Saturday, October 31, 2009

Self Portrait Sunday - Happy Halloween

To find out why I began Self Portrait Sunday, see my first post here.
This is a picture of Goddess and I from 2007 and it is a favorite of mine. At the time
I was playing a lot with Photoshop but I am sorry to say, if someone asked me to do
another like this, I would have no idea where to start.

One Hundred Butterflies Is A Work Of Art

Thanks to my connection at Hachette Book Group I was given a copy of One Hundred Butterflies to review. This was a book I was anxious to receive. My little Goddess has such a fashionation with so many things and one of them like most little girls is Butterflies. It is still amazing to me how excited children get over butterflies and how years later as adults we are still entralled by the natural beauty of this visually stunning creature.

When the book arrived, both my kids were excited. The big pages, the colorful photos, the minimalist designed pages. Each page had a beautiful, colorful, full-bodied, detailed photo of a butterfly. The coffee table sized book was perfect for the kids to look at together. They have sat together to discuss the book over 3 times this week. Unfortunately being sick I wasn't able to get a picture yet but I will so watch for my amended post.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fun Season

I love autumn because of the colors but I also love all the Halloween decorations. It is truly a fun season.

Orange Bloom Drenched in Morning Dew

This may be a stretch for ABC Wednesday "O" this week. But it is all I have that comes close to the theme.

IMG_4444, originally uploaded by on_angel_wings2001.

Isn't this beautiful? I love the dew on this picture.

BTW..these were taken with my Canon point and shoot. Lest someone think you need an expensive camera to take a macro shot.

Cat Tails and A Sunny Spot

For this Wordless Wednesday, I really wish I was back at this spot. I love cat tails. I have no idea what they are truly called but they remind me of when I was young. There were a lot of these were I lived in Millbrook, NY.  I spotted them on my way out of the farm, pulled the car over to the side and prayed I wouldn't get stuck in the mud. Can you see the spider web strand?

Last week, I snapped this in a totally quiet location, I wasn't sick, there were no kids around, my head wasn't pounding and my chest didn't hurt from coughing.

We Have Company

It appears that the Mucinex monster has taken up residence in my chest.

I haven't felt this sick in thankfully a really long time. In fact, I couldn't get off the couch last night to do prayers with my two children. I felt terrible about it but my body just couldn't do the walk from the couch to their rooms.

Yesterday the doctor informed me that I have an upper respiratory infection and a sinus infection. Why do just one when you can do two really. So I headed over to Shoprite who are running a free antibiotic campaign to help out the public. Thank goodness they are because I have no insurance. Thank goodness for doctors who give discounts and Shoprite for my free antibiotics. Having no insurance is scary enough and when you get sick you tend not to run right away to the doctor.

So after three rounds of medication, a surprise soup visit from Lauri I am finally feeling like I can sit up. Lauri was so sweet. She called me saying that she was in my driveway. When my son opened the door (I had to keep the kids home today, I couldn't move this morning to get them to school) I heard him say, "is that for us?" She had got them Happy Meals which they were thrilled with. She knew that I was suffering and didn't want me to worry about their lunch. She also brought over some crackers, soup mix, orange juice and a Neti Pot.

If you never heard of the Neti Pot head over to Healing Daily where they discuss benefits and usage.

In the last 3 hours I have felt better than I have the last three days. Last night I was beyond ok, my head and body ached from 4 days of unproductive coughing. My head wanted to explode. I pictured Uncle Fester from the Adams Family and his head vice. Every cough (approx every 2 seconds) sent my body into convulsion and my head pain made me suicidal. Dead would end the pain. Being rational and a loving mother who would never leave her children on her own free will I knew this was going to pass.

I just printed out some homeschool worksheets. The kids have been phenomenal today. During what what be our homework time I am going to pull them out and get some work done. They love it and really they aren't sick I am so work is in order.

For some great printables, lesson plans, and craft ideas head to Teaching Heart. KinderKorner is an amazing site full of stories, pictures, and lesson plans. I love this one on Pumpkins.

County Moments Take On Ruby Tuesday

I headed out on a quest for Ruby Tuesday photos for Mary's meme.  I had just walked away from snapping this picture when the farmer asked me if I was working for the paper or just enjoying nature.

