Maria's Space: Children's Rooms Need To Be Safe First!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Children's Rooms Need To Be Safe First!!

When we first had our children we designed a room around a theme. Way before my son was even a thought, I wanted to do Noah's Ark because as a child it had been my favorite toy. My husband found a Sun, Moon and Stars that he brought home one day and we designed the room around that. When my daughter came we moved her into his nursery and moved him into a big boy room.

My idea for this room was based on a comforter I found online. My husband designed the walls and created the most amazing closet based on the movie Stargate (see pictures of his room here and here).

Now that they are getting specific ideas about what they like, we are slowly changing their rooms to represent their growing personality, wants, dreams, and likes but also making an effort to keep things safe.

Designing a Safe & Fun Kids Bedroom
Safety, fun and style - these are three things that every parent needs to consider when designing their child's bedroom. While saving money is very important, especially in this economy, your child's safety should always come first. From your kids bed and other furniture to toys and games - its safety first!

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