- Download my 2008 photos onto DVD's and get them off my computer
- Get a job
- Make a paycheck
- Start a savings
- Continue on my spring cleaning
- Make arrangements for my children's spring vacation
- Finish my latest book and move forward
- Get my paperwork complete for taxes
- Finish my resume
- Remind myself of how fabulous I am
Mommy Blogger who loves to write, talk, take photos, spend time with my family and friends, read, and breathe.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
10 Things on Your “To-Do” List
Monday, March 30, 2009
Whose on my MP3 Player???
- Twilight Score (I am addicted to everything Twilight)
- Daughtry (His voice rocks)
- Taylor Swift (She is a doll and I love all of her songs)
- Creed (God damn, why did they break up???)
- Evanescence (Amy sings like an Angel)
- Dave Grohl (He's the man!)
- Pearl Jam (Ten is my favorite album)
- Fuel (Love raunchy, gruff dude voices!)
- Gretchen Wilson (Hello!)
- Coldplay (Everyone needs a song or two)
- Dave Matthews (It's Dave!!! )
What's on yours????
The Simple Women's Daybook - March 30th
For Today...
Outside my window... Cold, cold, cold! Spots of sunshine but mostly cloudy.
I am thinking... That I need to call my last job to get my employment dates.
From the learning rooms... Loving yourself is so important to good mental health.
I am thankful for...Spending time with my girlfriends at a baby shower this weekend.
From the kitchen... Not much! Not hungry.
I am wearing...Jeans, brown belt and peach yoga top.
I am reading... Twilight (again) and The Middle Place (look for my review coming up)
I am hoping... To find a job that challenges me, pays well, & works with my children's schedule.
I am creating... My updated resume.
I am hearing... My girlfriend talking about our kids summer schedule, my son play Wii and my daughter watching Frosty!
Around the house... Vacuuming needs to be done. Dining room and living room were cleaned today.
One of my favorite things...zoning out with a good book.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Getting my resume printed and moving on.
Here is a picture I would like to share with you...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
My 1,115 Post - Saturday 9
The host of the famous Bravo series, actor, professor and host James Lipton asks actors these 9 questions (among many others). Today we will ask you those questions!
1. What is your favorite word? LOVE!
2. What is your least favorite word? Stupid, hate
3. What turns you on, creatively, spiritually, or emotionally? Someone who stands by their convictions and stays true to themselves.
4. What turns you off? Close minded people
5. What is your favorite curse word? FUCK!
6. What sound or noise do you love? My kids saying I love you
7. What sound or noise do you hate? Horns beeping and kids screaming
8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? I want to be a photographer for Playgirl!
9. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? You were everything I intended you to be.
Amateur Book Review - Emergency by Neil Strauss
One of my favorite quotes from the book is "I'd rather be a running wimp than a dead hero." Nothing wrong with that. Hiding out sounds like a good thing if you are prepared and you can keep your cool.
While I think this book is mostly tongue in cheek, there were quite a few interesting tidbits that could change the way you view life as we currently live it.
You have to love the titles of some of the chapters too:
- Why knocking up a Brazilian Women can save your life
- Why you should think of the Zoo as a restaurant
- The Britney Spears school of pregnant surfing
I personally loved the chapter called Five Steps to Tax Free and How to Become Immortal in One Easy Step.
In A Nutshell: Very interesting, quick read, entertaining and thought provoking. Word of Caution: This book will NOT save your life! It is not big enough or thick enough to take a bullet for you. However, if you need kindling you will be able to start a nice big fire with it.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday Thunks on Friday
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by THE THURSDAY THUNKERS, the color brown and the number 1.
1. What is your favorite type of soda (if you drink soda)? I don't drink Soda but I love Dr. Pepper. It has been a few years since I had a taste though.
2. Do you believe in astrology? If so, what does your sign say about you? I think there is something there but I don't put as much thought into it as I used to. I am a Leo. The Zodiac says:
The Leo type is the most dominant, spontaneously creative and extrovert of all the zodiacal characters. In grandeur of manner, splendor of bearing and magnanimity of personality, they are the monarch's among humans as the lion is king of beasts. They are ambitious, courageous, dominant, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident there is no such a word as doubt in their vocabularies, and they are self-controlled. Born leaders, either in support of, or in revolt against, the status quo. They are at their most effective when in a position of command, their personal magnetism and innate courtesy of mind bringing out the best of loyalty from subordinates. They are uncomplicated, knowing exactly what they want and using all their energies, creativeness and resolution to get it, as well as being certain that they will get whatever they are after. Their followers know where they are with Leonians. Leonians think and act bigger than others would normally dare; the ambitiousness of their schemes and idealism sometimes daunt their followers, their practical hardheadedness and ability to go straight to the heart of any problem reassures those who depend on them. If Leonians meet with setbacks they thrive on the adversity.
On the whole they are powers for good, for they are strongly idealistic, humane, and beneficent. They have powerful intelligence and are of a broad philosophical, sometimes religious, turn of mind. Those who are devout may become very obstinate in upholding traditional beliefs and will cling tenaciously, but with complete sincerity, to practices and doctrines which liberal thinkers regard as absurdly out-of-date. These will be found as the 'lions' of industries, and in the forefront of the cutting edge of technologies.
