Maria's Space: Color Carnival - First Timer

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Color Carnival - First Timer


  1. It's my first Color Carnival too today! Love the bright colors in yours.

  2. Yep, you did everything just right and what a gorgeous photo! Your shot for today's flowers is exceptional as well! So glad you are joining us at the Color Carnival!
    The other Martha :-)

  3. Sally, Well welcome first timer. Glad to see I am not the only one coming late to the party.

    Martha, Thanks for the kudos. I appreciate your time.

  4. Lovin' this Color Carnival adventure. I'm already thinking about what I'll post this week. It'll be my first time. I love this touching photo of the girl dressed in purple.

  5. A beautiful picture in itself but the colours are so joyful. Thank you for sharing x

  6. I am also a first timer but didn't get in soon enough to be included in the collage. Your photo is gorgeous!
    I hope to see many more over the next weeks to come.


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