Monday, November 30, 2009

Blue Monday - The Latest And Greatest

Picture 576

This Blue Monday, I am posting a photo of my latest and greatest necklace to date. I absolutely love this necklace and can't stop looking at it.

This upcoming weekend, I am part of a pre-holiday extravaganza with 4 other entrepreneurs, and will be trying to sell this baby along with 90 of my other pieces. It will be hard to part with this beauty but heck, I create with the goal to sell so it has to go.

Oh yeah, see me? There I am in the silver pieces, well my lens anyway.

I wish you a very happy morning.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The Tell Me About Yourself Meme

1. When is your birthday? In August

2. Where were you born? In a hospital 

3. Where do you live now? In a house

4. What is your heritage? Italian but I always say I am American!

5. Tell us about a weakness. My kids

6. What's a goal that you'd like to achieve? Getting through this meme. 

7. What is the most overused internet phrase? LOL

8. What was your first thought this morning? They are up already?

9. When do you usually go to bed? When I am tired.

10. Do you smoke? If not, did you ever? I am smoking but I have never smoked. bwhahahaha

11. Do you like your current relationship status? Sure, we get along and generally like each other.

12. Do you (or did you) get along with your parents? It is hard to say. My mother died when I was 12 and dad left when I was 14. I get along with him as much as I can considering I have seen him only 5 times in the last 20 years.

13. How often do you drink alcohol? I am not much of a drinker. Probably average a drink every 3 months.

14. Have you ever tried drugs (that weren't prescribed)? Never did. I prefer to always be in control of myself and my actions.

15. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? If yes, do tell. Well, I cannot remember a time when I didn't have clothes on while swimming although I would like to try.

16. If given the choice, how would you like to die? Sleeping

17. What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a nurse now I want to be a Playgirl photographer when I grow up.

18. Have you ever been dumped? Oh sure, this one time, in band camp, this guy dumped me right on my ass.

19. What's on your pizza? Pepperoni

20. Have you ever shoplifted? Yes, I was about 8 and it was an Archie comic book. I felt so guilty that I brought it back to the store and put it back. Unfortunately, I was caught putting it back and had to explain the whole thing which was what I was trying to avoid in the first place. 

A Goddess Moment


While waiting for my son to come out of school the other day, Goddess and I were waiting in the car. She likes to come sit in the front while we wait and this day she had something to say about Princesses'.

"Mommy, sometimes princess make this face when they are locked up."

Me: "when they are locked up?"

"Yes when the bad person locks them in a tower."

Me: "oh (trying not to laugh), yes I guess they might make that face."

"And sometimes the sing a song."

Me: "what kind of song?"

"I don't know something that makes the animals come or makes people sad."

Too cute.

Umm....we don't watch a lot of Disney movies but now I am wondering where she got this from.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Goddess Moment

We picked this cute little Skelkitten up at Target after Halloween. I love hitting the sales two days after the holiday when everything is up to 75% off. Goddess had wanted this kitty before Halloween and I told her I would get it eventually. I snagged it for $3.00 and she was so happy. The face? Well, it is a Goddess face. She is an actress in the making.

We were at the library and one of the librarians asked her, "did you get that kitty for Halloween?"

Goddess replied, "nope, we got it from Target."

Hahahaha...Target, if you are listening, we are spreading the Buzz.

Self Portrait Sunday - Nov 29, 2009

To find out why I began Self Portrait Sunday, see my first post here.The rules are simple. Just post a picture of yourself linking back here. Hope to see your beautiful faces.

Ever wonder what you look like when you take a picture? Here is what I look like!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta Rocks!

Usually anything that has "smart, healthy," or "good for you" doesn't always taste so great. That is not the case here. I made it as the box stated and it was perfect. I added a very light, white cheese sauce over it and then added it to another recipe I reviewed. They were perfect together but more on that later.

Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta states that they are an excellent source of fiber and calcium, with lower calories and fat than traditional white pasta. They also claim to contain no sodium, preservatives or cholesterol. I can tell you this..I don't see a reason to eat another pasta. Ronzoni has always been my families pasta. It is what I grew up on and I can still eat it without the guilt.

