity
* Uneven gross/fine motor skills
* Non-responsive to verbal cues
Know the signs. Go to Autism Speaks for more information.
EDUCATE YOURSELF and know that lining toys up is not the blanket of doom!!!!
I checked out the 3 bigger sites (National Autism Association, First Signs, Autism Society of America) for Autism information and symptoms and found nothing regarding lining things in their signs and symptoms information.
Why does lining up toys have to amount to anything? If you look around kids see things lined up all around them. Cars on the road, cars in parking lots, people walking on the sidewalk, baking that we do at home, groceries on shelves. Having things lined up is just being orderly.
This is not to say that lining things up is not a sign of a bigger problem but if it isn't coupled up with a whole lot of other symptoms such as milestones not being met or other more blatant signs than hold your concern.
There has been so much lining up toys in this house over the years but honestly, lining up things is just ONE trait out of many that points to Autism.

(She told me that they were having a parade)

(She said, that they were all going to the "barm" or farm)

(They wanted to watch Blue's Clues with her)

(They are all waiting to hug the bunny)
My daughter was a very early talker and she was able to tell me what she was doing. My son who started Early Intervention at 23 months and now is in speech and OT working on his lisp and his grip (all connected to his speech delay) used to put things in lines too. Some people told me he was autistic when he was 23 months old. The reason? He was lining things up! Give me a break. You can see the beginning here. He is doing great, the lining ended right around the time it started.
I started researching all things related to Autism when he was 23 months. Always concerned, always watching, always worried but never stressed. I wanted to make sure that when people talked I had the answers. Educate yourself. Read everything. Talk to your pediatrician but in the long run, make sure you are armed with the knowledge to get your child the best possible care. Early intervention is important but don't let people tell you that lining up toys is a RED FLAG to Autism! I did that! I wish now that I had been stronger to tell them to "F" off. I was so shocked that someone had thrown the autism word out after discussing my son lining things up. If this is the case than all of my friends who line up their kitchen spices or refrigerator supplies in alaphabetical order should get evaluated now.
People with autism also process and respond to information in unique ways. In some cases, aggressive and/or self-injurious behavior may be present. Persons with autism may also exhibit some of the following traits:
* Insistence on sameness; resistance to change
* Difficulty in expressing needs; using gestures or pointing instead of words
* Repeating words or phrases in place of normal, responsive language
* Laughing (and/or crying) for no apparent reason;
* Preference to being alone; aloof manner
* Tantrums
* Difficulty in mixing with others
* Not wanting to cuddle or be cuddled
* Little or no eye contact
* Unresponsive to normal teaching methods
* Sustained odd play
* Spinning objects
* Obsessive attachment to objects
* Apparent over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to pain
* No real fears of danger
* Noticeable physical over-activity or extreme under-activity
* Uneven gross/fine motor skills
* Non-responsive to verbal cues
Know the signs. Go to Autism Speaks for more information.

