Maria's Space: A Thousand Words Thursday - Sometimes it is OK to play with our Food!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Thousand Words Thursday - Sometimes it is OK to play with our Food!

Last year Handsome made an apple sculpture at school. Goddess wanted to make one so bad but she was in the two day a week 3-4 year old preschool and it was not an activity for her class. This year she is in the five days a week, 4-5 year old group and was able to participate. There was never a happier girl!

Yet, another Goddess staged photo. She is her own director and mostly tells me what picture to take.


  1. what a kooky picture

  2. That's funny, especially that she's the director, lol. Too cute!

  3. Ree-Ree that would be her lol.

  4. She is just the most amazing little lady! I love the marshmallows and the Wiggles plate.
    Her eyes say it all!!


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