3. Who is John Galt? A man?!
4. What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep at night? Kiss my husband
5. Who's your Daddy? A man, I think.
6. Jelly beans or Jelly Bellies? Neither
7. What do you think about yellow car? Why car manufacturer actually made yellow cars? Whatever floats your boat!
8. Holding on or Letting go? Holding on but if I have to let go, I will.
9. What kind of underwear, if any, do you wear? I only wear thongs. I hate underwear.
10. Who is your daddy and what does he do? A man who does nothing.
11. Spring - is it here yet?? It is getting here.
12. Does Google Streetview scare you? Nope!
13. What is your favorite brand of ice cream? Haagen
14. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Coffee
15. Do you ever get tired of your everyday routine? Yes, daily
16. What inspires you? My kids, books, photography, the weather, everything.
17. It’s springtime-do you spend more time outdoors? Oh yes....
18. When do you think Bud will let us see the DVD of him and the french twins? Is there a DVD?
19. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you, and why? I would live where I am right now. Why not?
20. Why do you blog? So many reasons; to keep up my computer skills, to network, to be creative, to leave a legacy for my kids, to write, to keep myself sane. Imagine taking care of kids, watching TV, doing house cleaning and laundry all day. Then imagine you never have time to yourself to just be with your own thoughts for 10 minutes! It would make you pretty crazy. Blogging allows me an escape for 2 seconds.
21. What are electrolytes and why are they good for us? Electrolyte is a "medical/scientific" term for salts, specifically ions. Electrolytes are important because they are what your cells (especially nerve, heart, muscle) use to maintain voltages across their cell membranes and to carry electrical impulses (nerve impulses, muscle contractions) across themselves and to other cells. Your kidneys work to keep the electrolyte concentrations in your blood constant despite changes in your body. Duh, everyone knows that.
22. Do you twitter? Why or why not? Yes. I Twitter because it is what Bloggers do.
23. What did you dream last night? I never dream, you have to enter REM sleep to dream.
24. What is the strangest thing you've eaten? I don't eat strange things.
25. What was the last picture that you took? It was my kids playing soccer with their father.
26. what is your favorite part of spring? The sunny, breezy feeling.
27. what is one thing that you did this past week that no one knows about? I watched Twilight 4 times this week. 2 times in 1 night.
28. What kind of bandages do you typically have in your household? Band-Aid brand
Friday Memes
1. "In a hole in the ground there lived a bunny named Hopper. Hopper loved to sit and watch the children playing in the school yard. Secretly Hopper wanted to be human but he would never admit that to his bunny friends.
2. "I have a few grays but that ain't no matter."
3. "After dark the rain began to fall again, and the creeps come out at night."
4. "The brooch she wore upon her breast were from the hold of the Spanish galleon."
5. "There was a hand in the darkness, and a scream escaped her throat as the realization seeped in.
6. "Accidents ambush the unsuspecting, tourists.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to ummm...errr...watching Twilight for the fifth time. Tomorrow my plans include just trying to catch up on a million and one errands and Sunday, I want to hang with my girlfriends at a baby shower.
- To whom do you normally turn when you need to complain about something? I have an amazing group of girlfriends. All of them have a unique purpose. I usually turn to my girlfriend Teresa or Susan. They are the ones who aren't afraid to speak their mind or worried about offending me.
- Which annual season-turning do you enjoy the most? I love summer to fall. The colors of Fall amaze me.
- Where can you get a really good turnover? I don't really love turnovers. It isn't something I would look for but Entemann's has good ones.
- What’s employee turnover like where you work? Unfortunately, were I work, I am the only employee. The pay really sucks, the hours are even worse.
- One of the Wonder Twins could turn into any form of water, while the other could turn into any animal. Which of these powers would be more useful to you? I would prefer being an animal! A bird who can take flight, soar above the trees and return home with the swoop of a wing sounds great.
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
What is your favorite dessert at a restaurant? Something with melted chocolate
What is the funnest game you have played recently? Trivia Pursuit for Wii
What job(s) did you have while in high school/college? When I was in college I worked at Kmart. "Attention K-Mart Shoppers, there is a blue light special in the Ladies Wear Department." Yup, that was me.
Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life what is it just for the week?) Obsessing over a fictional character is weird but it is short lived so enjoy it while it's there. "Ummm errrrr...can you say Edward Cullen????

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Look What I Found Thursday - 3rd Edition
My girlfriend Bek, sent me this link, while there, I found Lauren's Bite. She is witty, funny and write about her Twilight/Edward/Rob obsession. I couldn't stop reading. You can also check out some awesome pictures of Rob as Edward. My favorite part of her blog is "pocket Edward."
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Twilight Support Group
Calling all Twilight Addicts!!!!
Do you have Twilightitis?
Twilightitis - Can't move past the saga; refuse to move onto another book;can't stop researching Twilight online; have already watched every You Tube video with Rob Pattinson; watched the DVD over 2 times.
I simply cannot get enough of Bella and Edward. There are a million books out there I am dying to read but nothing is grabbing me. I took 3 months to read Breaking Dawn because I refused to let go of the Cullen Family. Once I was done with book 4 I knew it was over.
I am praying that Stephanie Meyer finishes Midnight Sun because Edward's voice is missing from The Twilight Series almost making him a secondary character. I know she is busy with the movies and all but the series has already been written she just has to write from his prospective. It should be easy for her.
If you are a Twilight Addict like me; write me (ree026 at optonline.net) and lets see if together we can come up with a way to move past Twilight. What is the next great love story? What books are good that will take the place of my obsession?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Birthday Calculator - I am 511 Months Old!
Enter you birthday to find out how many hour, seconds, or minutes you are.