Did I look professional enough to be working? Was my face serious? Or perhaps it was my $1,485 camera. Whatever it was I was beaming with the compliment.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Being Interviewed By Other Websites Make Me Feel Good And A Tad Silly

Last week I was interviewed by

Here is my interview

Maria Gagliano is a woman of many talents. She is a wonderful photographer, a loving mom and an artist on Etsy. As a blogger, Maria shares her interests and her family with her readers. Her product reviews are personal and quite funny. And she’s a woman after my own heart who knows the true value of chocolate!

Tell me about your Blog.

I originally created the blog as a legacy for my children. I lost my mom when I was 12 years old. At 43 I am still longing to find out who she was as a woman. Writing the blog about my life, my stories, my dreams, my hopes, my children is so they never have to wonder who I was.  My dream is to create books for each with my posts. Currently, I blog about anything that pops onto my radar along with personal accounts of my life, quotes and photos from my kids and product reviews which I love. Writing and photography has always been a passion of mine and blogging allows me to use both.
Maria’s Space is a balanced blog. I try not to commercial too much. That is not the reason I started it. My readers are important to me and I have made long lasting relationships with some of them. I want everyone to feel they have a voice on my blog. I will never delete a comment. If you are looking for honestly you have come to the right place. There is nothing I won’t discuss and love when someone has a different opinion and feels they can voice it in comments.

What was your first blog? 

Maria’s Space was my first blog. I created one for each of my children speaking in their voice, a blog for my photography and another for entertainment purposes. Currently I only write on Maria’s Space and the entertainment blog Chotskies.

What is the biggest tip you would give to product reviewers? 

Write with honestly. Don’t compromise but don’t bash. Just because a book or product isn’t something you like it may be something someone else likes. So, spin your negative review in a positive way. There is no reason to be rude. I treat my blog like a business and although it doesn’t provide a paycheck it is a job.  Meet your deadlines and be professional.

Are you contacted by advertisers or do you contact them or both? 

Originally I started with a small review group. After my first few reviews I started getting contacted by companies looking for me to review for them. As for advertisers; I have never contacted an advertiser.

What is your favorite product that you have reviewed?

I loved reviewing toys for my kids. Anytime I can pull them into a review I am happy. However, food reviews, especially something sweet is always a favorite.

What do advertisers do that you wish they wouldn’t/ do that you like? 

To be honest I have not had a negative experience with an advertiser. This is a business and if treated as such, everyone remains professional.

What do bloggers do that you wish they wouldn’t/do that you like? 

I love when bloggers voices shine through. I love when you can hear their voice in their posts even though you have never spoken to them. There are so many talented people in the blogosphere.

What advertiser would you like to work with given a chance?

Godiva or Microsoft

Where do you see growth in the blogging field?

Vlogging is the way to go. Everyone should learn how to put video on their posts, especially their reviews.

What is one thing about you that not many people know? 

I am 4’11”

What’s your favorite book?

Twilight and The Stand

What is on your iPod? 

Taylor Swift, Linkin Park, Staind, Evanescence, Dave Matthews, Creed, Kings of Leon, Stevie Nicks, Theory of A Deadman, Antigone Rising, Carrie Underwood, Dave Grohl and more. I love loads of music.

What are your contact details?


Maria’s Space,




Book Blogs


Twitter Moms

Mom Logic


How do you prefer to communicate? 

I love talking on the phone but email has a place too

Who would you recommend, and why?
Tiny Prints – The make amazing cards, post cards, photo cards and more. I love their products and appreciate their social networking.
The Mom Buzz – “Erin Taylor” She is a blogger maven. I want to be like her when I grow up.
Lauren’s Bite – Lauren from Lauren’s Bite is the blog I wish I had dreamed up. It was the escapades of pocket Edward that sucked me in. If you have no idea what I am talking about, you need to check her out. She is funny.
Simply Stacie – She is nice and has some of the best giveaways around
Eden Fantasys– Love all their products and reading the reviews is so much fun. Plus Drew G is one of the nicest, pr folks in the biz.
Eli’s Lids – She has great hats but it is her blog savvy’ness that sucked me in. I love her use of speak bubbles. You know those little things you put above people’s heads in photos so you can add dialogue!
Leslie Loves Veggies – She is super nice.
No Time For Flash Cards – Genius blog filled with wonderful projects to do with children. Totally user friendly instructions and photos.
Angels Everywhere – She is a new blogger and a personal friend and really puts her heart into her posts.
Through My Eyes – She is a new blogger and a personal friend of mine. She really loves blogging, talking and meeting people.
The Shewbridges of Celebration, FL – Lorie is the writer of this blog. She is super nice, funny and sweet. She makes everyone feel good with her detailed, specific comments. She makes you feel like you are the most special person.
Notes From The Trenches – Super cute! Always the best pictures of her kids which really makes you feel like you are part of the action. You can hear the noise and laughter in her pictures. She is a blogger maven and writes for 5 other blogs besides her own.

