Mommy Blogger who loves to write, talk, take photos, spend time with my family and friends, read, and breathe.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Memories Through Photography - Birdwatcher
We got our Sinupret win the other day and the kids were ecstatic. It came with these cute little binoculars. My daughter played with them all morning but when I finally open the sliders and said she could go out she tossed them aside and went on the deck. She was out for about an hour when she quickly came in, ran around searching, found the tossed aside binoculars, and pushed past me saying, "watch out, I've got birdwatching to do."

Thursday Thunks
1. What color is your front door? It is, peeling paint white
2. We discussed our folks in previous TT so now tell me about your siblings. If you are an only child, tell me whether or not you wanted siblings, older, younger etc. I was the oldest of three. I have two sisters younger than me. One is only 11 months younger and we are close. We have very different personalities but I adore her. The other is 3 years younger and we are not close at all. I don't know her at all. We haven't spoken in over 4 years and before that another 2. There was never a fall out, we just don't speak. A lot of my new friends are shocked to hear I have a two sisters because she is never mentioned.
3. What color/type butterfly is your favorite? I love all butterflies but I am partial to the Painted Lady
4. Will you be celebrating Cinco De Mayo? Not a celebratory kinda way.
5. Oprah- love her, hate her, or don't care? I used to be able to say without a doubt, Love her. I haven't watched her in over a year so now I am more of a "don't care" kinda fan.
6. Are you worried about the spread of swine flu? I try not to spend time worrying about things I have no control over.
7. Hard or soft pillows? Pillows! I don't care really. As long as there is a pillow under my head, I will make do.
8. How many trees are in your neighbor's yard? Which Neighbor?
9. What was the color of the last car you saw? Why? Green!
10. When does your driver's license expire? Ummmm...maybe I should check that out. For all I know it is expired right now.
11. Look at the clock on your computer and type the numbers backwards. 133 (why?)
12. When you put your pants on, what leg do you put in first? I couldn't tell you. Is this a personality profile question?
13. How would you respond to this letter if you were an advice columnist.
Girl, are you just ugly or is your body bad too? I have seen a lot of ugly women with husbands. If you have a great rack, dress those girls up and showcase them. Show off your best assets and the men will come running.
Or, walk into a bar or better yet these days, the stock exchange with a bag over your head, fan out the money and announce, "ugly, rich women, looking to share her homes, speed boat, and cars with someone". You will have your pick of men!! You better work it Giiiirrrlll!!!!!!
2. We discussed our folks in previous TT so now tell me about your siblings. If you are an only child, tell me whether or not you wanted siblings, older, younger etc. I was the oldest of three. I have two sisters younger than me. One is only 11 months younger and we are close. We have very different personalities but I adore her. The other is 3 years younger and we are not close at all. I don't know her at all. We haven't spoken in over 4 years and before that another 2. There was never a fall out, we just don't speak. A lot of my new friends are shocked to hear I have a two sisters because she is never mentioned.
3. What color/type butterfly is your favorite? I love all butterflies but I am partial to the Painted Lady
4. Will you be celebrating Cinco De Mayo? Not a celebratory kinda way.
5. Oprah- love her, hate her, or don't care? I used to be able to say without a doubt, Love her. I haven't watched her in over a year so now I am more of a "don't care" kinda fan.
6. Are you worried about the spread of swine flu? I try not to spend time worrying about things I have no control over.
7. Hard or soft pillows? Pillows! I don't care really. As long as there is a pillow under my head, I will make do.
8. How many trees are in your neighbor's yard? Which Neighbor?
9. What was the color of the last car you saw? Why? Green!
10. When does your driver's license expire? Ummmm...maybe I should check that out. For all I know it is expired right now.
11. Look at the clock on your computer and type the numbers backwards. 133 (why?)
12. When you put your pants on, what leg do you put in first? I couldn't tell you. Is this a personality profile question?
13. How would you respond to this letter if you were an advice columnist.
I am an ugly woman. I was an ugly baby and child even! It is a fact. I am 36 now and I have never had a boyfriend, and I am still a virgin.Why would you want someone to marry an ugly women? Someone should want to marry YOU! Ugly, pretty, rich, poor, smart or stupid, successful or a failure. Be yourself and your inner beauty will shine through.
Due to me not having men in my life, I have poured everything I have in to education and my career. At 36 I am the youngest (and first female CEO) at a big, successful, tech company. I have over 200 personal patents and millions of pounds in investments.
I have everything: huge house, holiday villa in Spain, 3 cars, power boat, a race horse, etc. but as much I try to talk myself into everything being “great” I cannot help but to miss that special someone to share it all with.
Most of my friends are married with kids and I feel like I am gradually drifting away from them also.
Where can I find someone to marry an ugly woman?
Depending on the mag I work for, I have two submissions.
Girl, are you just ugly or is your body bad too? I have seen a lot of ugly women with husbands. If you have a great rack, dress those girls up and showcase them. Show off your best assets and the men will come running.
Or, walk into a bar or better yet these days, the stock exchange with a bag over your head, fan out the money and announce, "ugly, rich women, looking to share her homes, speed boat, and cars with someone". You will have your pick of men!! You better work it Giiiirrrlll!!!!!!
A Thousand Words Thursday - Where Are All The Eggs?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Glamour Poll Results Are In And Kids Buy Because Miley Is On The Cover
This week I asked, Is 13 too young, to read Glamour magazine? The reason was because my 13 year old niece had it with her the last time I saw her.
The results:
71% think 10-12 is too young
35% think 13-15 is too young
4% think 16-18 is too young.
Today, I had a chance to speak with her about the magazine. When I asked if she purchased it because Miley was on the cover she said, "yes".
When I asked if she read the articles, she said, "yes."
I asked if she felt the articles were appropriate for her age and if she felt Miley should be on the cover? She said, "in Miley's article it says something about how this is her first women’s magazine cover and talks about her Vanity Fair photo shoot".
That is when I got angry. There was so much controversy over Miley's Vanity Fair photo of her wearing a sheet and the supposed provocative shot of her and her Daddy.
This is so crazy to me, Miley wasn't on this the cover of Vanity Fair in June 2008 when her "con traversal photos" appeared. So, children (my niece included) didn't feel compelled to purchased the magazine. BTW...here is the cover. Are Miley fans going to purchase this magazine based on the cover?
Let's fast forward this post ....Glamour cover, Miley...looking beautiful, young, wholesome and fun. The cover, colorful and yes, enticing to her very young fans.
Yes, Miley is dressed in these pictures. She looks full of energy, young and very ingenue. A big difference from Vanity Fair's photoshoot. But!!!!!!! The articles that her fans now have access to....are disturbing.
So I ask, Why is it OK to put Miley on the cover of a magazine like Glamour with it's sexual content but not OK, to have her wear a sheet in an artsy photo taken by Annie Leibovitz?
The results:
71% think 10-12 is too young
35% think 13-15 is too young
4% think 16-18 is too young.
Today, I had a chance to speak with her about the magazine. When I asked if she purchased it because Miley was on the cover she said, "yes".
When I asked if she read the articles, she said, "yes."
I asked if she felt the articles were appropriate for her age and if she felt Miley should be on the cover? She said, "in Miley's article it says something about how this is her first women’s magazine cover and talks about her Vanity Fair photo shoot".
That is when I got angry. There was so much controversy over Miley's Vanity Fair photo of her wearing a sheet and the supposed provocative shot of her and her Daddy.
This is so crazy to me, Miley wasn't on this the cover of Vanity Fair in June 2008 when her "con traversal photos" appeared. So, children (my niece included) didn't feel compelled to purchased the magazine. BTW...here is the cover. Are Miley fans going to purchase this magazine based on the cover?
Let's fast forward this post ....Glamour cover, Miley...looking beautiful, young, wholesome and fun. The cover, colorful and yes, enticing to her very young fans.
Yes, Miley is dressed in these pictures. She looks full of energy, young and very ingenue. A big difference from Vanity Fair's photoshoot. But!!!!!!! The articles that her fans now have access to....are disturbing.
So I ask, Why is it OK to put Miley on the cover of a magazine like Glamour with it's sexual content but not OK, to have her wear a sheet in an artsy photo taken by Annie Leibovitz?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Wednesday Weirdness
1. Is there a particular smell that turns you on? If so what is it? There are so many. I don't like bad body funk. I also don't like the smell of garbage after you throw bananas in it. Not that I like garbage anyway but after a banana, watch out.
2. Have you ever tried or considered trying a Master Cleanse type method to lose weight? Never
3. When you browsing a book store for reading material, do you find yourself checking out a book solely based on the cover design? Of course. Usually I read the back and put it down. The cover more often than not, is just a good marketing tool.
4. Which 80's trend were you least happy to see come back this year; big shoulder pads or neon? Are they back? Where have I been?
5. How long do you think could you disappear for until someone would notice your absence and start looking for you? I have two kids under 6. I can't disappear for 12.8 seconds before someone calls me. Outside my children? Probably longer than I would care to even know.
6. Have you ever walked out of a movie and asked for your money back? Which movie(s) and why? I think I may have walked out of a movie I don't remember. Did we ask for our money back? Ummm...I don't recall.
7. Have you ever changed your plans because of something you read in your horoscope? Nope. I'm loco sometimes but not about horoscopes.
Memories Through Photography - The Sibs