There are 142 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 43 candles
As of 3/24/2009 3:52:19 PM EST
You are 42 years old.
You are 511 months old.
You are 2,224 weeks old.
You are 15,564 days old.
You are 373,551 hours old.
You are 22,413,112 minutes old.
You are 1,344,786,739 seconds old.
The Simple Woman's Daybook~March 23rd Edition
For Today...
Outside my window... looks warm, but looks can be deceiving. It is friggin cold out there.
I am thinking... Twilight tonight baby!
From the learning rooms... I need to spend more time learning Photoshop
I am thankful for... A day off from school.
From the kitchen... My coffee smells awesome
I am wearing... black yoga pants and a purple t-shirt.
I am reading...Breaking Dawn for the 2nd time and Emergency by Neil Strauss
I am hoping... To get the kids down before 8:00 so I can watch Twilight
I am creating... a very cool network of business associates.
I am hearing... my kids fight over the TV
Around the house...started Spring cleaning. All ceiling fans are done!
One of my favorite things... reading all I can on Twilight
A few plans for the rest of the week...cleaning
Here is a picture I would like to share with you...

My babies are too cute together. He loves picking her up these days. Check out her hand-me-down boy underwear.
Monday, March 23, 2009
It's Twilight Time - Don't look for me tonight!
My DVD arrived today and I have been holding it ever since.
All day, I waited for this moment when I could sit down on the couch, with a comforter and watch it again!!!!
Yes, that is a 42 year old women kissing a DVD case. What? Like you never did that!

That is a happy lady right there!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Gigi and the Lend Me A Hand Band Gets Kids Moving
My son is almost 6, so when I saw the flyer, I passed it by because it said, 1-5 years old. I am so glad someone took the time to invite me because my kids had a blast.
The "music and dance show" ended up being the............
Gigi, has been singing since before she was walking,
according to her mom, Granny Franny
The two women (the duo) who performed today are part of a musical family (trio & full band) who are available for parties, libraries, engagements, preschools, schools, and more.
There were about 25 kids and 12 moms and dads and we were all having a wonderful time. The women were engaging, entertaining, funny, witty, and clever.
The music they perform is super kid friendly. All the kids were sitting right in front of them performing the songs and doing the dances the Gigi and Granny Franny asked of them. Mixed with classics such as Old McDonald, 5 Green Speckled Frogs, and more were a slew of activities that made the kids jump, clamp, stamp their feet, make animal noises, and march around the room. The kids all loved the opportunity to speak into the microphone as Gigi asked questions, giving everyone their moment to shine.
My kids loved it! They sat right in front and told me later they really enjoyed themselves. "Can we see them again?"
I really wish I had my camera today!
The Good and The Not So Good Side of Being a SAHM
There are good, and not so good sides to every story. Giving up work to raise children is not something that anyone should go into lightly. When you give up your job you give up all kinds of things.
For me the easiest part of leaving my job was wanting to spend all my time with my babies. I lost my mom at 12 years old and never had a soft place to land. I was out of the house and taking care of myself before I was 17 years old. The hardest part of being a stay at home mom for me was giving up my independence. I didn't think of this at the time because I was more focused on my baby than of myself.
The hardest part of leaving my job; now (almost 5.5 years later) is that I am now 100% dependent on someone. This should be a good thing, and for some, it just might be. For me, it means little respect, no time to myself, having to ask for money to and always feeling as if I am walking on a glass floor that can break at any time.
Looking for work right now, is almost impossible. It means putting the kids in daycare and that is something that doesn't sit well with me. As a child of abuse I am always afraid of what other people will do to my children. My families schedule makes it hard to work also.
In this economy and in life we all need to work I just wish it was easier for me to find work around my children's, mine and my husband's schedule.
The Good Side
- Spending 24 hours a day with your kids
- Not having to take time off if they are sick
- Enjoying the park on a beautiful day
- Taking them to the free shows my community offer during the day
- Going to the farms, stores, and parks during the week instead of on the busy weekend
- Being able to participate in school activities
The Not So Good Side
- Spending 24 hours with your kids
- Getting absolutely no respect for what you do
- Having to ask your significant other for money even if it is to pay the bills
- Having no moments to yourself (even in the bathroom)
- Sometimes having no other adult conversation except with your spouse who never has anything to say to you.
Stepping off my soap box for the day. I just really needed to get that off my chest.

I pre-ordered from Amazon over 2 months ago knowing that I would get my DVD in the mail a few days after the release.
This morning, I received an email from Amazon stating that my order has already been shipped.
Along with this wonderful news was this email from Amazon:
Thank you for buying 'Twilight' on DVD from Amazon.com. We're writing with some important news about the release date.
Summit Entertainment, the studio producing 'Twilight' on DVD, will release it on Saturday March 21. Saturday delivery for your Amazon.com orders isn't guaranteed, but we're working to deliver your DVD as soon as possible after the Saturday release date.
We understand how important it is for fellow Twi-hards to watch and enjoy 'Twilight' on release day, so we've decided to make it happen. Amazon will provide--at no cost to you--a free 24-hour digital rental through Amazon Video On Demand that you can activate on March 21st. (No fighting the crowds or waiting in line at the store.)
Your promotional code and instructions will arrive in your inbox within hours of midnight EST on March 21st, and you can break dawn with 'Twilight' instantly. It's our way of saying thanks for your business.
As if you needed another order to use Amazon!!