 The interview was fun and it was inspiring to read the title of the interview and the first paragraph by the interviewer too.

You never know, you just might see yourself mentioned in the interview so read to the bottom.

Healthy Teeth Challenge Was A Success

I received an assortment of adult and children's products including:
  • Listerine Total Care (2)
  • Listerine Agent Cool Blue (2)
  • Reach Access Flosser (1 + refills)
  • Reach Toothbrushes (4)
  • Listerine Smart Rinse (2) 
  • Reach Floss
Along with a monthly chart and tooth stickers.

I explained to the kids we would be taking a challenge and that every time instead of just brushing we would also be rinsing, and flossing. After which we would take the little tooth sticker and put it on the appropriate day of the chart.

We had never used AGENT CO0L BLUE® and at first I used it incorrectly. I couldn't understand why the kids teeth had a light blue hue after rinsing. Then I realized after reading the directions (note to self: Always read before using. Duh!) that you are supposed to rinse before brushing. This way the kids would have to pay special attention while brushing to remove the blue tint.  They loved it! They especially love the dosing of it where you squeeze the bottle until the liquid fills up the cap. 

This was the first time the kids have used a rinse and they felt like big kids.
When I asked Handsome what he thought about it he said, "It tastes good!"

Goddess said, "the swooshing, rinsing and spitting is me favorite part." Ummm...should I be concerned about this answer?

What this mom can tell you is that my children ask to rinse and brush now. Sometimes 4 times a day. Not bad when this mom usually gets in 1 kid brush and 1 parent brush a day.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Self Portrait Sunday - Incognito

My husband has an office (I use the term loosely) in town. It is only 4 shops away from Goddess' Preschool. I was early to pick up so I let myself in and crashed on the floor with a book for about 15 minutes. I took this picture with the Blackberry to send to him with the message "does this place look familiar?"

I tend not to go there because:
1- He is not there
2-There is no place to sit
3-It is pretty lonely in there
4-No TV, radio or coffee

However it does have the internet so I can take the laptop and crash if I don't feel like heading home after dropping Goddess off at school.

These People Are Crazy! What Not To Do As Parents!

I honestly try not to judge anyone. Who am I to say that someone is wrong? But, the story of the Heene Family just disturbs me and totally pisses me off.

To be totally honest, I hate the fact that I am even writing about them because this is what they were looking for. They just happened to use one of the most vile ways in my book. They used their child, their innocent children, their flesh and blood!

My stomach and heart ached while I watched the news coverage of the balloon as it reached heights of 8,000 feet. How could a boy servive that? Then when there were reports of something falling out I was sick.

Watching the family on the news after they "found him hiding upstairs" was nauseating. The mother holding her two older sons and the father holding his "found" son. Head down, everyone's mouth tight, I knew it. They were lying! The worst part for me was when the mother decided to speak up and thank all the emergency personal who were quick to assist. What she should have been saying was, "I am so sorry to have wasted all of your time, energy and money searching for my child who I knew exactly where he was". Disgusting.

So now she has admitted to the hoax. Seriously! What the hell is wrong with these people? What message are they sending their children? Telling their children to lie to authorities is disgusting. What kind of adults are they creating.

Twisting the innocence of their 6 year old son to maintain such a lie is down right dispicable and I am appalled. Are you so self important that you believe your own fame for your stupid balloon is more important than raising your children with integrity, honesty and self respect. How dare you!

Here is Falcon showing where he hid in the "garage". So it wasn't even the attic. Imagine putting your son up in the beams of your house?

The "Aha!" moment that led authorities to realize what happened, was an interview with the family "Larry King Live,"  In the interview the Heenes asked their son why he had not come out from hiding when they called his name."You guys said we did this for the show," the boy answered.

How did they even figure this to be a good idea. How did this mother even feel this ok. The only reason I would believe a mother, a woman, a sister would go along with something like this is if she feared for her life. There is nothing someone could say to me that would make me use my child to get media attention.