EDUCATE YOURSELF and know that lining toys up is not the blanket of doom!!!!
Cuteness by Goddess
The other day my 3 year old Goddess took a much needed afternoon nap. Naps are a rare occurrence in this house unless you are the 36 year old Teach who takes one at least 4 times a week.
When The Teach came out to tell me that she had fallen asleep I was concerned. She had dance in 1 hour and since she loves it I really wanted her to go. If not, I would probably spend the next 7 days listening to her ask about it.
I tried to wake her, "Do you want to go to dance?"
"Yes." But she never opened her eyes.
I woke her 2 1/2 hours later worried about bed time.
Bed time came and she went to bed. Probably because this house at bed time is run like a ship. Lights get turned off, milk gets offered, teeth are brushed, piggy back rides to bed, prayers, kisses and a good-night, I love you, see you in the morning.
I was shocked and elated because Dancing With The Stars was starting and I could watch without interruption. Well, it was good until 15 minutes later the Goddess poked her head in my room and said, "I didn't kiss Handsome good-night."
We took her in to kiss a sleeping Handsome and put her back to bed.
15 minutes later, she poked her head in and said, "Can you turn off my light? It's too bright."
This was the first time I had had this request. She has never slept without a light.
I turned it off as she requested. Kissed her good-night and got back to DWTS.
10 Minutes later she came in and said, "Can you find my lantern? It's too dark."
Leading her back to bed, I gave her the Barbie lantern that sits on her shelf. Again, I kissed her and headed back to DWTS.
The next 5 minutes she came out to ask for the potty and a drink.
It was going on 8:45 when The Teach led a wide awake Goddess into the room saying, "why don't you just let her sit with you."
Ummm...well basically because I was watching TV and reading and why can't you let her sit with you??????
I didn't say any of that. Instead I said, "ummmm...ok."
She sat next to me on the edge of the bed talking about how her brother was sleeping. Why was I watching this show and what are those people doing? I shhhh'd her every second because it was late, I wanted to be alone, I was missing what the judges were saying, and her brother was asleep and I wanted to keep it that way.
She can't stop talking or whisper so I was getting more annoyed at her until....
She put her head on my arm as she sat next to me and said, "Mommy, you are my very best friend."
Awwwww....my heart grew 10 times it's size and I told her, "awwww, you are my very best friend too honey."
At 10:00 p.m. I shut the TV and we went to sleep holding hands.
Love her!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Amateur Movie Review - Then She Found Me

I was privileged enough to review a DVD through from Family Review Network. I love watching movies because honestly it is a rare occurrence in my life these days.
I heard Bette Midler was in the movie and signed on very quickly. If Bette is there, so am I.
Then I heard this was the directorial debut of Helen Hunt. Interesting! Who didn't love her in Mad About You?
Ok, the movie, yeah I am a chronic digresser.
The movie is about April (Helen Hunt), a NY kindergarten teacher who is approaching 40. With her biological clock ticking she learns she is pregnant by her juvenile soon to be ex-husband (Matthew Broderick) after she falls in love with Mr. Right (Colin Firth).
The "Then She Found Me" part pertains to April's bioloical mom (Bette Midler) who finds her after April's adoptive mom (the only mom she ever knew) dies.
The movie a total chick flick touches on (biological clocks, adoption, artificial insemination, and the rights of birth mothers. There are great performances by the all star cast, but it was very soap operaish to me.
The movie is a supposed comedy but I didn't see it as one. I thought the story was good, very realistic, great cast, strong performances, and a good overall message. After saying that, this is not a movie that will stick with me long after the next movie comes along.
Chotskies gives this a 3 out of 5 star rating.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Friday Fill In
1. Seeing my kids in Halloween costumes are some of the things I'm most looking forward to in October.
2. Sometimes I just want to be.
3. I just might and that's why there is a saying, "never say never"!
4. When I'm down, I phone a friend.
5. With my husband and kids is where you'll find me most often.
6. A rainy day is good for staying in without the guilt.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to staying up late tomorrow my plans include getting my kids to participate in soccer and Sunday, I want to go back to church.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
3 Year Olds Are Cute

The other day the Goddess was making sounds in the car with her mouth.
I am always concerned about choking so I asked her if she was OK.
She said, "that was me. I made the sound with my mouth. I have a "bless you" up my nose!"
Oh my God, I just wanted to pull the car over to hug her. She makes me so happy with her cute little toddler sweetness.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Wordless Wednesday - Cool Wall
Heads or Tails Tuesday
This week for TAILS (the prompt is) - How would you change where you live?
If we are speaking specifically about my home and not my community I would change everything.
-Front door
-Siding and color
-Kitchen layout
-Family Room paneling would come down
-Switch the laundry room and the bathroom around
-Take down the wall paper in the living room
-Build a mantel around the fire place
-Make some recessed bookcases in the hallway
I think I should stop here. I had no idea that my list would be so long.
Product Review - Weight Watcher's Yellow Sponge Snack Cake
Last week I received a package of Weight Watcher's newest snack cake........