Thank you to my advertisers who helped me pay for my Twilight Box Set along with the DVD.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Things In My House Thursday
The last time I played along with Thing In My House Thursday, I posted pictures of one half of my son's galactic style room. I mentioned that we based the room on a bedspread and on the movie Stargate. Here are photos of the Stargate closet my husband built.
Here is a picture of the closet. It was your basic, opposing, sliding doors type box. He took the doors off and created this massive temple looking facade.

The second picture: I opened one of the doors to show you the inside. The other side is just a rod with clothes hanging on it. Because the rooms are fairly small, he built the dresser inside the closet. There are sliding shelf drawers a big shelf going across the top.
In these pictures you can see the detail that went into the wood work of the closet. He carved each symbol and the first picture is my son's initials. The others are some that he found from the actual movie Stargate. You can see in the middle picture the type of crackle paint that was used. Only on an angle can you see that it has red in it. Otherwise if looks black. This was also used on the window. You an also see the 3 recessed lights above the closet in this picture.
In the last picture, I wanted to show you the trap door on either side for the Christmas lights. If a light ever goes out, he simply pulls them up through the door to change the bulb. Genius, No!???
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thursday Thunks
1. The last flight of stairs you walked up/down - were they carpeted? Yes. I cannot wait to pull that shit up.
2. Green or purple grapes? Either. They are all the same to me.
3. Do you like Peeps? No. Are they even real marshmellows?
4. The smell of Vicks - like it? It does the trick so I don't care what it smells like.
5. Do you put decorative cling-ons on your windows for different holidays? I did this one year. My kids took them off and put them back so many times, they eventually lost all shape and stopped clinging. So no!
6. Finish the sentence - I spent too much money on nothing. I don't spend a lot of money on anything.
7. Which celebrity should be flown into outer space or placed on a desert island? I could do without Britney. She's been gone for a while and I don't miss her. I want to see her do well but if she dropped out of sight forever it would be ok with me.
8. Would you support schools changing the "open" time? Such as 10am - 5pm, for example? Sure, whatever works
9. Do you go fishing? No!
Wednesday Weirdness #47
This is an interesting post to write after my bible study.
1.) In your opinion, what is your biggest character flaw? Probably that I take things very personally especially when it comes from my husband.
2.) What do you think is one of the worst television shows ever created? Oh I don't know...probably something on NBC, it is the only channel I don't watch.
3.) Have you ever ended up injured after trying an interesting new sex position? I think once, I ended up with a pulled nerve in my neck but not from an interesting "new" position. It was probably some same old position that is been done since Adam and Eve bite that damn apple.
4.) How crucial do you think communication is between you and a regular sexual partner? Do you talk often about what works, what doesn't, things you want to try, etc or do you keep the discussions to a minimal and let the physical flow as it may? It would be wonderful to have good communication. It would be impossible to expect good communication in the bedroom when you don't have it outside the bedroom.
5.) Who are your favorite comedic actors/actresses? Do I have a favorite? I like Ben Stiller, Mel Brooks, Madelyn Kahn, & Jim Carey
6.) In what way(s) do you wish your childhood was different? I wish that my family stayed together longer.
7.) Cotton Candy; Delicious treat or disgusting mess?De-lic-ious!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Teaching Your Child To Call 911 in an Emergency
As my children get older, as I watch more of the news, I realize how important it is that my children know how and when to dial 911. All children as old as 4 should know how to call. Hopefully, they won't ever have to do it, but teaching them how could save a life.
1. Teach your child to call from the house phone -- not the cell phone. Once the call from a house phone is made, the child really doesn't need to say anything else to get help. Of course, the more detailed the information available to emergency crews, the better the response will be.
2. Tell your child not to hang up until told to do so. In most cases, 911 call-takers (operators) will keep kids on the line until responders arrive. Children want to know someone is there.
3. Kids have a tendency to mumble when they're nervous. Stress the importance of being heard and understood. The recording equipment and computers make it difficult to hear at some 911 centers.
4. Make sure your child can say his or her first and last name to the call-taker. He or she will use the child's name repeatedly.
5. Your child should listen to the questions carefully, and ask the call-taker to repeat if necessary.
6. Stress to your child the absolute importance not to make things up. Kids may see the call-taker's questions as a sort of quiz, and feel they let someone down if they don't know the answer. That can lead to some creative answers. It's much better for them to just say they're not sure and move on the next question.
7. Have your child practice on an unplugged phone. They can dial 911 and you can be the call-taker. Ask them questions about the pretend incident. Do this kind of role-playing repeatedly. Kids like make-believe and repetition.
8. Teach your child when to call 911. Use basic concepts like when an adult can't wake up, any fire that happens without an adult, or an intruder in the home. Kids get the number down (it's only three digits after all), but they sometimes get confused with when to call. Don't be discouraged if your child can't explain the right situations to you. They often understand intuitively even when they can't explain it. Encourage them to trust their "gut" feelings, and if in doubt, to call.
9. Sing a song with your young child. About.com Guide to Child Care, Robin McClure, suggests using the melody to Frere Jacques as a fire safety teaching tool.
There's a fire
There's a fire
Call the fire department
Call the fire department
10. The older the child gets, the more detailed discussions you can have about the appropriate use of 911. It's extremely important that kids not use 911 as a joke. In most jurisdictions, calling 911 for any reason other than an emergency is grounds for a citation and a fine.
Kids Are Weird
Goddess: No, I am going to my mom. Not your mom, my mom.
Goddess: Right, mommy...you are my mom and not his?
Mom (me): No, honey..he is my baby too.