I love playing with my photos on Picnik. They have such great tools to enhance your photos. The first picture is just kind of ok. It's too busy with all the distracting elements in the background. The second one I used one of my favorite Picnik features, called Ortonish. I have no idea what or who the hell Orton was but love the results.
In this photo I had asked them to stand together for a picture. For some reason, they got the stand together concept but never looked at me.
Oh well, it's cute anyway.
Monday, April 27, 2009
The Simple Women's Daybook - April 27, 2009
For Today...April 27, 2009
Outside my window... Sunny and hot but not as hot as yesterday. The buds are all in bloom and it is getting quite green almost overnight.
I am thinking... This time of year kills my kids. They have the worst allergies to trees and grass and both are suffering.
From the learning rooms... Learning to hit the ground runny.
I am thankful for... friends who tell me I am always positive.
From the kitchen... Not hungry today.
I am wearing... Capri jeans and a purple t-shirt.
I am reading... How I Got To Be The Person I Am, and Twilight
I am hoping... My business cards come in this week.
I am creating... A mess with all these clothes I pulled out of storage. I need to wash all this stuff.
I am praying... peace
Around the house... Tons of winter clothes and summer clothes that need to transition.
One of my favorite things... listening to music. I had given it up for a while when the kids were little but now that I have my Sirius MP3 player, I have fallen in love again.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Catch up, catch up, catch up
Music Monday - Butterfly Kisses
This song makes me cry every time I hear it.
This is the song I danced to with my Daddy at my wedding over 12 years ago. Now that I have a daughter of my own, I cry for a different reason.
This is the song I danced to with my Daddy at my wedding over 12 years ago. Now that I have a daughter of my own, I cry for a different reason.
Yummy Mother's Day Giveaway - Tine Temptations
Mother's are very special people.
They are warm, caring, loving, nurturing, funny, optimistic and beautiful!
I am so excited about this giveaway because it is my first yummy, sweet treat in my Mother's Day Giveaway
In A Nutshell: What is not to like about this shop? Beside the yummy edibles, Melissa dabbles in other crafts such as purses, totes, wine glass charms, scarfs and more. It's your one stop shopping site.
I am so excited about this giveaway because it is my first yummy, sweet treat in my Mother's Day Giveaway
Melissa, sent me three different samples of her Marshmallow Bites. Please ignore the 4 year old smiling at the top of the photo. She was dying to dig in. I took about 15 photos asking her to please step away from the marshmallows, but she couldn't do it, and stuck her puss in every photo.

