Maria's Space: Sky Watch Friday

Friday, September 05, 2008

Sky Watch Friday

I pass this beautiful sight almost every other day. Stunning.
I wish I could say that great big house in the background was mine. It is amazing.


  1. What a great shot. You captured everything. I love the reflection in the lake. Yes, I would like that house! Nice posting, have a great SWF

  2. Anonymous11:13 PM

    nice skywatch Friday photo

  3. Beautiful shot! Must be nice to pass that so frequently. What a nice treat!

  4. Cool photo. You really don't want that house, imagine cleaning it. It would take all week and then you would have to start all over.

  5. beautiful view

    Please stop by also in my SWF post : in HERE and HERE Thanks

  6. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Beautiful view. Happy SF.

  7. Anonymous7:59 AM

    wonderful reflection. excellent choice for swf

  8. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Simply beautiful. I wish that house is mine Thanks for the visit.

  9. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Nice work and framing

  10. Columbo, I appreciate the kind words. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

    Tommy, Thank you. Got to love Skywatch.

    2Sweet, You are my new bff. Thanks for stopping by all of my blogs and leaving sweet comments. It fits your name.

    FishWhisp, That is one hell of a fish btw. You are right about that.

    Juliana, Thanks for coming by.

    Ilana, Thank you for the comment.

    Magic, Beautiful. Thank you for commenting.

    Evalohs, Thank you so much. Coming from you that is something.

    Lady, Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

    Eddie, Thank you for the comment. I appreciate the kind words.

  11. So funny you used the word "stunning" in your description. That's the exact word that popped into my head at first glance of the photo. What a beautiful thing to see all the time.

  12. So lovely view and nearby too. Unlike the grey sky here.

  13. Very nice picture- that house is pretty incredible!

  14. that is a great place to drive by every day. so much better than a row of houses or shops!

    thanks for stopping by my place other day and leaving a comment :)


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