Goddess: No! Why do we need him???? Mom, why do we need Handsome????
Mom (me): Why do we need him?
Goddess: I don't want him.
Product Review - Friends Forever Girls Giveaway
I am so happy to have been part of this product review and ecstatic to be able to host a giveaway from Friends Forever Girls.

When Mom Blog Marketing sent the notice out for reviewers, I couldn't respond quick enough. My daughter loves dolls.
When the box arrived I was like a little kid myself. I couldn't wait to open the colorful box to reveal the doll inside. I spread open the tissue paper and actually gasped. She was more beautiful than I had expected. Her name is Natalie and she is one of the Friends Forever Girls.

The Simple Woman's Daybook~March 16th Entry
For Today...
Outside my window... beautiful, sunny, chilly day.
I am thinking... That I am tired of being sick. This house needs fumigation. 3 weekends of sickness is enough!!
From the learning rooms... I am reading and enjoying the bible.
I am thankful for... my husband taking the kids outside to enjoy a few hours with their daddy.
From the kitchen...Grilled chicken and salad was just what this sick mommy needed yesterday.
I am wearing... Jeans and a t-shirt.
I am reading... Eclipse and Emergency
I am hoping... a nice, warm day so that I can open all the windows and doors to bring in some fresh air.
I am creating... a network of friends that I didn't even think was possible.
I am hearing... Snow White. My daughter is watching it for the first time and hasn't sat down yet. She is standing right in front of the TV watching the dwarfs.
Around the house... A basket of laundry that needs folding.
One of my favorite things... reading with my daughter.
A few plans for the rest of the week... get the kids to the park a few days this week.
Here is a picture I thought I would share with you...

Music Monday - My Immortal
Right now, I am loving the Twilight Series for the second time and am once again in love with the character of Edward. It is not because he is a vampire but how deeply he loves "his" love.
Whenever I pick up the book the first song that pops in my mind is "My Immortal" by Evanescence for obvious reasons. Edward is immortal.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Transforming Family With The Help of a Life Coach
Have you ever just wanted to talk to someone who was totally disconnected from your situation? Someone you could lay everything on without censor, without judgement?
Who, hasn't felt that way at one time or another in their life?
Enter Tracy of Transforming Family.
Today I had a 1/2 session with Tracy of Transforming Family. What an honor to speak to someone whose goal is the help people live the best life they can live.
Talking to Tracy was like speaking to someone I have known forever. Tracy started out thinking that the key to a blessed life was money and power. She attained a BA in fashion merchandising and used it to become a buyer and manager of a sports good store. After that she went back to college, finishing with a BS in Early Childhood Education. Teaching through all the educational red tape was unsatisfying. Finally she found what she was looking for in the form of motherhood. Now, years later she has become a certified life coach. For the past 3 years she has been trying to "change the world, one family at a time."
After spending my early years in therapy, I have the tools to help me get my story out from beginning to end without falling off track. I gave Tracy a good 10 minute brief of my life from the death of mom to where I am today. She is a terrific, attentive listener who really hears you. Her caring, non threatening way of advising, makes you feel as if you are talking to your sister or your mother.
She offered suggestions and guidelines to assist me in dealing what was on my mind. I felt validated, supported, energized and accepted. Talking to Tracy, made me feel that I was on the right path and that it was OK for me to feel the way I feel. Exactly what I needed to hear!
In A Nutshell: Sometimes everyone needs someone to hear them, REALLY HEAR THEM. Tracy from Transforming Family WILL listen, Will HEAR you, and will assist you in finding the RIGHT path for you and YOUR situation.
Live your best life~
Compliments of Family Review Network
Friday, March 13, 2009
Attack of the Friday Memes-
- What’s your favorite frozen heat-and-eat food? I don't know...maybe an Eggo. I really aren't much of a frozen food person. I like it fresh baby.
- How sensitive are you to cool temperatures? Honestly, I would much rather be cold than hot. You can always heat up by layering but getting cool takes much more time for me. I don't like the heat!!!
- How many ice-cube trays are there in your freezer? None! We have an ice cube maker
- What aspect of your life seems to be frozen in place?For the past 6 years I have yet to sleep through the night. My little one has yet to sleep through the night. She is lucky I love her to bits.
- What’s your favorite blanket like? The blanket has been unavailable for a while but it is about 6 feet long and has really strong arms
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
What is the longest consecutive time you have spent in a car? For some crazy reason, my sister and our boyfriends back in the 90's decided to drive to Florida and back for the weekend. It was for my nephew's baptism and none of us wanted to spend the money on plane tickets. We were really stupid. Dumbest thing ever but at least we were all still talking by the time we got home.
LunchWhere would you go if you were invisible? I would be a fly on the wall in everyone's house for just a little while. It would be interesting and eye opening to hear what people really think of you!
If you could swim in any liquid what would it be and why? I would swim in seltzer. A big vat of sparkling seltzer with a twist of lime sounds like heaven.
What store do you shop at the most? A&P. Sad but true. By the way...I hate shopping.
Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life what is it just for the week?) The "sickies" only last for a little while and then everyone will smile again and I will once again, get at least 6 hours of broken sleep.
2. My Dining Room is the room that has the best view in my home.
3. Let it work please God, let it work!
4. Dirty deeds? done dirt cheap!
5. Manners, is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share.
6. If you have any money feel free to share it, I'm not proud.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to doing nothing, tomorrow my plans include getting some fresh air and Sunday, I want to sleep past 7:00 a.m.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thursday Thunks - 5th Edition
1. You are walking down the road and you look down. There is a bug. Do you step on it? If the bug is not in my house, it is not worth getting nasty bug juice all over my shoes.