After the photo, I took out my little mini Bento Box hearts and put two bites in each heart. 1 for each of us. We ate our fill and couldn't decide on a favorite until we had three servings. I loved the butterscotch, chocolate the best and she loved the sprinkles the best. When I asked why she said "because they are the prettiest." I also love the pink, white and black coloring on the packets. These are great favor ideas for a girl birthday party or a graduation party. Love them!
After the photo, I took out my little mini Bento Box hearts and put two bites in each heart. 1 for each of us. We ate our fill and couldn't decide on a favorite until we had three servings. I loved the butterscotch, chocolate the best and she loved the sprinkles the best. When I asked why she said "because they are the prettiest." I also love the pink, white and black coloring on the packets. These are great favor ideas for a girl birthday party or a graduation party. Love them!
In A Nutshell: What is not to like about this shop? Beside the yummy edibles, Melissa dabbles in other crafts such as purses, totes, wine glass charms, scarfs and more. It's your one stop shopping site.
Book Giveaway - Great Summer Read - The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan
I was lucky enough to receive a copy of The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan. I finished it in 3 days and this is with being a mom of 2, a blogaholic, a wife, a friend, starting a new business and reading Twilight. Why was it such a quick read? It is a fantastic book. The kids go to bed at 8:00, I shut the TV off and read.
Let me tell you about Kelly and her story. She was 36 years old, married with 2 kids and wrote a weekly column for a newspaper.
The Middle Place is that overlap between parenthood and childhood. Most of you know that place, the place between your adult duties while caring for your parents. Kelly suddenly notices a lump in her breast one night while bathing with her babies.
In her book, Kelly takes us through her diagnosis, her relationship with her family (she has a wonderful support system), her marriage (her husband Edward should be cloned). The book is wonderfully written with moments of humor. There is no down time and this is the first book I have read that tells me what will happen to me if (God forbid) I ever have to go through radiation treatment. Kelly also filled a void that I had. My mother passed away of cancer. All these years I can only imagine what that must have been like, now I feel I know.
I must admit that I did cry while reading this book. It is not a sad book! What I cried over was the relationship she has with her father. I adore her father George Corrigan. We should all have a George in our lives. Her dad is the main reason she is the women she is today. When George learns that he has another round of late-stage cancer, it is Kelly's turn to take care of the man who always had her back.
Kelly is a wonderful writer. She gave this book a heart and it is actually palpable. Brilliant writer, beautiful memoir.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
CSE Meeting Knocks Me Out of My Chair
Now that I have had time to calm down I am ready to start writing about my CSE meeting. This is where the Committee on Special Education sits down once a year and discusses my son Handsome.
Where do I start? Well how about here, this is the post where I discuss what happened last year. Last year he was supposed to go to Kindergarten and this post tells you why I decided against it and what the Committee said.
I got the reports from all the therapists and evaluators on Wednesday. I read them each about 4 times like I have every year. Mostly I check for inconsistencies, fudged claims, changes since the evaluation and mostly ridiculousness. This years favorite ridiculousness was this statement:
"Academic Knowledge, is a sampling of Handsome's knowledge of the Sciences, history, geography, government, economics, art, music and literature". I had to laugh. What the hell were they asking him? Who was our first president. Umm...hello people he is in preschool.
Anyway, the report went on to say, "that his performance on Academic Knowledge was below that of the average student in grade K". Well, so as far as I concerned he is below because he is not in Kindergarten! Duh!
I digress, then it goes on to state "that his standard score is within the low average range for his grade and his Academic knowledge is limited". Now for my favorite part: "He will probably find similar grade-level tasks very difficult."
How the hell does this person know this? Does she have a crystal ball because if so, I could use the Pick 6 numbers for this week, I am broke. HE HAS NOT BEEN EXPOSED TO ANY OF THESE ACADEMIC SUBJECTS.
Anway, the reports showed him as 85% average. Much better than last year when he was low on 85% of the reports. Which was the reason I held him out of K this year. I put him in a 5 day a week preschool. Mostly to give him time to catch up socially and verbally. He had a speech delay which is what started the whole process. He was talking (see my speech my ass post here) but there were some folks who were saying he needed to be evaluated. Very first evaluation is here and my first meeting with the committee is here.
This meeting started 35 minutes later than it was supposed to. I walked in telling them I could only give the 25 minutes because I had to pick up my son at 12:00.
It was so rushed. They all read things on the reports out loud and I listened while keeping Goddess happy with crayons.
So, at the end, the leader of the meeting says, Ok, so we are all in agreement that he goes into self contained kindergarten?! They go around the table saying "yes". I stand as I look at the time, I have 8 minutes to get to my son's preschool on time and say as I place my bag on my shoulder and lift Goddess to my hip. "No, I do not agree. Do not put me down as a yes, I will look over these reports again and get back to you." I was livid. I said, "I wanted him mainstream, I held him back for him to go mainstream and get the opportunity to have these Kindergarten teachers. Who will be the teacher?" They tell me they have no idea yet.
I left so pissed off.
First, how dare you. No idea on the teacher! Don't even tell me that this is a possibility? The reason I held him last year was because there was no Self Contained or he would have been in Kindergarten, going into first right in September.
I am assuming that self contained (7-12 students with 3 teachers) is now available and they need to have the numbers in order to show the State why this class needed to come back.
Last year when he was "low" on his evaluations and not even showing up as a 4.2 year old on some things they fought me (see the first link) on it. Now that he is average, right where he needs to be they want him in self contained?!
Grrrr....this is not to say, I will not eventually decide on self contained. This may be the right fit for him, but I am also not ready to take mainstream Kindergarten away. Just like last year, I will sort it all out and make the best decision for HIM. Because, out of the 12 or so people on the committee I am the only one who LOVES him. September is a long way away and I see no reason to make this decision right now!!
Where do I start? Well how about here, this is the post where I discuss what happened last year. Last year he was supposed to go to Kindergarten and this post tells you why I decided against it and what the Committee said.
I got the reports from all the therapists and evaluators on Wednesday. I read them each about 4 times like I have every year. Mostly I check for inconsistencies, fudged claims, changes since the evaluation and mostly ridiculousness. This years favorite ridiculousness was this statement:
"Academic Knowledge, is a sampling of Handsome's knowledge of the Sciences, history, geography, government, economics, art, music and literature". I had to laugh. What the hell were they asking him? Who was our first president. Umm...hello people he is in preschool.
Anyway, the report went on to say, "that his performance on Academic Knowledge was below that of the average student in grade K". Well, so as far as I concerned he is below because he is not in Kindergarten! Duh!
I digress, then it goes on to state "that his standard score is within the low average range for his grade and his Academic knowledge is limited". Now for my favorite part: "He will probably find similar grade-level tasks very difficult."
How the hell does this person know this? Does she have a crystal ball because if so, I could use the Pick 6 numbers for this week, I am broke. HE HAS NOT BEEN EXPOSED TO ANY OF THESE ACADEMIC SUBJECTS.
Anway, the reports showed him as 85% average. Much better than last year when he was low on 85% of the reports. Which was the reason I held him out of K this year. I put him in a 5 day a week preschool. Mostly to give him time to catch up socially and verbally. He had a speech delay which is what started the whole process. He was talking (see my speech my ass post here) but there were some folks who were saying he needed to be evaluated. Very first evaluation is here and my first meeting with the committee is here.
This meeting started 35 minutes later than it was supposed to. I walked in telling them I could only give the 25 minutes because I had to pick up my son at 12:00.
It was so rushed. They all read things on the reports out loud and I listened while keeping Goddess happy with crayons.
So, at the end, the leader of the meeting says, Ok, so we are all in agreement that he goes into self contained kindergarten?! They go around the table saying "yes". I stand as I look at the time, I have 8 minutes to get to my son's preschool on time and say as I place my bag on my shoulder and lift Goddess to my hip. "No, I do not agree. Do not put me down as a yes, I will look over these reports again and get back to you." I was livid. I said, "I wanted him mainstream, I held him back for him to go mainstream and get the opportunity to have these Kindergarten teachers. Who will be the teacher?" They tell me they have no idea yet.
I left so pissed off.
First, how dare you. No idea on the teacher! Don't even tell me that this is a possibility? The reason I held him last year was because there was no Self Contained or he would have been in Kindergarten, going into first right in September.
I am assuming that self contained (7-12 students with 3 teachers) is now available and they need to have the numbers in order to show the State why this class needed to come back.
Last year when he was "low" on his evaluations and not even showing up as a 4.2 year old on some things they fought me (see the first link) on it. Now that he is average, right where he needs to be they want him in self contained?!
Grrrr....this is not to say, I will not eventually decide on self contained. This may be the right fit for him, but I am also not ready to take mainstream Kindergarten away. Just like last year, I will sort it all out and make the best decision for HIM. Because, out of the 12 or so people on the committee I am the only one who LOVES him. September is a long way away and I see no reason to make this decision right now!!
Summer Reads for Kids - The Dragons of Ordinary Farm
As a Harper Collins First Look Member I received an advanced copy of The Dragons of Ordinary Farm by Ted Williams and Deborah Deale, which will be released on June 2, 2009.
In A Nutshell: I loved reading about all oddities at Ordinary Farm. Their discoveries throughout their secret excursions made for a quick and fun read. Great read for ages 9-14 who love fantasy and mystery. At 416 pages this is no kids size book. However, this is one they won't mind going back to again and again. This is a great book for a parent/child book club.
Start stocking up on your kids summer reads now. Pre-order below today!
Show an interest in what your kids are reading and they will read forever.
Happy Reading.
In A Nutshell: I loved reading about all oddities at Ordinary Farm. Their discoveries throughout their secret excursions made for a quick and fun read. Great read for ages 9-14 who love fantasy and mystery. At 416 pages this is no kids size book. However, this is one they won't mind going back to again and again. This is a great book for a parent/child book club.
Start stocking up on your kids summer reads now. Pre-order below today!
Show an interest in what your kids are reading and they will read forever.
Happy Reading.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Sunday Stealing: The Mud Meme
1. What are your current obsessions? Everything Twilight and Robert Pattinson. Sue me, I never said I didn't have an issue.
2. Which item from your wardrobe do you wear most often? My jeans. I only own 3 pairs, so I switch them every few days.
3. What's for dinner? I didn't eat. It was a whatever you want kind of night. One kid had an Eggo and the other had cheese, smiley potatoes and Ritz crackers.
4. Last thing you bought? Food for the week, $130.00 later we didn't even make it through 5 days.
5. What are you listening to? My husband is watching hockey and the sounds of nature, it is hot and every window is open.
6. If you were a god/goddess who would you be? I already am a Goddess, so I would be me. Tada
7. Favorite holiday spots? My house and taking the kids for their Santa photo at the mall.
8. Reading right now? Side Yard Superhero, Michelle Style, Twilight and Dragons of Ordinary Farm. Yes...I am a book reviewer and this is how I roll.
9. 4 words to describe yourself. Sincere, loving, caring, and hungry (see question 3)
10. Guilty pleasure? Ummm...Twilight! I save every photo I find of Rob Pattinson.
11. Who or what makes you laugh until you’re weak? My daughter
12. Planning to travel to next? I haven't travelled since my honeymoon in 2007. I'll go anywhere.
13. Best thing you ate or drank lately? My water. I love it! Especially after a day like today. Damn it was hot
14. When did you last get tipsy? Ages ago. I don't even know...about 3 years ago. I don't like the feeling so I am not a drinker.
15. Care to share some wisdom? Yes, but it is going to cost you. I need to make some mula.
16. Nicest thing anyone’s ever said to you? My kids telling me they love me but as if you need more, picture this; Jersey City 1995. I was an assistant director at a beauty school and while I was walking through the saloon in my sherbet colored mini suit (pink, orange and yellow..wah it was the 90's). There was an older women getting her hair done, she called me over as I was rushing through to the front desk to say, ummm...ok...ready, "if I had a body like yours, my husband would never leave the house." True story! Now, more than 14 years, 2 kids back to back, nursing for 4 years between the two of them, I at least have that story. Wah...it's the little things.
Saturday 9 - A Little Less Conversation
1. If you could have just one more conversation with a person from your past, who would it be? I want to talk to my mommy!
2. Do your friends tend to be male or female? They used to be male now that I am older, it is my my female friendship that are so rewarding. I love my girlfriends!
3. What is in your car’s trunk? If I told you, I'd have to kill you. There's a stroller, some cassette tapes (yes I said cassette tapes), some coloring books and paper for the kids, a bag of hand me down clothes that have been in there over a week and my spare tire and emergency kit.
4. What was the last CD that you purchased? I can't remember which means it was over 6 years ago.
5. What is your favorite movie and why? I love Twilight. I don't think I have really loved a movie until now. I have seen the movie 11 times and would see it again right now. Sue me! I never said I didn't have issues.
6. If you could wake up with a new talent tomorrow, what would it be? To play the piano or guitar like a pro.
7. What is your favorite day of the week and why? Oh, these questions are always so hard. I don't know. Any day that there isn't a bill in the mailbox?! How's that?
8. What are you wearing when you feel you’re at your best? Clothing! Anything that covers me up, sucks in things that need to be sucked in or things that need to be lifted.
9. When was the last time cried? I used to cry at everything. I am not as sensitive as I used to be. I probably cried more recently than I care to admit. It was about 2 weeks ago on the phone.
Camera Critters - First Time

