Maria's Space: Attack of the Monday Morning Memes

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Attack of the Monday Morning Memes

This is my very first Not Me Monday. I hope I do it right!

  • I did not spend 18 hours this week researching my blog, nope not me!
  • I didn't spend over $150.00 of jewelry stuff for my newest hobby.
  • Today, I didn't eat a burger from McDonalds and then some of my kids fries.
  • I did not download as many pictures of Rob Pattinson as I could find on the Internet.
  • And, said, Mr. Pattinson's photos haven't taken the place of my children's photos on my Blackberry and my laptop screen saver. Nope Not MEEEEE!

Click the link to be taken to Blue Monday for more participants or to play along.

Here is my little sweety on a swing. There is nothing like a child on a swing. I remember the joy of it like it was yesterday.

Monochrome Monday can be joined by clicking the button above.
Join Mellow Yellow by clicking the button above.

For Today...

Outside my window... rain, rain and more rain. If I lived in Forks, Washington this wouldn't be a problem.

I am thinking... How many hours till bed and where is my man?

From the learning rooms... Jewelry, jewelry and more jewelry.

I am thankful for... my children and my husband's love.

From the kitchen... pasta dishes are my latest crave

I am wearing... jean Capri's and a beautiful blue shirt that now has a bleach stain no the boob.

I am reading...too much stuff to list

I am hoping... For some sunshine

I am creating... Tons of Jewelry to eventually share.

I am praying... for a happy and safe summer vacation

Around the house...
Things are pretty clean but the house feels full. Time to purge!

One of my favorite things... Hanging with my husband on the couch at night and our nightly family walks.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Study my craft and read!

Here is a picture I thought I would share with you...


  1. I like the candidness of the MYM photo. Great shot!

  2. Great shots! Your daughter is a great subject!

    My Meme Blog

  3. She's cute and pretty. Thanks for sharing

  4. Anonymous3:45 AM

    The sun shines through the flower, nice.

  5. I love her yellow coat! Cool shots. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Lovely daybook!

    I’ve added a Mr. Linky at Grandmother Wren’s to make it easier for the Summer Daybook ladies to find and visit one another while Peggy is on vacation.

    Please stop by on Mondays to add your link!

  7. You have an interesting post, but you didn't leave me a comment. Please come back. Happy Blue Monday.

  8. Nice post -
    Really cool shots.
    Happy Blue Monday...

  9. Howdy
    Happy Blue Monday,well Happy Monday .
    You have a great way with photos .
    I really liked the swinging picture.
    I miss just being a little girl and swinging sometimes ,like whenever I see cute photos like yours.
    Have a fabulous week.
    Blessings of joy to you .
    Happy Trails.

  10. What a beautiful child. Your photographs are wonderful. Enjoy the day.

  11. Great Shots..your daughter is so cute.

    Lots of luv,

  12. That's a very cool MYM shot... she looks so natural and happy. You captured the joy of childhood :-)


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