Golden Sponge Cake with Creamy Filling
I have been watching what I eat for four weeks so getting a box of sweets was like heaven for me. Tearing open the box and sliding out the pretty blue and white box from Weight Watchers I smiled thinking about the fact that I was about to eat something for the sake of a review.
Getting a plate from the cabinet I pulled an individually wrapped Twinkie looking cake from the box. I was beyond excited. You would think that someone had just given me a Junior's Cheesecake and a fork.
I sat down across from my husband who was very amused as I took my first bite of sweets in 4 weeks. This was my very first Weight Watchers snack cake and I have to say, I don't know why I waited 4 weeks to have a sweet. It was moist and the filling was good but not sugary. I loved it.
Sitting back I looked at my husband and asked if he would like to try one. He said, "no thanks."
I told him, "good because I was really only asking to be polite, and I didn't want to share these".
Why you will love these:
I have been watching what I eat for four weeks so getting a box of sweets was like heaven for me. Tearing open the box and sliding out the pretty blue and white box from Weight Watchers I smiled thinking about the fact that I was about to eat something for the sake of a review.
Getting a plate from the cabinet I pulled an individually wrapped Twinkie looking cake from the box. I was beyond excited. You would think that someone had just given me a Junior's Cheesecake and a fork.
I sat down across from my husband who was very amused as I took my first bite of sweets in 4 weeks. This was my very first Weight Watchers snack cake and I have to say, I don't know why I waited 4 weeks to have a sweet. It was moist and the filling was good but not sugary. I loved it.
Sitting back I looked at my husband and asked if he would like to try one. He said, "no thanks."
I told him, "good because I was really only asking to be polite, and I didn't want to share these".
Why you will love these:
- They are good!
- It is a convenient, sensible snack food!
- It is individually wrapped and easy to take with you.
- Each snack cake is only 1 Weight Watchers point.
- Cheat without the guilt (but remember the serving size-it would be easy to grab two)
- They look like Twinkies!!
- They taste good!
- They are considered "your snack"
Ruby Tuesday

Monday, September 22, 2008
Product Review - Kids Fun Cards
Kids Fun Cards are like sending a hug in your kids lunchbox.
Kids Fun Cards, are adorable, funny, kid friendly post cards. You can put them n your kids lunchbox, on their pillow, in the backpack, inside there text book, in an overnight bag or anywhere else they need a special little something from home to make them smile.
My kids, loved the pictures on the Mystical Little People set and laughed as I read them what each card said. I put them on their car seats every morning so they had something to open on the way to Pre-K. They love getting mail.
Since my kids are under the age of 6, I enlisted the help of some friends.
The first has used them with her youngest daughter who is 9 years old (Kitten). Kitten thought they were funny and everyone at her lunch table (especially the boys), thought so too. Kitten's mom says Kitten is keeping all the cards that she gets. My girlfriend has always been a note writter with her family and this is a different way for her to slip a note into her daughter's lunch.
My second girlfriend used them with her 10 year old son. He loved them and his classmates thought they were "cool"!

The cards come in packs of 5, enough for every day of the week. This is a great idea for kids who think finding a love note from mom on a napkin is hokey.
BTW...see Kids Fun Cards for some really inventive lunch ideas such as:
Sunday, September 21, 2008
WIP Meme - Week In Pictures
Join my lonely meme and create a running, photo diary of your week.
I am trying to create a legacy for my children and Photos are the best way. When I look back at my childhood photo albums I wish my mom was around to tell me the details of the photo like:
Where we were going?
What was happening?
How old was I?
Who are those people?
Scrapping is a great way because you get some photos and some journaling, but who has time for that these days?
JOIN THIS MEME by adding the button to your post and coming back to comment so that I can come see yours.

September 15, 2008 - Here is a picture of my two with my girlfriend Sheress' baby. This was our last trip of the season to the local ice cream eatery. I love that no one has the same expression in this picture.
September 16, 2008 - Here is the Goddess thinking that she is taking Karate. She isn't but every time we go she takes off her shoes and yells Kiai with the rest of the class.