She did surprisingly well with Katrina the hamster. I was amazed how calm and gentle she was. She only was able to enjoy it for about 2 minutes because the moment her Godmother had to do something else and I was in charge I stuck that hamster right back in the cage. It wasn't because I thought my Goddess couldn't handle it but because I was worried the damn thing would get away on my watch.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Attack of the Friday Memes
1. Apparently there's some sort of problem with taking your clothes off and running up and down the street screaming at 4:00 in the morning.
2. Today is a sunny day.
3. 2009 has been productive so far.
4. Wham Bam, Thank You Madam, that was it.
5. For too long I've been letting people walk all over me.
6. I am not obsessed with everything Twilight and Rob Pattinson, I am not! No, really I am and I make no excuses for it.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing with a book, tomorrow my plans include getting outside and Sunday, I want to go to the botanical gardens.
- Which of other people’s mannerisms do you find very annoying? I don't like it when people crack their gum but as for mannerisms...I can't say something is annoying if it is part of someones personality. People are who they are.
- What do you do that really annoys others? I have no idea! Most people don't walk around telling you what about you annoys them. I guess my husband would say he gets annoyed when I talk on the phone.
- In what way has your own behavior recently caused you annoyance? I hate that I can allow someone to affect my demeanor so much. I wish I had more control over my own internal emotions. I have a good handle on it but sometimes 2 times this year so far) I allows someones attitude to put a crimp in my style. Damn it!
- Who’s the most annoying person you know? I do know someone who is really hard to be around because they refuse to let you get a word in. They need the center stage all the time and have no time to hear others opinions or concerns.
When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it? Well, right now is the first time I am answering this question.
What's your middle name? Why? Grace! Or as my old Italian grandparents would say, Gracia. It one of my great parents, mother's name. Don't ask me if it were maternal or paternal because I don't remember.
What was the first car you drove? It was a Toyota Corolla. My Ex at the time was teaching me how to drive so I could pass my driving test. The next car I drove was my beloved black Camero. It was my very first taste of Freedom, I could get in it and go anywhere. I loved that car.
What was the first car you drove? It was a Toyota Corolla. My Ex at the time was teaching me how to drive so I could pass my driving test. The next car I drove was my beloved black Camero. It was my very first taste of Freedom, I could get in it and go anywhere. I loved that car.
Midnight Snack
What is the strangest/weirdest gift you have ever received? I don't think I have ever received a strange or weird gift. I think if someone gives me a gift, such a kid gesture should be considered as sweet and never weird.
What is the strangest/weirdest gift you have ever received? I don't think I have ever received a strange or weird gift. I think if someone gives me a gift, such a kid gesture should be considered as sweet and never weird.
Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life what is it just for the week?) Get Your Head in the Game! Sometimes you just have to jump in with both feet and not worry if the water is too hot or too cold. Just go for it.
Anything April at Family Foto Fun Friday
The theme at at Family Foto Fun Friday is anything April.
Here is a picture of my son at this years Spring Egg Hunt at my girlfriend's. This year was the first year my kids did the hunt on their own. Usually I walked with them to help out. There are so many big kids that I didn't want them to come back with 2 eggs and be sad. They did great on their own. Not getting many but it is all about the hunt anyway.

Here is a picture of my son at this years Spring Egg Hunt at my girlfriend's. This year was the first year my kids did the hunt on their own. Usually I walked with them to help out. There are so many big kids that I didn't want them to come back with 2 eggs and be sad. They did great on their own. Not getting many but it is all about the hunt anyway.

Memories Through Photography

This year it was more of a Spring Hunt. The weather was glorious.
The kids happy
and the eggs full of fun trinkets.
In the first picture, the kids are getting the rules from their egg hiding host.
See how thrilled they are to have to listen to rules in the second picture?
And they're off! Look at those happy little faces.
See how thrilled they are to have to listen to rules in the second picture?
And they're off! Look at those happy little faces.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thursday Thunks
1. If you could skywrite anything you wanted, what would it be? Maria's Space http://reesspace.blogspot.com
2. Did you get drunk at your prom? I didn't go to my pro
3. What is your favorite spice to use cooking? Adob
4. What color is your Brown?
5. In a land far, far away I believe life could be fantastic if people were more open minded.
6. In the Miss USA pageant, Miss California was asked; "Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?" and her answer was; "Well I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. Um, we live in a land that you can choose same sex marriage or opposite marriage and, you know what, in my country and in, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman," Carrie said to a mix of boos and applause. "No offense to anybody out there. But that's how I was raised and that's how I think that it should be between a man and a woman." Do you think that cost her the crown? If it did it is unfair, she was asked her opinion and she gave it. Doesn't mean we have to agree with it. This is totally what is wrong with this world. Her opinion is her opinion why should she have to worry about how that offends someone? If you don't want to know, don't ask.
7. Do you watch Miss USA/Miss America pageants? Up until around the age of 23-24.
8. Have you ever driven/ridden on a tractor? I have ridden in a tractor. I grew up in Millbrook, NY and most of my friends families and our babysitters were farmers.
9. For the parents - what cartoon/children show did your child watch obsessively? (Hey, if you aren't a parent, maybe a niece or nephew...) My son watched the Wiggles all day. When he finally finished with them around the age of 4 I was sad to see them go. I hoped my daughter would fall in love with them too but she didn't. I had a huge crush on Captain Feathersword and Anthony. They were hot!!
10. If I set a level on your living room floor - would it show that it was level? Is anything ever really level in life? I highly doubt it.
11. What was the last restaurant you ate at? TGI Friday. It sucked.
12. What's the picture on your wall calendar for this month? Umm...let me go check...it's a waterfall and lagoon. Really pretty.2. Did you get drunk at your prom? I didn't go to my pro
3. What is your favorite spice to use cooking? Adob
4. What color is your Brown?
5. In a land far, far away I believe life could be fantastic if people were more open minded.
6. In the Miss USA pageant, Miss California was asked; "Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?" and her answer was; "Well I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. Um, we live in a land that you can choose same sex marriage or opposite marriage and, you know what, in my country and in, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman," Carrie said to a mix of boos and applause. "No offense to anybody out there. But that's how I was raised and that's how I think that it should be between a man and a woman." Do you think that cost her the crown? If it did it is unfair, she was asked her opinion and she gave it. Doesn't mean we have to agree with it. This is totally what is wrong with this world. Her opinion is her opinion why should she have to worry about how that offends someone? If you don't want to know, don't ask.
7. Do you watch Miss USA/Miss America pageants? Up until around the age of 23-24.
8. Have you ever driven/ridden on a tractor? I have ridden in a tractor. I grew up in Millbrook, NY and most of my friends families and our babysitters were farmers.
9. For the parents - what cartoon/children show did your child watch obsessively? (Hey, if you aren't a parent, maybe a niece or nephew...) My son watched the Wiggles all day. When he finally finished with them around the age of 4 I was sad to see them go. I hoped my daughter would fall in love with them too but she didn't. I had a huge crush on Captain Feathersword and Anthony. They were hot!!
10. If I set a level on your living room floor - would it show that it was level? Is anything ever really level in life? I highly doubt it.
11. What was the last restaurant you ate at? TGI Friday. It sucked.
13. Are you superstitious? I used to be more, now I try not to think about it.
14. If I get into your car and turn on the radio - what type of radio station will I hear? Howard Stern if the kids weren't in the car before or Country.
15. Would you rather wake up with a snake in your bed or a lizard? As long as it buys me breakfast, I don't care.
16. Do you think schools have changed at all since the Columbine tragedy 10 years ago? In what ways? I believe they did for a while but like everything else, as time passes, everyone gets complacent.
Wednesday Weirdness #52
Dear Maria's Space VIP Readers,
Wednesday Weirdness is an open minded meme...if you get insulted by sexual talk....please stop reading and move onto my next post. I do try to keep this a very PG blog but occasionally, it gets colorful here.
Move away from the monitor.....
1.) What items (if any) do you get embarrassed to purchase? There are no items that I am embarrassed to purchase. As far as I am concerned it is no ones business what I am purchasing. Condoms, Playgirl, Playboy (for my husband), porn...it is all good. If you find it dirty that is on you.
2.) What sexual position do you and your partner/significant other use most? We have tried it all but the tried and true because my husband is extremely visual is on my back!
3.) Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off or do you slip them on and off? I slip them off if I can. If your hands are full of children, packages, groceries, and whatnot there is no time for untying. I would never get in the door.
4.) What is the last thing you broke by accident? Thankfully...I can't remember anything being broken for a very long time.
5.) If you had to lose one of your body parts what would it be and why? I would like to keep all my body parts in tact. I love them all and if I were to single one out right now, there could be a mutiny on my hands. Things may just start dropping off. Just like children, you don't have a favorite..you love them all equally.
6.) How do you feel about anal sex? It's a great position for gay men!
7.) If you could have the ability to solve problems quickly and easily or the ability to know without doubt every time a person told a lie, which ability would you want and why? Oh, I don't know...neither...if we could solve all our problems quickly and easily we wouldn't have learning experiences. If we could tell every time a person lied to us we would be heartbroken more often than not.
Memories Through Photography - Tug Of War

