Maria's Space: Heads or Tails Tuesday

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Heads or Tails Tuesday

This week for TAILS (the prompt is) - How would you change where you live?
If we are speaking specifically about my home and not my community I would change everything.

-Front door
-Siding and color
-Kitchen layout
-Family Room paneling would come down
-Switch the laundry room and the bathroom around
-Take down the wall paper in the living room
-Build a mantel around the fire place
-Make some recessed bookcases in the hallway

I think I should stop here. I had no idea that my list would be so long.


  1. Wow! That IS a long list - I think mine would be the same but it makes me tired to think of all that needs done. :) Nice post!

  2. I hope you buy a winning lottery ticket so you can get all that done. :)


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