September 17, 2008 - My daughter and I have been heading out after dropping Handsome off at school to feed the ducks and enjoy the crisp September mornings. There is nothing like it. I love it and she looks forward to it too.

September 18, 2008 - Here we are showing off our PakNaks (BTW...see my giveaway here), I love seeing them going to school together. It just makes my heart happy.
September 19, 2008 - I took my baby girl to the "barm" as she calls it. She loves seeing all the animals and I love taking pictures so it's a win, win. We love going to see all the pigs and piglets. The babies are so cute. Can you see how big that mama pig is?
September 20, 2008 - My son and I took a walk alone this evening. His sister really wanted to go but she had been told to eat her dinner and she could come. She didn't, so, so couldn't. She was screaming to my husband how much she wanted to go when Handsome and I left. I took the opportunity to tell the king of tantrums why he was allowed to go and she wasn't. "why do you think you were allowed to come out with mommy and Goddess wasn't?" We walked in quiet conversation which just tells me how absolutely loud my darling daughter really is.

I am trying to create a legacy for my children and Photos are the best way. When I look back at my childhood photo albums I wish my mom was around to tell me the details of the photo like:
Where we were going?
What was happening?
How old was I?
Who are those people?
Scrapping is a great way because you get some photos and some journaling, but who has time for that these days?
JOIN THIS MEME by adding the button to your post and coming back to comment so that I can come see yours.

September 15, 2008 - Here is a picture of my two with my girlfriend Sheress' baby. This was our last trip of the season to the local ice cream eatery. I love that no one has the same expression in this picture.

September 17, 2008 - My daughter and I have been heading out after dropping Handsome off at school to feed the ducks and enjoy the crisp September mornings. There is nothing like it. I love it and she looks forward to it too.

September 18, 2008 - Here we are showing off our PakNaks (BTW...see my giveaway here), I love seeing them going to school together. It just makes my heart happy.

September 19, 2008 - I took my baby girl to the "barm" as she calls it. She loves seeing all the animals and I love taking pictures so it's a win, win. We love going to see all the pigs and piglets. The babies are so cute. Can you see how big that mama pig is?

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Weekend Snapshot

My daughter received the most amazing package from Maiden America. She was thrilled and I wish I was able to snap a better picture because this photo does these amazing clips absolutely no justice. For more on these see my post here.
Friday Meme Craziness
Photo Friday - This week's challenge: 'The Extraordinary'. This statue looks extraordinarily tall.

The Friday Five
- What did you want to be when you were a kid? In this order: Jockey, Vet, Doctor, Nurse
- What is your proudest accomplishment so far? Being a mom
- What is your dream job? It would be to actually get paid for blogging, photography, or writing.
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully above ground, watching my kids turn into teenagers, and still being as happy and calm as I am these days.
- What does it take to make you happy? It takes being with my family, watching my kids be nice to each other, my husband spending time with us. I just want to be with my little family. I am happiest at home with my husband and children.
1. There is no need for prejudice
2. Where in the heck did the years go.
3. Breathing is all I managed to do.
4. Prospects for the future are good.
5. Peace is the message.
6. Simplicity and tranquility are what I strive for.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to chilling with the man tomorrow my plans include soccer and Sunday I look forward to a visit from family.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Things That Make Me Smile
Here is a list of the things that made me smile last week.
Goddess slipping as she was trying to get into the car and I caught her just as she was going to fall. I was putting her seat belt on when she said, "Mommy, you are my super hero.
My son's drawing of him and his sister. Cuuuuuteeeeee! My heart just smiles at this.
Handsome talking to me on the phone. I was at the supermarket, called home to check with the Teach to make sure he didn't need anything and he put the kids on the phone. My daughter is really good on the phone and she loves talking. My son, is very shy and since I never really get to talk to them on the phone I love hearing their voices. Handsome has come a long way with his speech and his words amaze me sometimes but hearing his little voice on the phone reminds me how little he still is.
Playing Uno with my daughter. I love that she wants to play cards. It shows me how big she is getting and I think of all the fun things we will be doing together as the years go by.
Goddess slipping as she was trying to get into the car and I caught her just as she was going to fall. I was putting her seat belt on when she said, "Mommy, you are my super hero.
My son's drawing of him and his sister. Cuuuuuteeeeee! My heart just smiles at this.

