Maria's Space: My Etsy Shop - Street Angel

Saturday, August 08, 2009

My Etsy Shop - Street Angel

Dear Readers,

I am proud to unveil my Street Angel shop on Etsy. Over the past year I have hosted some amazing artists who inspired me to take a chance and create something worth selling. I have always felt somewhat creative, dabbling in writing, painting or photography and it has been fun. Now, I am creating jewelry that allows me to feel creative while also being quite therapeutic.

Starting August 13th, I will host a giveaway for my Etsy shop every week for a month. Be sure to come back and see what is being given away!


  1. I love your stuff! It's beautiful! I bet you will do great!

  2. The Princess anklet is so pretty, I love all the earrings, and the Universe necklace is GORGEOUS!! You are such a talented artist, I know you will be successful... Good luck wity your new venture!


I love comments. Please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to talk to you further