2. What is one fantasy that you want to come true more than any other? Well, since it is a fantasy....let's see the fictional Edward Cullen comes in and sweeps me off my feet or Josh Holloway just can't live without me.
3. Someone knocks on your door. Do you look out the window to see who it is before you open it? Do you open it regardless of who it is? Every single time, I look out the window. But, I can't see my front door from the window, so, I contort myself until I hear them knock again, then I race down the stairs and open the door.
4. Have you ever eaten Play Doh? I have never eaten Play Doh. Why the hell would I do this? Do people actually try Play Doh?
5. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon as a child and why? I loved Bugs Bunny. He was so damn funny. I also loved Josie and the Pussy Cats.
6. Are you a "people watcher"? Totally! It is my favorite pastime
7. I have a bowl of fruit. There are apples, oranges & pears. You help yourself to one - which one do you choose? I am totally reaching for the orange unless it is not seedless than I am going for the pear, if it doesn't smell ripe and isn't soft, I will take the apple unless it is bruised.
8. What is your biggest pet peeve in the blogging world? I don't have one.
9. What is one religion that you could just never see yourself joining? I could never be a FDLS.
10. What word do you use far too often? Fuck, Dude, God, Damn it, Girlfriend, baby
11. How long do you spend in the shower? 7.5 minutes but it is a spectator sport with my 2 kids watching me.
12. If you were to write a personal ad about yourself, what would it say? Mother of 2, good friend, big heart!
13. Your favorite flavor of soup is....? Black Bean
14. You are sitting on a bench in the park and a bug walks in front of your feet.... do you squash him? As long as he keeps on walking, he is free to go. I am on his territory and we can share the world.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
ABC Wednesday - H - Holding
I love this picture of my niece and my daughter. Before my daughter was born I said if I ever had a girl, I wanted one just like my niece. They are similar in so many ways, they even look alike.
Product Review - Piano for Preschoolers
Piano for Preschoolers is a complete program for teaching your child how to play the piano, even if YOU can't.
Imagine a system, that teaches your child how to play their favorite nursery rhymes in easy, fun color-coded lessons.
Just use the included color code key chart, line it up with middle C (the book will show you how), open the song book and let your child be amazed as they play the song all by themselves.
While your child is playing the first song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, you could sing along and/or move your finger along the music sheet for them so they don't lose their place.
The best time for children to be introduced to the concept of learning music is between 3-10 years old.
There are 19 lessons in the book with tons of hints on how to place your hands and fingers on the keys.
Here is my 3 year old playing for the very first time.
My kids loved playing the songs. I kept the keyboard and book on the table for the kids to play with whenever they wanted them. They went to them often and loved that they could actually play the song.
It is wonderful that the lessons use songs that the kids already know. It helps with timing and rhythm.

Monday, March 09, 2009
The Simple Woman's Daybook~March 9th Entry
Outside my window... clouds, greyness, rain!
I am thinking...Crappy day. I am tired. Feverish kids keeping me awake for two nights now.
From the learning rooms... My studies with the bible are opening doors that I had no idea would ever be open.
I am thankful for... life, air, friends and family
From the kitchen... made my first batch of black bean soup yesterday. Came out really good, can't wait for lunch.
I am wearing... baby blue pants with dogs on them and a baby blue tank top.
I am reading... Eclipse again
I am hoping...the kids feel better soon.
I am creating... space, hope and cleansing my soul.
I am hearing... my son play Star Wars
Around the house...need to dust and vacuum but after two night with less than 10 hours of sleep total I don't feel like it.
One of my favorite things...listening to my daughter sing, or play with her toys.
A few plans for the rest of the week... get back to working out, read, blog, take more pictures, clean up my computer, look for work and network, network, network.
Here is a picture I am sharing with you...
Here is a photo of my little sleepwalker sleeping between the couch and the ottoman.
Sunday Stealing: The Random Question Meme
1. How old do you look? I am going to be 43 but everyone tells me I look between 32-35. I guess that is good.
2. Where do you live? Between 4 walls and a roof.
3. Are you waiting for something? Well, there is this really cool giveaway I won a few weeks ago, it would be nice to finally receive it. I am also waiting for pigs to fly out of my butt because sometime ago, I told myself I would no longer settle for crumbs; yet, here I am.
4. What’s one pet peeve of yours that is not common? I hate waiting for people. I absolutely hate it. I also NEED to be on time. If I am not 15 minutes early I am late as far as I am concerned. I also hate when people don't use good manners. It costs nothing to be polite.
5. Do you want/have kids? I have two and they are enough but I have so much love in my heart, I will always feel I was meant to have more. When I was younger I always thought I would be a great foster mom, but these days 2 are quite enough.
6. Have you ever thought about converting your religion? No! I can barely call what I currently do "a religion."
7. Last shocking news you heard? That there are only 144,000 seats in heaven!!! What?! So even in death there is a hierarchy?
8. What was the last thing you drank? My saving grace, coffee.
9. Who do you most look like in your family? As I get older I look more and more like my mom which is funny because she died when she was 34 which is much younger than I am now. But, I have my dad's crooked smile.
10. If you could have something right now, anything, what would it be? A money tree in my basement. What? You said anything!