Playing Uno with my daughter. I love that she wants to play cards. It shows me how big she is getting and I think of all the fun things we will be doing together as the years go by.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Weather Is Stunning and our Schedule is Crazy
Today was a stellar day.
I got together with my girlfriend Lorie to enjoy a leisurely breakfast at a local coffee shop.
Met up with another friend and her son as they walked around the neighborhood. I love just running into people I know. Having moved so often throughout my younger life running into people I know while out was always a rare occurrence. Not anymore! Love that.
Picked the kids up from school and headed home to spend time with their Daddy and eat some lunch before we headed out to gymnastics.
When we got to Gymnastics my son and his group headed to the mats and 3 younger siblings sat there begging the moms (me included) if they could do gymnastics.
The owner came over and offered up a younger class for some additional mula of course for the little ones.
We all agreed and my daughter and 2 other 3 year olds headed over to the mat with the owner.
I was so proud to watch my daughter follow all instructions given to her. She was awesome.

Our schedule is crazy but we are at gymnastics anyway so why not!!????
Right now the schedule is like this.
Monday - Handsome school and speech
Tuesday Handsome and Goddess, school. Handsome speech and OT. Handsome Karate
Wednesday - Handsome school, speech and OT. Goddess dance.
Thursday - Handsome and Goddess school, Handsome and Goddess gymnastics. Handsome Karate
Friday - Handsome school and speech
5 Giveaways underway and 5 on deck.
Life is good!
I got together with my girlfriend Lorie to enjoy a leisurely breakfast at a local coffee shop.
Met up with another friend and her son as they walked around the neighborhood. I love just running into people I know. Having moved so often throughout my younger life running into people I know while out was always a rare occurrence. Not anymore! Love that.
Picked the kids up from school and headed home to spend time with their Daddy and eat some lunch before we headed out to gymnastics.
When we got to Gymnastics my son and his group headed to the mats and 3 younger siblings sat there begging the moms (me included) if they could do gymnastics.
The owner came over and offered up a younger class for some additional mula of course for the little ones.
We all agreed and my daughter and 2 other 3 year olds headed over to the mat with the owner.
I was so proud to watch my daughter follow all instructions given to her. She was awesome.

Our schedule is crazy but we are at gymnastics anyway so why not!!????
Right now the schedule is like this.
Monday - Handsome school and speech
Tuesday Handsome and Goddess, school. Handsome speech and OT. Handsome Karate
Wednesday - Handsome school, speech and OT. Goddess dance.
Thursday - Handsome and Goddess school, Handsome and Goddess gymnastics. Handsome Karate
Friday - Handsome school and speech
5 Giveaways underway and 5 on deck.
Life is good!
Amateur Book Review - Sam Feels Better Now
Sam Feels Better Now by Jill Osborne and illustrated by Kevin Collier, is a wonderful book about a little boy who is going to a "special" therapist for the first time.
Sam and his mom head into a therapist office because Sam "was scared by something" his mother tells the therapist.
The therapist then helps Sam by having him draw pictures, (someone who is scared, something that is scary, people that Sam loves and who love him, etc.) The drawing pages are interactive. This is where the child reading the book will fill in what is pertinent to their situation.
The book is a wonderful tool to help children and their therapist or parent, deal with the child's feelings. We don't know what scared Sam because it will be different for each child.
Sam Feels Better Now is a safe, non threatening way for children to talk about their feelings and how to deal with them. A great way to empower your child to take control of their feelings and deal with them in a healthy way.
I believe this is a great book for ages 4-14 even though the book is geared toward 4-7. The characters are sweet, colorful, non-threatening with big caring eyes.
The purpose of the book is to help children who have experienced traumatic events to be able to learn how to cope, and reduce the effects of traumatic stress.
Great book for a child about to enter therapy or for a parent trying to find out more about their child. Also, a great resource for therapists.
Sam and his mom head into a therapist office because Sam "was scared by something" his mother tells the therapist.
The therapist then helps Sam by having him draw pictures, (someone who is scared, something that is scary, people that Sam loves and who love him, etc.) The drawing pages are interactive. This is where the child reading the book will fill in what is pertinent to their situation.
The book is a wonderful tool to help children and their therapist or parent, deal with the child's feelings. We don't know what scared Sam because it will be different for each child.
Sam Feels Better Now is a safe, non threatening way for children to talk about their feelings and how to deal with them. A great way to empower your child to take control of their feelings and deal with them in a healthy way.
I believe this is a great book for ages 4-14 even though the book is geared toward 4-7. The characters are sweet, colorful, non-threatening with big caring eyes.
The purpose of the book is to help children who have experienced traumatic events to be able to learn how to cope, and reduce the effects of traumatic stress.
Great book for a child about to enter therapy or for a parent trying to find out more about their child. Also, a great resource for therapists.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Feeding Ducks Is Like A Religious Experience