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Memories Through Photography - The Parachute

The pulled the parachute up, called names and the kids had to switch sides in the middle and run to the opposite side.
My daughter looks so small on the other side.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Memories Through Photography - The Babies

Monday Morning Meme
Hi all, another week is just beginning and it is time for yet another weekly installment of the Monday Morning MeMe!!
1. Would you rather be extremely successful professionally and have a tolerable yet exciting private life, or have an extremely happy private life and only a tolerable and uninspiring professional life? Explain your answer, please. I would prefer to have a successful life. If the question had said, Extremely successful professional life and horrible private life my answer would be different.
2. What are you doing to help the environment? Tell us how you cut down on your environmental impact. We do the best we can. We sort most of our garbage, reuse water bottles, don't use plastic or paper plates and utensils, do full loads of laundry, and conserve our oil heat by using a fireplace and woodstove.
3. Who would you not mind being stuck in an elevator with? Someone who’s handy could help get you out. Someone hot could help pass the time. List who’s in there with you.
Eventually we would get out eventually so please throw Rob Pattinson or Josh Holloway in there. They would probably open the doors quicker than I would hope.
4. How often does your family have their portrait taken? I used to to it weekly when I had my son. When I had my second, we did it weekly, than monthly for the first 6 months. Now, I try to get at least 2 a year. I wish it were more.
Is it professionally done? Not yet!
The Simple Women's Daybook - For Today...April 20, 2009
Outside my window...Where is the sun?? It is cloudy and dark.
I am thinking...It is time to get the kids ready to walk out the door. School starts in 25 minutes.
From the learning rooms... Being self employed takes a lot of time.
I am thankful for... the trust of a friend who gave me their house keys this weekend to watch their dog.
From the kitchen... The Teach made some great grilled chicken this weekend.
I am wearing... Jeans and a black sweater.
I am reading... Twilight (again) and The Side Yard Superhero by Rick Niece.
I am hoping... To check tons more off my to-do list today.
I am creating... Tons of drafted posts because my blog has lost some of it's personality.
I am praying... For the next 30 days to be uneventful. More on that at a later time.
Around the house... Time to start getting the deck ready for more time outdoors. Three more rooms need spring cleaning.
One of my favorite things... Taking pictures. Now I need to the time to look through them.
A few plans for the rest of the week...Learn everything I can about making money.
Here is a picture I would like to share with you...

It used to be called Easter Egg Hunt but since we were past Easter....
I had just taken a bunch of pictures of her family when I asked someone to please
take one of me and my kids. It is time to do that more, I am never in any photos
and as I get older I find I have less and less of me. I used to worry more about how I looked, now, it is just about documenting those moments for my children's future.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Memories Through Photography - The Park

We still have a swinging problem. No one seems to know how to pump their legs. Hopefully by the end of the summer one of them will know how to swing on a damn swing.
Floraster Kids Probiotic Packs Help Digestion-Review
Thanks to Mom Select, I was given the opportunity to try Florastor® Kids.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Sunday Stealing: The 40 Meme
1. My uncle once : Asked me to sit on his lap and my aunt told me to hug him. I was about 14 years old and totally self conscience. I was grossed out as he slapped my ass when I got up.
2. Never in my life : Have I smoked anything or taken any kind of drug that wasn't prescribed by my doctor.
3. When I was seventeen : A month before I turned 18 I lost my virginity. I was dating a guy named Frank. He was my first sex partner and I was his. It was in his car which now totally pisses me off that I had my first experience in the most uncomfortable places. If I could turn back the clock and be seventeen again I would make him spring for hotel. Come to think of it, I totally wouldn't have given it up to him.
4. High School was : Crazy for me. I went to 3 different high schools which made my already self conscience problem soar.
5. I will never forget : Mother's Day 2003 when my water broke two days before my scheduled Cesarean.
6. I once met : A women in the nurses office at my first big office job. She had just come back after being out for a broken tail bone. She was joking with the girls in the office that she had "broken her ass." I heard the next day when she wasn't at work that she had died. It turns out that she had fallen on ice, broken her tail bone and ended up with a blood clot on her brain. The day I met her she was making dinner for her family when she fell dead in the kitchen. I will never forget her.
7. There’s this girl I know who : Is dating a married man. The wife knows about the girl and the girl knows about the wife. Basically everyone in their lives are in the know. Crazy no?
8. Once, at a bar : I was watching a band perform. I was sitting on a sound stage in the middle of the audience when the the lights came up. The singer was going to cut the audience in half and have one half sing one part of the chorus and the other would sing the other part. He used my breasts to cut the crowd. "Everyone on this boob side sings....."
9. By noon, I’m usually : Picking up my son and bringing him to therapy.
10. Last night : I attended an adult party at a neighbors house and listened to too much information about women's personal lives.
11. If only I had : Listened
12. Next time I go to gym/church : Hell just might freeze over!
13. Susan Boyle : Is a name I do not know. But now that I do, I am floored. Holy crap she is singing my favorite songs from Les Miz so beautifully. It sounds like the damn soundtrack. WOW!
14. What worries me most : Is losing my children or being taken from the early.
15. When I turn my head left, I see : My darkening back yard as the sun has already gone behind the majestic mountains that frame my town.
16. When I turn my head right, I see : My son watching his beloved Wheel of Fortune.
17. You know I’m lying when : I never lie. It is impossible for me. I don't know how to do it.
18. What I miss most about the eighties : Is that I was younger!
19. If I was a character in Shakespeare, I’d be : Oh I don't know.
20. By this time next year : I hope to be doing what I am doing but with more money in my bank account
21. A better name for me would be : I love my name! But these days, you can call me Obsessed.
22. I have a hard time understanding : Why people can't develop a more live and let live attitude.
23. If I ever go back to school, I’ll : Take pay more attention.
24. You know I like you if : I hand you my business card.
25. If I ever won an award, the first person I’d thank would be : My children, they make me who I am.
26. When I compare 80’s rock to 90’s rock : I don't compare really. It is what it is. 80's was 80's, 90's was 90's. It's all good.
27. Take my advice, never : Give up on who you are to please someone else. It is not worth it!
28. My ideal breakfast is : Eggs Benedict.
29. A song I love, but do not own is : Carrie Underwood's Just a Dream
30. If you visit my hometown, I suggest : You rent a boat.
31. My favorite Beatle is : Paul because of how he loved Linda.
32. Why won’t people : Try to be happy instead of focusing on things that bring them down.
33. If you spend the night at my house : You will be woken up early. My kids are up at around 5:45 a.m.
34. I’d stop my wedding for : Ummm...a really rowdy bachelor party.
35. The world could do without : People who hate just because.
36. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than : Eat it.
37. My favorite blonde is : Josh Holloway