11. Where does most of your family live? In one of the boroughs!
12. Where did you grow up? Have I grown up yet? That is the question!
13. Where do you want to go on vacation? Anywhere!!!
14. Have you ever had a panic attack? Yes! Not many and I can count them on my hands. They are usually caused by the alpha male in my life.
15. What can’t you wait for? Bedtime!
16. When’s the last time you told someone you loved him or her and meant it? This morning! If I say it, it is because I mean it.
17. Have your parents ever smoked pot? I know dad did, I am not sure about mom.
18. Want someone back in your life? I would love to go back to 1997. There was an incredible friendship with someone still in my life that I would love to reclaim.
19. What do you order at the bar? Well, if I were ever to go to a bar..I would order a beer or something mixed that catches my eye.
20. When was the last time you cried really, really hard? A few weeks ago. I am not proud of it but sometimes we all need a really good cry. It is exhausting and cleansing at the same time.
21. Ever licked someone’s cheek? Ummmm...no but then again no one ever took the time to smear chocolate sauce on it for me.
22. What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? Jelly!
23. Where were you on July 4th, 2008? Why whose looking for me?
24. What are your nicknames? Ree, Ria, Ree-Ree, Grandma and shoes in Spanish (don't ask because I so don't have a shoe thing - crazy PR's).
25. If you could go back in time, how far back would you go - I would go back to 2003 to watch my son born. It is the one thing I wish I had been awake for.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Wednesday Weirdness on Saturday
I just found this meme and it seems quite interesting.
1. What is one thing one of your closest friends does that drives you batshit crazy? She puts me on perma hold at least 65% of the time. I hate waiting for people.
2. When buying a new sex toy, what are the features you look for that you absolutely have to have? I haven't purchased something new in a long time but it should absolutely feel good and if it did all the work that would be even better.
3. If you woke up the opposite gender for one day, what would be the biggest downside to that for you? Having to stand and pee when you first wake up. God that must really suck.
4. Do you use curse words in front of children? No. Before kids I cursed like a truck driver and thought it would be impossible for me to not curse. I only curse when they are out of earshot and hear every single curse that everyone else says in front of my kids as if it were amplified.
5. If you were zapped with a laser and turned into an animated character, what Disney movie would you hate to play a part in? I think the Lion King would pretty much suck. There are no cute guys in in that movie.
6. How would you react to your partner answering a phone call or text message during foreplay or intercourse? As if!!!
7. What are three things you want to try doing but haven't yet? (They can be sexual or non-sexual, doesn't matter.) I want to try to sleep through the night, remember my dreams and get a tattoo.
Thursday Thunks
1. This cat- Link- scary or cute? Neither, just plain gross. That cat put the Ug-in Ugly.
2. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes reproducing again. Good idea or don't care?

3. Do you smile at strangers when you make eye contact? I do. Feeling like a total tool most of the time but it is a weird reflex.
4. What percentage of your sarcasm isn't really sarcasm at all? I don't think I am very sarcastic. Am I? Maybe about 35.8%. Was that a sarcastic answer?
5. If you were to be a dog breed, which breed would you be? Oh hell, I don't know...something small, cuddly and loyal. A total lap dog.
6. Go grab the closest book. Open up to page 27. Whats the 4th sentence? After the sale was finalized, Dad had more free time to spend with us at Woodruff's house, and during this period our family grew further enmeshed with the Salt Lake Valley FLDS community.
7. When's the last time someone put one over on you, told you a story that you totally fell for when it wasn't anywhere near true? It was a few months ago and it was Mr. Kevin Wheeler talking about faces in his fireplace.
8. Ever seen Michael Jackson in person? Nope
9. Do you have a gut? I have a small gunt which I think is smaller than a gut even though there is an extra letter in the word.
10. What is one thing in your kitchen you have too many/too much of? Coffee Cups.
11. Ever had a colon cleansing? Well this morning after my coffee, oh never mind. I forgot this was my Mommy blog and not my Chotskies.
Friday, March 06, 2009
Friday Fill Ins
2. Another place another time.
3. Sometimes things really suck in matters of the heart.
4. Coffee, tea or Me (oh yeah baby...I went there).
5. I don't want to take separate paths.
6. Our relationship reminds me that there is a whole lot of history between us.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching Ghost Whisper tomorrow my plans include enjoying some fresh air and Sunday, I want to go to church.
Food 4 Thought
What is the most interesting car you have ever owned and why? My first car was a black camero. That was 4 cars ago. I truly loved that car and have had no other attachment for a car.

Eenamaria Handbags Coming to QVC!
I am a lucky girl. Who wouldn't want to review a cool a cool bag by Sarah Morgan the creator and designer of eenamaria handbags?
Eenamaria offers a fresh, edgy new collection that really makes a statement. There is something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a small weekend clutches to large, or a functional travel totes that can fit all of your travel, business, mommy, needs! You will find it here!
The bright colors and bold designs are not only practical, but exciting and fun.
Now, if only I had this dress to wear it with, CUUUUUUTTEEE!!!

I really love this one too...now that I am looking at them again.

Thursday, March 05, 2009
Things in My house Thursday
This is my son's room, I ordered him a bed spread when we first moved him out of the nursery and my husband built the room around the spread. The wall was air brushed. The light fixture I order online and I really wish I could tell you where I got it from. It is really cool. The planets spin around and the base matches the wall and is used as a nightlight.
This is my favorite part of the wall. The ring is airbrushed along with the stars but the planet he created by using his fingers.
