Sunday, February 01, 2009

Wii Fit Week One Ends with Results!

Last week my husband and I started our healthy body plan. By the summer I am hoping to be in my best shape possible. I don't want to say the best shape of my life because I refuse to set myself up for failure. This is not saying that I don't think I will continue on my course, this is just a preventative measure. I was bulemic for more than 5 years of my life and that is one thing I will not go back to.

I got back on Wii last Tuesday after about 4 months of not using it. While I thoroughly enjoy Wii, my son, the holiday, my blog and life had taken over and exercise was not something I put on my list of things to do.

Getting on again was way scary because of that whole Obese thing but I mustered up the confidence telling myself "it is what it is". Oddly enough, I had lost weight since my last time on. Awesome! I wasn't starting from the beginning again which was a big confidence boost. As an ex-bulemic getting on the scale is very hard. I spent my two pregnancies facing away from the scale with a big note in my medical file that they were not to discuss my weight unless it became an issue. I can't let my weight be about a number!

Last week I did Wii 3 days and the treadmill 2. Today when I got on, Wii informed me that I had lost 1.8 pounds. Awesome!

I set small goals because they are easier to manage and when you by-pass it, you get that boost of confidence that we all need (learned from my husband). I had wanted to lose 1.5 pounds in two weeks so 1.8 in a week is fab.

My Wii Fit Regimine.....
All strength training exercises
5 Yoga poses
2 rounds of hula and stepping
3-5 various balancing games

Followed by meditation!

As for the treadmill, I did 25 minutes each time.

I bet if I cut all the extra snacks out such as (eating a fruit snack my daughter feed me, BK with the kids the other night and a bacon and egg sandwich two times this week, I would have lost at least 2 pounds. However, the last thing I will ever be is fanatical about dieting.

Breakfast is usually, coffee and wheaties but I do love eggs, so I had egg beaters twice.

Last weekend I made home made chicken soup so that was my lunch all week.

Dinner is usually something small, salad, cereal, chicken soup or an english muffin.
Snacks were Weight Watcher cookies and Haagen Daaz Frozen Coffee Yogurt, so yummy!

We'll see what next week holds.

BTW...My Wii age is 34, 8 years younger than my actual age. Woot!

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