Maria's Space: Amateur Book Review - Educating Esme

Friday, September 04, 2009

Amateur Book Review - Educating Esme

I received this book for review and was so excited to jump in. This is my son's first year of Kindergarten and I am a little anxious especially since his teacher was hired only 2 weeks ago.

Educating Esme is the diary that Esme kept on her first year of teaching. I was impressed with how savvy, and self assured this newbie was, however on the inside she is full of insecurities as a new teacher. She knows what she wants and will step on the necessary toes to get it! She wants to be addressed as Madam Esme' by her class. I love it! Esme' is the kind of teacher I wish the schools had more of. Someone who gets kids excited about being at school by being firm, strict, yet fun, kooky and unafraid to jump out of the cookie cutter teacher mold and be different.

If I were a teacher, I would hope to be like her. Wearing costumes to school, rollerskating, dancing in the middle of class.

This book should be mandatory reading for all teachers, principals and bureaucrats.

More children would be willing to learn if school wasn't set up as a prison.

It is going to be an interesting year for me and I will be one of those parents that the school knows by name. I plan on being very involved and doing right by my son. I don't believe that the school always knows the best and I want to help the teacher, help me, make sure that my son has the best experience possible.

Educating Esme is full of practical tips and advice for teachers. On my visit with the teacher, hopefully today, I will be handing her my copy of this book and ask that when she is done to please pass it back. I know a certain principle that could use some tips on making school fun.

If you have a chance to read this book, I highly suggest it. Esme is entertaining and opens our eyes to 


  1. This sounds like a terrific book. I wish my DIL could have read it before her first year of teaching last fall, she had a really hard time. I also know a really BAD principal of a child of a blogger friend of mine that could use this book. I'll have to give her your link. Thanks for the post.

  2. Lorie, It really is fab. I just loaned it to my son's kindergarten teacher and have plans to pass it to her assistants before giving it to the Special Education Department to loan out.


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