Next week, I will have photos of his closet. It is awesome. My husband based it on the movie Stargate.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Taylor Swift Makes It Ok For My Son To Say Stupid
Stupid is a word in my house that has been deemed a "bad word". When my 5 year old started saying it a few months back, we told him, "no you don't say that, it's a bad word."
Fast forward to the beginning of February and I feel in love with everything Taylor Swift. I adore her songs and downloaded them to my MP3 player for our time in the car.
When he first heard the song he said, "what did she say?" I told him she was talking about a pick up truck, not a person. He asked for it again, and sang along with the "stupid pick up truck" part.
It's cute. This is the first song he has taken a liking to beside kid songs or the songs of Annie which I spoke about here.
We have been having problems with backtalking for a while now, but this is really just a song and he enjoys it and so do I.
It's cute. I can't wait to see what song he takes to next.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
An Award for Little Old Me!!!?????
There isn't much in life outside of the unconditional love of my kids, family and friends that has made me as happy as I was yesterday.
The powers that be over at Family Review Network have bestowed on me the honor of "Member of the Month." How cool is that?
I also get this really awesome button for my blog. Sweeettt!!

Yeah I know I'm a dweeb but at least I know it.
Thanks ladies,
You have made this mom of 2 very happy and oh so, floored.
Monday, March 02, 2009
The Simple Woman's Daybook~March 2nd Edition
Outside my window... SNOW! Snow and more snow. I cannot believe how much there is. Whiteness as far as the eye can see.
I am thinking... That times are hard all over and families need to turn to the people they love for comfort.
From the learning rooms... The bible has become more important than I thought possible. Reading scripture isn't as hard as I thought it would be.
I am thankful for... My girlfriends. Thankfully my support cheerleaders are always there for me to listen and remind me I am important and relevant.
From the kitchen... I am tired of black bean soup. I really want to bite into a nice, juicy steak.
I am wearing... my sponge bob PJs and Halloween foot warmers.
I am reading... Coraline, the bible, and Stolen Innocence.
I am hoping... to find a way to make money really soon. Hopefully someone will answer my add in the local paper or on Craiglist.
I am creating... my updated resume.
I am hearing... My daughter talking as usual, my husband on the treadmill and my son pretending he is a baby.
Around the house... Loads to paper need to be tossed or found a better home.
One of my favorite things... The smell of freshly laundered clothing.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Give the paper a check for my add. Touch base with a few connections regarding employment and continuing to hold onto my sanity.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Sunday, March 01, 2009
Sunday Stealing: The Procrastination Tool Meme
2. What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it? Steak, salad, eggs, bacon, spinach.
3. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? My appendix and two babies.
4. What is the last heavy item you lifted? My 45 pound son.
5. Have you ever been knocked unconscious? No thank God! I have fainted but never knocked unconscious.
6. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No!!!! And No
7. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I had the chance to do it once and didn't. There is no reason to change your name. Once you change it that other person ceases to exist in my mind.
8. What’s your goal for the year? To survive with my self esteem, pride, and soul intact.
9. Last person you hugged? My daughter. I am a total hugger. I love me some huggin'
10. First place you went this morning? The kitchen to make coffee.
11. Do you always answer your phone? 80% of the time. Mostly I check to see if it my husband calling if not I will call them back. 98% of the time it's not him.
12. It’s four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it? Clarissa sending me something naughty.
13. If you could change your eye color what would it be? I wouldn't change them. My parents made them together and it is meant to be.
14. What’s on your wish list for your birthday? A life!
15. Does the future make you more nervous or excited? I am not nervous of my future. Life is what YOU make it.
16. Do you have any saved texts? Yes, from my husband.
17. Ever been in a car wreck? I am superstitious so I am afraid to answer this one.
18. Do you have an accent? Don't we all have an accent to someone?
19. What was the last song to make you cry? It's called Stealing Cinderella and it makes me cry every time.>20. What did you do last night? Watched 10,000 BC and fell asleep before the end.
21. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? I have felt that way but now I know that it wasn't rock bottom. I am still here and that was a misstep in the road.
22. Current hate right now? There is nothing I HATE!
23. Met someone who changed your life? There are so many people. There are probably a few that I don't even realize how they altered my path. We never know the actual impact we have on someone.
24. How did you bring in the New Year? Hanging at home watching the ball on TV.
25. What song represents you? There are lines in a few songs that speak to me and my current situation.
Saturday Six
1. When you write on your blog, are you more often trying to entertain, inform or persuade? When I write on my blog. I am writing for myself. I am writing to remember and to leave a story for my children. Anyone else who reads and comments is just icing on the cake. I would do this if I had 0 or 1500 readers. Always write for yourself. Write without censorship. Write without hate but mostly write for yourself.
2. Do you feel you’re successful most of the time? I feel that anyone who takes what life offers is successful. There is success in a monetary sense but there is also success at living life. Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is the star of their own reality. I have been successful in the sense that I like who I am and honestly for me that was one of my hardest hurdles. So yes, I have been successful!
3. Do you consider yourself to be more bold online than in person, or the other way around? I am the same online as I am in life. Ask any of my friends who "really" know me and they will tell you that my blog is me.
4. Who would be most embarrassed if they read your blog? No one. There is nothing in here that would embarrass anyone. I don't have a malicious bone in their body.
5. Take the quiz: What Kind of Communicator Are You?
Communication is one of the hardest things for me. I have always thought of myself as boring, forgetful (no one will remember me), small, inferior, unimportant. Working past these things has taken me years but there are still times these feeling manage to creep in and this usually happens in my own home.