38: Paper clips are more useful than : my second toe.
39. If I do anything well, it’s : Being a mother
40. And by the way : This was a really long meme
2. Never in my life : Have I smoked anything or taken any kind of drug that wasn't prescribed by my doctor.
3. When I was seventeen : A month before I turned 18 I lost my virginity. I was dating a guy named Frank. He was my first sex partner and I was his. It was in his car which now totally pisses me off that I had my first experience in the most uncomfortable places. If I could turn back the clock and be seventeen again I would make him spring for hotel. Come to think of it, I totally wouldn't have given it up to him.
4. High School was : Crazy for me. I went to 3 different high schools which made my already self conscience problem soar.
5. I will never forget : Mother's Day 2003 when my water broke two days before my scheduled Cesarean.
6. I once met : A women in the nurses office at my first big office job. She had just come back after being out for a broken tail bone. She was joking with the girls in the office that she had "broken her ass." I heard the next day when she wasn't at work that she had died. It turns out that she had fallen on ice, broken her tail bone and ended up with a blood clot on her brain. The day I met her she was making dinner for her family when she fell dead in the kitchen. I will never forget her.
7. There’s this girl I know who : Is dating a married man. The wife knows about the girl and the girl knows about the wife. Basically everyone in their lives are in the know. Crazy no?
8. Once, at a bar : I was watching a band perform. I was sitting on a sound stage in the middle of the audience when the the lights came up. The singer was going to cut the audience in half and have one half sing one part of the chorus and the other would sing the other part. He used my breasts to cut the crowd. "Everyone on this boob side sings....."
9. By noon, I’m usually : Picking up my son and bringing him to therapy.
10. Last night : I attended an adult party at a neighbors house and listened to too much information about women's personal lives.
11. If only I had : Listened
12. Next time I go to gym/church : Hell just might freeze over!
13. Susan Boyle : Is a name I do not know. But now that I do, I am floored. Holy crap she is singing my favorite songs from Les Miz so beautifully. It sounds like the damn soundtrack. WOW!
14. What worries me most : Is losing my children or being taken from the early.
15. When I turn my head left, I see : My darkening back yard as the sun has already gone behind the majestic mountains that frame my town.
16. When I turn my head right, I see : My son watching his beloved Wheel of Fortune.
17. You know I’m lying when : I never lie. It is impossible for me. I don't know how to do it.
18. What I miss most about the eighties : Is that I was younger!
19. If I was a character in Shakespeare, I’d be : Oh I don't know.
20. By this time next year : I hope to be doing what I am doing but with more money in my bank account
21. A better name for me would be : I love my name! But these days, you can call me Obsessed.
22. I have a hard time understanding : Why people can't develop a more live and let live attitude.
23. If I ever go back to school, I’ll : Take pay more attention.
24. You know I like you if : I hand you my business card.
25. If I ever won an award, the first person I’d thank would be : My children, they make me who I am.
26. When I compare 80’s rock to 90’s rock : I don't compare really. It is what it is. 80's was 80's, 90's was 90's. It's all good.
27. Take my advice, never : Give up on who you are to please someone else. It is not worth it!
28. My ideal breakfast is : Eggs Benedict.
29. A song I love, but do not own is : Carrie Underwood's Just a Dream
30. If you visit my hometown, I suggest : You rent a boat.
31. My favorite Beatle is : Paul because of how he loved Linda.
32. Why won’t people : Try to be happy instead of focusing on things that bring them down.
33. If you spend the night at my house : You will be woken up early. My kids are up at around 5:45 a.m.
34. I’d stop my wedding for : Ummm...a really rowdy bachelor party.
35. The world could do without : People who hate just because.
36. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than : Eat it.
37. My favorite blonde is : Josh Holloway

38: Paper clips are more useful than : my second toe.
39. If I do anything well, it’s : Being a mother
40. And by the way : This was a really long meme
Saturday 9-Almost Famous
Saturday 9: Almost Famous
1. Have you ever been told that you look like some famous? I used to hear when I was in my early 20's that I looked like, Susanna Hoffs of the Bangles. No matter where I went someone would say, "you know who you look like? Susanna Hoffs." Finally I just started answering "I know, Ssanna Hoffs.
Personally, I think it is because we are both short. I would love to look like Susanna, she's hot.
2. Name a celebrity that shares your birthday. The legendary Alfred Hitchcock and I were both born on August 13th.
3. Tell us about your first kiss. It was from a boy in my 8th grade class. He came over and right after he asked if there was a place we could be alone he kissed me. I slapped him and sent him on his way. Yuck! Who did he think he was anyway?
4. When you meet someone attractive, what do you notice first? Since I am married and not dead! I think I notice their eyes. Then I take in the rest. I like strong jaw lines, tall guys, musclecular , flat bellies, and nice lips. If they have all this and don't have a nice butt, I stop looking. Not asking for much right?
5. What was your biggest mistake ever? I don't think we make mistakes! I think we learn lessons.
6. Give us one random, but candid fact about you. I love to watch porn. Candid enough for you?
7. What about your current or most recent lover excites you? My husband's new body is really exciting. Love how quickly he changes his body with diet and exercise. His body look better than ever at 38. When he puts his mind to it, he can get his body in peak shape in 2 months.
8. What really annoys you? Noise! I am a fairly quiet person and people who are too loud can be quite annoying to me.
9. How many other Saturday 9’ers answers do you usually read? I try to make the rounds and it depends on the week. I read anywhere from 2-15.
Friday - Food For Thought & Friday Fill Ins
Hit the burger above to join the fun.
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
Breakfast When you need alone time do you have a favorite spot you like to go to? The bathroom. It is the only door I can close, turn the fan on, and be alone. I usually grab a magazine and stand at the sink for about 2-5 minutes for a breather.
Lunch What is your favorite GUM, STORE BOUGHT COOKIE, and SALTY SNACK Honestly, I am an equal opportunity GUM person. I love gum. I don't have a favorite of the other kinds of snacks. I don't really allow myself to eat that way. If I did, I would easily be 200 pounds.
Dinner Do you speak any other languages? English is hard enough no? No, seriously or not, I speak mother! I have the mother lingo down. I hate using my mother voice and don't use it often. But when I have to use it I always finish with "and don't make me use this mother voice, I don't like my voice like this!"
Midnight Snack Have you ever been on TV? I was on the View in the audience, does that count? Oh, also...I was in the audience when they were filming The State (MTV show), does anyone remember it. It was an awesome show. I hated when they took it off the air. My husband and I still quote it. Hey, powers that be of The State, put out a friggin DVD already!!!!!!!!!!
Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life what is it just for the week?) Enjoy every moment because, some weeks life flies by!
1. Join me in a cup of coffee, I hate drinking alone.
2. Put a little smile in your day!
3. Happiness is spending time with my husband and kids.
4. Dazed and confused, is my natural state.
5. I'm waiting for some sales materials to arrive in the mail so I can start selling medical coverage to anyone who needs it.
6. My daughter is hard to resist. She totally know how to manipulate.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to an adult party at a friends. tomorrow my plans include a Spring Egg hunt at my girl T's and Sunday, I want to work out!
Maria's Space - Mother's Day- Twilight Lovers Giveaway + My Twilight Obsession
Mother's are very special people.
They are warm, caring, loving, nurturing, funny, optimistic and beautiful!
Ok, back to my new favorite Etsy shop. This one is called Bella Bejeweled and Sarah makes some of the most beautiful jewelry I have seen. Not a fan of Twilight? (freaks) That's ok, because this stuff is so stunning, you will love it too!!!!I hope you guys are loving the round up of Mother's Day Giveaways I have lined up. These are some of my personal favorites sites, artists and products online.
Now, for one of my current obsessions, I found the amazingly talented Sarah. Sarah's creations just blow me away.
Here is a picture of my and Edward, so you can see how obsessed I really am. Like I said, Obsessed!! Aren't we cute???
Now, for one of my current obsessions, I found the amazingly talented Sarah. Sarah's creations just blow me away.
Here is a picture of my and Edward, so you can see how obsessed I really am. Like I said, Obsessed!! Aren't we cute???
Friday, April 17, 2009
Laundry and Handsome
Yes, the weather is getting nicer but for my family this means a lot of allergy trouble. My son's eczema gets out of control between April and June. He is allergic to trees and grass, so as you can imagine things are about to get pretty bad for us as everything blooms.
About two weeks ago, I received from the ECO Store some of their amazingly "clean" products. This has been a Godsend. We have used the laundry detergent, the body wash and the shampoo for the past two weeks and my son's skin looks awesome. There are no rashes, no red spots, no itch. I love the product so much that even I am using it.