Today, on a beautiful fall morning, we went to feed the ducks in town while waiting for Handsome to come out of school, there were none.
She was throwing bread to nothing. The water was still, and empty. I asked her where she thought all the ducks were. She said, "I don't know, maybe they are home with their mommies (cute)." Then she stood at the deck, put her hands around her mouth and yelled, "Ducks, ducks...where RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Week In Pictures - 2nd Edition

September 7, 2008 - We have been taking walks around the neighborhood right before it gets dark. It is great therapy for my son and wonderful bonding time for all of us. I can also see how paroinoid I have made my children about cars and being in the street. They see a car coming and they are like deer in headlights. They just stand still as I am telling them "car!" I have to physically move them to the side of the road. "The future therapy" jar is getting a payment this week from mom. I posted more pictures from our walk here and here.

September 8, 2008 - 1st Day of Pre-school and all is well. I wrote about his first day here. He did fabulous! I was so proud.

September 9, 2008 - Was the Goddess' very first school day. She was eager to go and asked about leaving for school for the 2 hours before we left. For more detail and photos come over here.

September 10, 2008 - This was a photo I snapped as she was getting ready to go to ballet. She was ready 4 hours before we had to go. Talk about loving her ballet class. This is a totally staged face which has always been her specialty.

September 11, 2008 - Here are my babies as they leave the car and head toward school eager and smiling. What more can a mom ask for?

September 12, 2008 - The end of the evening after a very long week. Here is my son brushing before bed. He had just taken his brand new beloved boxing gloves after wearing them for 4 hours so that he could actually use his hands. More on that later.

September 13, 2008 - I watched my daughter tracing her foot. She was just quietly sitting there, usually she tells us every single line she makes. This time she was just experiencing on her own. I love that she can find things to keep herself busy. She shocks me with her ability to entertain herself. My son was never like this when he was younger. Probably because he never had to. I was his playmate 24/7.

September 14, 2008 - My son called me in to take his picture with his cat and dog. Not the living breathing kind, but his stuffed animals. He was in his sister's room waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. (I love that they play with each other most of the time). Seeing my son lying in what used to be his room and his old crib makes me melancholy sometimes. It is a reminder of how fast life is.

September 13, 2008 - I watched my daughter tracing her foot. She was just quietly sitting there, usually she tells us every single line she makes. This time she was just experiencing on her own. I love that she can find things to keep herself busy. She shocks me with her ability to entertain herself. My son was never like this when he was younger. Probably because he never had to. I was his playmate 24/7.

September 14, 2008 - My son called me in to take his picture with his cat and dog. Not the living breathing kind, but his stuffed animals. He was in his sister's room waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. (I love that they play with each other most of the time). Seeing my son lying in what used to be his room and his old crib makes me melancholy sometimes. It is a reminder of how fast life is.

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