Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday - Light Bright

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ruby Tuesday - Light Bright

The day before I took Goddess to her first day of Preschool, we dropped her brother off at school and I asked her what she wanted to do.

"I start school tomorrow, you should take me to some place I have never been."

How could I argue with that? That was how she got a TV in her room. Right before her third birthday she told her father when asked what do you want for your birthday?

"I want a TV! You have a TV, Mom has a TV, and Handsome has one, where is mine?"

Anyway, I digress...I took her to the Children's Museum and let her explore for almost 3 hours. She had the best time. It was fairly empty except for about 10 other children.

Check out this massive Light Bright that was at the museum.


  1. Great shot... I would have LOVED playing with that!!
    She is a really smart one. You are gonna be in BIG trouble in about 10 years, I think you should buy a padlock for her bedroom door! :-)

  2. Wow! I am so jealous of the mega lite brite :) I had a MUCH smaller version when I was little that I loved to play with. That and my Etch-a-Sketch were the toys I remember getting lots of play out of. Oh, and my Smurf three wheeler, of course :)

  3. Now that's one huge Light box. Happy RT

  4. Really cool. Beautiful shot Maria.

  5. Wow!! That is one of the most awesome pictures I have seen yet. I loved Light Brite as a kid. I even bought it for each of my kids.

  6. WHOOOAAAA I need one of those in my room! lol


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