I believe all three of these boys will need to go through therapy which will hopefully reconcile in their little lives why the people they trust, the people the love, the people who care for them would use them in such a disgusting way.

Friday, October 23, 2009

A Book For Chocolate Lovers, Seriously It is A Love Story

Most of us, and I won't speak for everyone like my last post where my buddy Lorie so sweetly reminded me that not everyone was enthralled with Twilight and other vampire books.

I was presented with a book to review this week from Hachette Book Group. The book is called Chocolate: A Love Story by Max Brenner.

In A Nutshell: This is THE book to have, if you are a chocoholic like me. Max says his story began when he read Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl (one of my favorite childhood authors). He wanted to one day find a river of chocolate to sail in. Well, as we all know there is no such thing but daydreaming with this book, is pretty damn close.

The recipes are from the decadent (Soap Opera Chocolate Cappuccino Roulade) to the exotic (Overwhelming Oriental White Chocolate Malabi) to a 3 ingredient recipe (Chocolate Covered Peanuts) but all are incredibly inspiring and worthy of a look.

I am dying to try to make Guilt-Free Fried Chocolate Truffles made with heavy cream, dark chocolate, butter, an almond liqueur, egg, flour and coconut then fried! Hello!!!! Sounds like heaven. Just imagine all that rich, dark, melted chocolate in a shell of crispy coconut.

For me, the only downside is that there aren't enough color photos in this book. I love books with pictures of food. I am guessing the reason is, if they made this chock full of yummy, colorful photos, each page would have had to been made waterproof. Why waterproof, well isn't it obvious, to catch the drool that would undoubtedly cascade off your lips as you read the ingredients coupled with a picture.

Friday Fill Prompts Me To Slit My Wrist

I kid, I mean no offense but really I needed a title.

1. The crickets sing, tra, la, la, la, la

2. I am always with you wherever you are.

3. I want to get far away from the silliness of some of these prompts.

4. But Atlas; this was a dream.

5. But as for me I am still sitting here reading each prompt and writing the first thing that comes to mind. Can't you tell?

6. This is the place I come from

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hanging with the husband, tomorrow my plans include catching up on some reading, and Sunday, I want to get together with friends and family.

Color, Color, So Much Color

I headed out on Thursday to enjoy nature and grab some color for all my photo memes. These pretty wind decorations are just the thing for Color Carnival.

Kid Friendly Movies for the Winter Months Ahead

The winter is coming and if you are like me, you are already preparing for those days of snow bound, frigid weather that will keep you and your family inside.

To be honest I love nothing better than to spend the cold days in front of the fireplace with my family knowing that we are all safe inside and watch a kid friendly movie. It reminds me of that wholesome time before responsibilities took over life. A time when I was a child and there was so much life to look forward to.

We never get to the movies so DVD's are really big in this house.

I recently was contacted by an AWESOME Public Relations connection and she mailed me an advance copy of Alien's In the Attic to watch for this review.

I didn't know much about Alien's In The Attic in fact the only thing I did know was that Ashley Tisdale was in it and I thought it was animated. I am here to say it is not animated.

In a Nutshell:
Aliens in the Attic is a great movie for the entire family. The kids will love it and you won't be too bored. Really what more can you ask for in a movie. My daughter and I have watched it 3 times already. At first I thought the premise of aliens would be too scary for her especially since they are in the "attic" but she was totally fine with it. The only part I was uncomfortable with was how often Ashley Tisdale was in a bikini.  Although the premise is nonsensical I think the kids in the movie are fun enough, cool enough and spunky enough to keep your child's interest. My personal favorite moment is when the boyfriend of Ashley ends up under mind control of the Alien's. The actor went to the Jim Carey school of acting and can go spineless in two seconds flat. We laugh out loud when he is on the screen.

I give this movie a 3 out of 5. The kids will love it and you will be able to see through it.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Quotes By 4.5 Year Old Goddess

If you are a reader of this blog, you know how amazing I think my daughter is. I often joke that this is not her first time around. She has been here before. She knows to much. I knew it the moment she was born. They handed her to me and I said, "You know everything. You know all the secrets." I could see it in her eyes. She was a smart cookie.

A few months ago she said had something to say about heaven. Here it is.

Today, she had something else to say; I was rubbing some cream on her after her shower and she let me rub her back. She lied on the couch and I messaged her. She said, "That feels good in this world, but not in the other world."