In A Nutshell: I love their products. The products are concentrated, so a little goes a long way. The scents are subtle and the product is top of the line. Usually going green means spending more money on a product. In this case, due to the concentration, you are actually saving money. I use 5 cap fulls of the laundry detergent to do a full wash and (3 times so far) and I have used only about 10% of the product.
Bottom Line: My son has severe eczema around this time of year and currently, he is not suffering.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
One of My Giveaways Gets Interesting
- Caleb said...
- This is pathetic and retarded; begging for wipes! Get a life.
Well, interestingly enough I found out that this person has a website which I won't link to but if you want to find it, just hit his name which was in my comment section.
It appears that this guy supposedly is very Christian. I find it interesting when people who can be so angry say they are Christian.
Who knows, maybe this guy was just looking for a way to get his name mentioned and that's cool. Why, because I am basically a good person and everyone has a place in this big world. I just find it interesting that someone who says on their site that God saved them or that he wrote a book because he wants people to know that no matter how dark or deep a hole is there is always a way out.
So basically, Caleb I hope you got what you were looking for. God bless you and I hope you continue to grace blogs with your oh so kind words! Because the losers who are so "pathetic" and "retard" are the same people who just might one day purchase your book!
Good luck in everything you do and try to leave Godly comments since that is what you speak of on your own site.
Thanks for the post dude!
Memories Through Photography Tuesday - Enchanted

Today's picture was taken last weekend after my daughter and I watched Enchante. She wanted her hair done like the princess in the movie. Well, I am no hair stylist but she loved her hair. She wore it like this all day and asked for it again the next day.
I love that we are able to share and enjoy movies together. It is one of the benefits of having a girl that I was truly looking forward to.
Monday, April 13, 2009
My Baby Is Turning 4 Years Old Tomorrow
I cannot believe my baby is going to be 4. Such a big girl!
This post was written about her birth on April 14, 2005.
Here is the post I left for her last year
This one was written for her on her first birthday.
My baby girl. There is nothing I don't love about you. Even when you upset me with your spirited attitude you make me happy. I love how very spirited you are. I love how you know exactly what you want, and make sure you tell everyone. You are so beautiful, funny and spirited. I am amazed that I made you. You have Daddy and Me wrapped around your sweet little finger, and at the moment you have no idea. I am afraid of the year you realize this.
Ten Things I Love About You
1. Your sweetness. You are truly the sweetest baby girl and want to make people happy.
2. Putting you to bed. Daddy and I fight for position next to your bed. I wait for him to say good-night and it takes so long because he wants to tell you how much he loves you as much as I do.
3. Your kindness. You love bringing gifts to me, daddy and everyone else. Leaves and drawings are the current gifts.
4. How you sing in the back seat of the car. I love your little voice singing Taylor Swift songs.
5. Your artistic ability. I love how you draw pictures all day and how you name them. You tell me who they are for and what they are called. All your pictures have a title. "Spotted ghost puppet" & "Rainbow bridge" were the most recent.
6. I love how you hold your hands on either side of my face so you can give me a kiss. Your little bitty baby hands make me smile.
7. How you notice everything. The sunset, the flowers, the birds, the ladybugs, the lake, and more. I love that you take the time to see everything.
8. I love how you ask if something you did makes me happy. "Does that make your heart happy mommy?" Love it! Where did you get that?
9. I love how you play with your dolls and your stuffed animals. You talk out loud and I get to hear your conversations. You are sweet to all your toys and your brother.
10. I love how you ask me if I am mad at you. Then you say, "I know you are not mad at me mommy!" You are a total people pleaser and hate letting people down.
You are the reason I know there is a God baby girl.
I love and adore everything about you!
God bless you sweetie!
This post was written about her birth on April 14, 2005.
Here is the post I left for her last year
This one was written for her on her first birthday.
My baby girl. There is nothing I don't love about you. Even when you upset me with your spirited attitude you make me happy. I love how very spirited you are. I love how you know exactly what you want, and make sure you tell everyone. You are so beautiful, funny and spirited. I am amazed that I made you. You have Daddy and Me wrapped around your sweet little finger, and at the moment you have no idea. I am afraid of the year you realize this.
Ten Things I Love About You
1. Your sweetness. You are truly the sweetest baby girl and want to make people happy.
2. Putting you to bed. Daddy and I fight for position next to your bed. I wait for him to say good-night and it takes so long because he wants to tell you how much he loves you as much as I do.
3. Your kindness. You love bringing gifts to me, daddy and everyone else. Leaves and drawings are the current gifts.
4. How you sing in the back seat of the car. I love your little voice singing Taylor Swift songs.
5. Your artistic ability. I love how you draw pictures all day and how you name them. You tell me who they are for and what they are called. All your pictures have a title. "Spotted ghost puppet" & "Rainbow bridge" were the most recent.
6. I love how you hold your hands on either side of my face so you can give me a kiss. Your little bitty baby hands make me smile.
7. How you notice everything. The sunset, the flowers, the birds, the ladybugs, the lake, and more. I love that you take the time to see everything.
8. I love how you ask if something you did makes me happy. "Does that make your heart happy mommy?" Love it! Where did you get that?
9. I love how you play with your dolls and your stuffed animals. You talk out loud and I get to hear your conversations. You are sweet to all your toys and your brother.
10. I love how you ask me if I am mad at you. Then you say, "I know you are not mad at me mommy!" You are a total people pleaser and hate letting people down.
You are the reason I know there is a God baby girl.
I love and adore everything about you!
God bless you sweetie!
Memories Through Photography
I really love my Memories Through Photography blog but it has become to hard to keep three blogs and network with my readers.
Memories Through Photography was my photo and journaling blog.
Today's Memories Through Photography Picture is from Friday. I went and pulled all of the kids Easter stuff out of storage and they were happy to play with their bunny toys. Things put away for a year become new again when pulled out.
My daughter was posing with her brother's bunny from his Tia on his first Easter when he came over.
As you can see in the first picture, Goddess didn't feel like sharing her camera time. Eventually she got happy but I never got them to look up at the same time other than the sour grapes face.
These are my favorite type of pictures. Very candid and it shows them how happy they were as children when they get older.
Memories Through Photography was my photo and journaling blog.
Today's Memories Through Photography Picture is from Friday. I went and pulled all of the kids Easter stuff out of storage and they were happy to play with their bunny toys. Things put away for a year become new again when pulled out.
My daughter was posing with her brother's bunny from his Tia on his first Easter when he came over.
As you can see in the first picture, Goddess didn't feel like sharing her camera time. Eventually she got happy but I never got them to look up at the same time other than the sour grapes face.
These are my favorite type of pictures. Very candid and it shows them how happy they were as children when they get older.
Product Review - Beautiful Jewelry from Joolwe

