Maria's Space: Childhood Splendor

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Childhood Splendor

I am in need of some Blue photos for Blue Monday. Time for another photo shoot trip.

Here is a necklace I created for my Etsy shop Street Angel called Childhood Splendor. I love this blue and green square bead. It reminds me of a coffee cup set my parents used to have.


  1. The blue-green beads remind me of a peacock feather, very pretty.
    If you're in need of a photo trip, come on down here... we're always ready for visitors!! :-)

  2. Your jewelry is lovely. I hope you are having a great Blue Monday.

  3. What beautiful beads, Maria, and I think that my parents had that same coffee cup set! :-)

    Happy Blue Monday to you...


    Sheila :-)

  4. What beautiful beads, Maria, and I think that my parents had that same coffee cup set! :-)

    Happy Blue Monday to you...


    Sheila :-)

  5. How pretty! Happy Blue Monday, Maria.


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