I said, "what other world?"

She said, "the one up there, in outer space."


I don't know people this chick freaks me out sometimes. Like this past weekend when she was sitting on the living room floor playing with her toys and I was reading on the couch. She stopped talking for her toys and said, "Mommy did you just call me?"

I told her no.

She said, " You didn't just say, "God-dess?" (not her real name and now what she asked but go with me here).

I said, "Did you hear someone say your name?"

She said, "yes" and continued playing.

This was the day before my husband told me he heard running upstairs when he was in the basement but there was no one home. Weird!

Vampire Books For Adults

I can't get enough of the Vampire Diaries and Twilight but I like a book with a bit of a bite. I need an adult vampire book that makes me laugh too! Because let's face it, the fact that we are all head over bloody heels over vampires these days is just bizarre.

Tall, Dark and Fangsome by Michelle Rowen was fun. I was a winner of her last book Stakes & Stilettos on another blog and haven't had a chance to read it. It IS on my to read pile. After Tall, Dark and Fangsome I am chomping to get to it.

I loved Sarah. I want to be Sarah. She is one funny, witty, sarcastic, chick.

If I had money I would simply pay Michelle Rowen to write my daily dialogue. I loved the banter back and forth between Sarah and well, everyone else. She is fiesty and a real ball buster. I loved her and this book. Michelle Rowen is now on my author radar and I will check out all her books.

The Lovely Bones By Alice Sebold

I read this book years ago and it has always haunted me. It sits on a shelf in my closet, once in a while I take it down and touch the pretty blue cover. Whenever a bunch of us discuss books I ask any newbies to the group if they have read The Lovely Bones. It is a book that will sit with you. It is written in the voice of fourteen year old Susie who happens to be dead. Different no?

Buzz of the movie reached me a year ago and I wondered how they would do this story as a movie.

I just got to see the trailer for the movie which was directed by Peter Jackson and stars Rachel Weisz (the Mummy and the Reader), Susan Sarandon, Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, and Saoirse Ronan. The scheduled release date is December 11, 2009.

After seeing the trailer I want to pick the book up again. It looks like it will translate well to film.

The story goes like this:

"My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973."

So begins the story of Susie Salmon, who is adjusting to her new home in heaven, a place that is not at all what she expected, even as she is watching life on earth continue without her -- her friends trading rumors about her disappearance, her killer trying to cover his tracks, her grief-stricken family unraveling. Out of unspeakable tragedy and loss, THE LOVELY BONES succeeds, miraculously, in building a tale filled with hope, humor, suspense, even joy.

Wondering how everyone else feels about this being made into a movie.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Just Because

Picture 522, originally uploaded by on_angel_wings2001.
Come on! These kids make my heart sing. Love their little muppet faces.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

N Is For Necklace

I spent 5 minutes looking through pictures before I decided to go with the obvious.

N = Necklace

All of these were created by me for my Etsy shop Street Angel

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mother Nature Has Been Busy Painting

This weeks Ruby Tuesday are brought to you Mother Nature. I took them last Friday on my way to my girlfriend's house. I had some time to kill so got out of the car and was greeted by this duck. Love that red tree reflection in the water.

Then I spotted a tree with some berries and grabbed that for Ruby Tuesday this week. Love the color of the leaves more than the berries. Amazing colors by nature.

Then this amazing tree caught my eye.

Autumn is my favorite time of your. The colors are amazing and the weather is crisp and cool. Love it!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mellow Yellow and Blue Monday - Perfect Together

This week Blue Monday and Mellow Yellow are brought to you by Goddess, who was standing in the Children's Museum next to a Lion Statue. I loved the colors and quickly snapped but she was busy looking at the dragon.

Who she then yelled at, telling him, that he was to leave this place and leave the smaller dragons alone. "You are bad. You will not harm these dragons. Go! Now!"

Then shouted "He's gone. I must tell the dragons."

The dragons were happy as she explained, "You don't have to be afraid. The bad dragon is gone and you are safe. I love you."

Then they celebrated and she partook in some underage pretend drinking from the chalice right before I shouted for her to "please do not put your mouth on the disgusting, dirty cup."

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Self Portrait Sunday - Vampiress

To my four participants; behold, the new Self Portrait Sunday button. The other button was so feminine and with Matt and all I just had to get a more generic but cool (if I do say so myself), button.  The HTML coding for easy application is on it's way.