Look at this Sterling Silver Blue and White Cubic Zirconia Heart Pendant!
I received this from Joolwe, isn't it beautiful?
I received this from Joolwe, isn't it beautiful?
The company's philosophy is "we believe online jewelry shopping should be a fun experience."
Really, should there be any other? Shopping online can sometimes be a very scary experience especially when it comes to jewelry. The piece above was one of 9 I was able to choose from.
Before I receive the necklace my thoughts were:
Will it be as pretty as the photo? It was!
Will it look cheap? No way! This is a beautiful piece of jewelry that I have received some great compliments on.
Will it be a decent size? It is hard to size things online! It is really a nice size. Not too big and not to small.
In a Nutshell: I love silver jewelry. This is the best place to purchase beautiful silver jewelry but also amazing gold and stunning gemstones. Whether you are looking for necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets or pendants, you will find them here.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sunday Stealing: The Green Meme
1. What is your current obsession? The Twilight Saga and Rob Pattinson. This cougar wants to take total advantage of this kid! Forget the purr.... Grrroooowwwll
2. What’s a good coffee place? My house
3. Who was the last person that you hugged? My daughter. Awwwww...
4. Do you nap a lot? hahahahahahahaha, that's funny.
5. Tonight, what’s for dinner? I have no idea!
6. What was the last thing that you bought? Wrapping paper for my daughter's upcoming birthday.
7. What is your favorite weather? Good?
8. Tell us something about one blogger who you think will play this week? I don't know...Bud probably. I don't know anything about him except he is funny.
9. If you were given a free house that was full furnished, where in the world would you like it to be? Anywhere near my family.
10. Name three things that you could not live without. Air, water and food.
11. What would you like in your hands right now? Ummm...this is a PG blog. Damn!
12. What’s one of your guilty pleasures? Everything Twilight! I love reading about it, watching it and blogging about it.
13. What would you change or eliminate about yourself? I would like to better be able to shake things off without it affecting my mood or demeanor.
14. As a child, what type of career did you want? I wanted to be a doctor, nurse or vet. I wanted to take care of someone.
15. What are you missing right now? My husband.
16. What are you currently reading? Twilight again, The Middle Place, and The Bible
17. What do you fear the most? Losing someone I love
18. What’s the best movie that you’ve seen recently? San Torino with Clint Eastwood
19. What’s your favorite book from the past year? Eclipse
20. Is there a comfort food from your childhood that you still enjoy? Bologna and mayo on wonder bread. I last enjoyed it about 2 years ago.
My Family's Favorite Snack Food is only 15 Calories
For the past 4 months, my family has been enjoying a new snack called Magic Pop.
Magic Pop is a favorite of Koreans. It is very low calorie, only 15 calories a pop.

The ingredients are: Wheat flour, vanilla, corn pellet, white corn flour, sugar, salt, soybean oil.
Nutrition Facts:
Calories: 15 with 0 zero

A mixture of popping rice and other ingredients are put in a pre-heated, specially created pot. The pot is then released under vacuum seal and pressurized conditions to expand and bake.
If you find a store that sells this, you have to try it.
In a Nutshell: Only 15 calories per pop and no fat, need I say more. They are about the size of a dessert plate. Not as dry as rice cakes. Fun and crunchy to eat. You have to stop yourself from eating the whole bag.
I Had A Wee Little Party On Wii With The Sims

Thanks to one of my favorite PR connections, I was sent a copy of My Sims Party for Wii. This is also available in the DS platform.
Sims 1 and 2 for the computer was an addiction for me before my children were born. I spent hours of my life playing God to these little people that I will never get back.
My Sims Party is not like the computer game but just as fun especially for children. They have taken the Sims and created fun child friendly games that put reflexes, strategy, and smarts as well as speed against up to three friends in 50 different mini games.
Key Game Features:
- Mini-game Madness - Find the mummy with a flashlight. Slash a cannonball. Flip bacon. Use items to gain an edge. Challenge your reflexes, strategy, smarts and speed with the huge variety of games.
- Use the Uniqueness of each MySim - All the MySims bring a unique combination of skills. Strength, endurance, speed and luck all play a part in how well they play. Select a team of four who will propel you to victory in every mini-game
- Fast-Paced Festivals - Play mini-games one right after the other in fast-paced chunks of fun to win the monuments. No more walking around a game board.
- Party On - Any get together turns into a party with up to four players playing 50 mini-games for Wii. Quickplay modes get you and your friends to the games fast.
Check out this link to see the game
The Paper Pick Up Game was my son's favorite game.

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Saturday 9
Saturday 9: Enjoying Your Holiday
1. There are several religious holidays going on this weekend. Any plans? Nope. Not at all. This holiday season is sort of passing me by.
2. Do you look forward to holiday events or do they stress you out? Usually, I look forward to them. Seeing the joy on others faces makes it all worth it.
3. Do you have any traditional meals that you will eat? Not this year. We just try to eat something. When I was growing up Easter was centered around a ham and being from an Italian household the meal started with some sort of anti-pasta then pasta, ham and tons of sweets and coffee.
4. We are changing seasons. What are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to color. I am tired of the gray.
5. Around here it is turning to spring. What signals spring to you? Birds on the lawn, green sprouting up on the lawn and buds on the trees.
6. What is your favorite season and why? I love the fall because I love the temperature and the colors. There are also less bugs. In the summer we get eaten alive over here.
7. Do you have a favorite food when dining out? I love meat! Total carnivore here and I need my steak!
8. What is your favorite beverage when out? Water it is always water but occasionally I will have something. Usually I try different drinks that I haven't seen or had before.
9. When is your next big night out? Probably in November when New Moon comes out.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Veggie Tales Easter Carol - Review
Thanks to Family Review Network I was sent a copy of Veggie Tales Easter Carol. As soon as it came in my kids were eager to sit down and watch it. They have recently gotten into Veggie Tales after borrowing some from the library over the last month.
I explained that it was an Easter movie and they of course expected Easter baskets and hopping bunnies.
The makers of Veggie tales took the commercialization of Easter and set the record straight in a kid and parent friendly way. By using the Christmas Carol premise of being able to see ones past, present and future they taught my kids why we celebrate Easter in a way that I would never have been able to do.
In a Nutshell: Veggie Tales Easter Carol doesn't feel like a religious movie to children but the message is still there, in the long run that is what really matters. Great movie for children and adults. As a fan of animation, I thought the animation was top notch! The character are sweet and my children loved shouting out what vegetable each one was. My daughter thought everything green was a pickle which cracked me up because I didn't even know she knew what a pickle was.
I explained that it was an Easter movie and they of course expected Easter baskets and hopping bunnies.
The makers of Veggie tales took the commercialization of Easter and set the record straight in a kid and parent friendly way. By using the Christmas Carol premise of being able to see ones past, present and future they taught my kids why we celebrate Easter in a way that I would never have been able to do.
In a Nutshell: Veggie Tales Easter Carol doesn't feel like a religious movie to children but the message is still there, in the long run that is what really matters. Great movie for children and adults. As a fan of animation, I thought the animation was top notch! The character are sweet and my children loved shouting out what vegetable each one was. My daughter thought everything green was a pickle which cracked me up because I didn't even know she knew what a pickle was.
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