If you know me personally than we have had THE conversation.
No, not that conversation, but the one about how I hate getting on my treadmill. I would much rather get out and walk. I am so bored. My friends all say they put music on, put the treadmill in front of the TV or read while they are on it. None of those ideas work for me. Going nowhere fast, sucks!

Here is my personal suggestion, coming from someone who hates the treadmill. Get on every day for 1 week for 10 minutes only. On the 2nd week increase it to 12 minutes. Add two-five minutes as the month goes on. Before you know it you are doing 35 minutes without even thinking about it. That first week only committing to 10 minutes was so easy for me. It was the boost I needed to get back on the treadmill.
When I do the treadclimber at the gym, I watch tv and read a magazine during commercials. Thanks for all the tips!
ReplyDeleteThank for sharing excellent tips, I always keep in mind these tips when start to use a treadmill.