Halloween is coming so I decided to play around with some of my photos using Picnik's newest feature.
Love the vampire effects.

Currently Listening To: Five For Fighting + I Have An Autographed Copy for You

Superman by Five For Fighting was one of my favorite songs back in the day. I loved it!

The there was 100 Years which really showcases  John Ondrasik's voice. 

Fast forward 5 years and there is a new album "Slice" with some incredible songs. John is a gifted songwriter who really speaks to your soul.
Note To The Unknown Soldier
This Dance
Above The Timberline
Story Of Your Life
Love Can’t Change The Weather
Augie Nieto

In A Nutshell: While Slice is the title song of the album, Chances is the one getting the radio play and for good reason. Personally I loved Chances, Tuesday, Above the Timberline (love that falsetto), Story of Your Life and Augie Nieto. 

You will not be disappointed with this CD. Five For Fighting features, beautiful piano and intelligent, soulful, heartfelt, lyrics. FFF, John Ondrasik's voice is one of the best male voices out there and I have quite a few favorites.

Friday, October 16, 2009

One Of My Best Pictures Ever

This week's Color Carnival brings one of my absolute favorite photos that is not of  my children. This photo is perfection and if you are a reader of this blog. You will know this photo. This is the third time I have used it this year. Mellow Yellow and Camera Critters participants saw this picture as a meme contribution.

I took this at my girlfriend Sheress' home where her husband HAD an amazing salt water tank of fish.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sometimes I Miss This

This was my son in 2007. Two years makes such a difference.He looks like such a baby here to me and these days he seems like such a big boy.

My daughter who was only 2 wasn't allowed downstairs to play in the family room but Handsome had the privilege of having time to himself behind the baby gate. However, as much as he wanted to go downstairs, he still wanted remain close to mom. This is often the scene I would find when I looked down.

Toys on the steps made me crazy but I love seeing the ones he USED to play with before he got "bigger". The Wiggles dolls and everything Wiggle, have high honors in his room on a shelf above his bed. They were his life for about 2 years. I was really sad when he gave them up.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Keeping it Wordless so to Speak

I Give You The Moon and More

This is a monument from a Cemetery walk
Same Monument, going for a different feel
Maria's Side Note: Change of angle totally changes the look of the photo. The first one is obviously a headstone. The second one was mistaken for the Washington
Monument this week. I love photography!

Here is my son Mesmerized by the bee display at a local farm

Here is a very messy baby after eating her very first piece of Valentine chocolate. This was taken Feb 2006.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Halloween Decorations Are So Ruby

This weeks Ruby Tuesday was so easy to come up with. Halloween decorations are great for Mary's meme Ruby Tuesday.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Childhood Splendor

I am in need of some Blue photos for Blue Monday. Time for another photo shoot trip.

Here is a necklace I created for my Etsy shop Street Angel called Childhood Splendor. I love this blue and green square bead. It reminds me of a coffee cup set my parents used to have.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Self Portrait Outdoors

To find out why I began Self Portrait Sunday, see my first post here.

 Last week I asked for pictures of you outdoors for this weeks meme. This wasn't quite outdoors but I was in the car waiting for my baby of come out of school.

Etsy Specials For Maria's Space Readers Only!

From today until next Saturday, I am running a special on two pieces from my Etsy shop Street Angel.

Pixies of the Forest currently sells for $15.99. Maria's Space readers can purchase for $10.00. Before you purchase through Etsy contact me at ree026 @ and I will change the price. Also, I am offering free shipping for this piece.

The second piece being offered to my readers is Samodivi which also sells for $15.99. The price for my readers is $10.00 with free shipping. Again, please contact me at ree026 @ before you purchase through Etsy so that I can change the pricing.

If you see anything else you would like to purchase I will combine orders and discuss price with you personally.

These pieces are great for the Fall and I want to move some inventory out to make room for some new pieces I created over the last few weeks.

Happy Shopping!!!

The Grasshopper

This week, while waiting for Handsome at school, Goddess squatted down and picked up what I thought would be a flower, a clover or some other priceless present. This time she came toward me with something moving.

She was amazed that it sat on her hand staring at her. I was amazed and worried that it didn't hop off onto her face or something. I took pictures with my teeth clenched, worried at any moment she would scream when it hopped. It never did. She held it for about 2 minutes while they stared at each other. Then the grasshopper turned around and hopped off her hand.