Maria's Space: Week in Pictures - November 1 - 7, 2008

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Week in Pictures - November 1 - 7, 2008

Join my lonely meme and create a running, photo diary of your week. It can contain your favorite picture of the week or a picture for everyday. Whatever you like as long as their is a story or description to go with it.

I am trying to create a legacy for my children and Photos are the best way. When I look back at my childhood photo albums I wish my mom was around to tell me the details of the photo like:

Where we were going?
What was happening?
How old was I?
Who are those people?

Scrapping is a great way because you get some photos and some journaling, but who has time for that these days?

JOIN THIS MEME by adding the button to your post and coming back to comment so that I can come see yours. You can find the button and link on my side bar.
November 3, 2008 - This was the first picture I took in 3 days. After my husband and my disastrous date I was in a total funk and didn't take out the camera. This photo was literally taken because I was like, crap I need a picture already this week. Grrr...everything is back to normal now or is it????

November 4, 2008 - I was so ready to Eclipse. It has been calling my name for 3 weeks but with so many reviews and the kids schedule it was impossible to get to. Finally! I was ready. It was on my schedule for the evening. After taking my daughter to dance I had to make a stop for the Teach for some beer. While there I spotted a Merlot called Vampire. Could this be a sign? I grabbed a bottle, headed home, took out my Halloween glasses and started the book. Wow! I can't wait to get back to it. I have read about 1 1/2 chapters a night. It calls me every moment that I am not reading it. More on that later.

November 5, 2008 - I am reviewing some juice boxes this week (look out for the review this week), here is my son drinking the one I gave him to try.

November 6, 2008 - I was sitting doing some writing with my son. We have been concentrating on his letter consistency. Making sure that the letters are the same size and practicing his finger placement. My daughter had asked for some paper and she was saying that she was going to make a "e" or "l" as we were. I never looked up, just acknowledge her words. Finally I lifted my eyes to give her my attention and was shocked to see that she did in fact write the letters. I remember when my son wrote his first letter on a Magnadoodle. I was so proud. You can read it here.

November 7, 2008 - My children had the best time at a classmates party today. As did I. It is always wonderful to see the joy in children's faces as they experience a special moment. This place was every child's dream come true. They got to run, jump, climb, swing, slide, play, eat and get a party bag at the end. Who wouldn't love this?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    OMG, a good book AND a glass of wine!?! Heaven on Earth, baby! Ohio and I picked up a bottle of Vampire a while back. I figured it would s*ck considering the price and how gimmicky it looked, BUT it was actually pretty good. Have you tried Werewolf yet??? I should have gotten a bottle of that too...

    BTW - Looove the wine glass :)


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