Color Carnival - A Necklace

Picture 028
I seriously love this necklace. It goes with everything. The beading took me forever and the pendent is just wrapping paper that I had a sample of.

The Most Beautiful Dogs in the World-Camera Critters Saturday

I was heading into the supermarket for some Thanksgiving shopping on Tuesday when I spotted these guys sitting in a nearby truck. I stopped, started walking again and turned back toward the truck. Reaching in my bag to find my point and shoot which is always with me, I asked the driver who was reading the paper if it would be OK if I took their picture. He said it would be fine and started telling me about all the awards they have for best dog! The dogs are father and son, the son is in the foreground. They were massive, beautiful and sweet. The driver told me to feel their ears. It was an odd request until I felt their ears. If they were my dogs, I would tell everyone the same thing. They must be about 3 inches thick with fur. Aren't they beautiful?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is a test

Test post

"What are Your 5 Favorite Holiday Activities to do with Your Kids?"

Twitter Mom's is asking the question: What Are Your 5 Favorite Holiday Activities To Do With Your Kids?

1- My favorite thing to do is called 25 Days Of Christmas. I read about it before having kids.  I knew that once I had children it was something that would be fun. Basically, I wrap all our Christmas books and movies and put them in a basket. As the kids get older baby Christmas books and movies will make way for other books or movies. I also put a new ornament in the basket for the tree. Starting December 1st, we draw a name (there are only 2) and let that kid pick the first gift. They alternate nights. They open the gift and we either read or watch the book or movie. It makes Christmas last instead of ending in one day, plus we spend quality family time together. It is my hope that this is something they will continue with their own families.
December 1, 2008 (1)
2-I love taking them to have the picture taken with Santa. It is something I always knew I would do when I had kids. We go early in the season and early in the day. Usually, we are the first on line. The kids talk to Santa, we take a picture, walk around the mall, throw pennies in the fountain, look at the puppies, have lunch and head out before 5:00 p.m. traffic.
December 5, 2008 (22)
3-We drive around looking for decorated homes. We love all the lights at night and stop and gaze until we feel we saw it all.

4-Heading out to see my in-laws and my sister is a highlight of our holiday.

5-Baking cookies with my sister-in-law and the kids is one of my kids favorite activities. When Aunt Marta comes everyone is happy.

"What is your Black Friday plan of attack this year?"

Well, for me...that means staying far, far away from the stores. The prices are never low enough for me to decide to leave the safe, warm confines of my home to brave the masses.

But, that may have more to do with the fact that I don't have a shopping thing. In my early twenties I lived with two other girls who LOVED shopping. They are the people advertisers work for. They love sitting together, planning their shopping agenda, slowly milling around the malls, trying things on, laughing and talking about clothes and more, having lunch, shopping some more, getting a $6.00 coffee and braving the traffic out of the mall. That is so the opposite of me.

I prefer shopping when the stores open, during the week when everyone else is sleeping, working or at school, getting what I need and flying out of there in record time. I shop for bargains but do it throughout the year. Yes, the prices on Black Friday can be inticing but that is what is so great about the internet. Anything I can get at the stores can be found online.

This year, I will be checking out the deals at Target as soon as I wake up on Cyber Monday. However, I believe that the deals keep coming long after Black Friday. While Black Friday may be a great thing for some, it is a day I prefer to stay away. Don't look for me the day after Thanksgiving. I will be sitting at home with my family enjoying some time with them.

To find out with everyone else is doing this Friday, be sure to head over to Twitter Moms (that's me) and let us know how you spend the day after Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Patiently Waiting

I took this photo for Monochrome Weekly, while waiting on a bench at the park for Goddess. It was a beautiful, November day and those will be few and far between as we head into the colder months of NY.
Picture 040

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Self Portrait Sunday - Outside

I played with Picnik adding cross processing and changed my hair color in the second one. So fun.

Picture 037
Picture 043

Christmas Gift Idea for Preschools - K'Nex Sesame Street Neighborhood Collection

Recently I was able to review K'Nex The Sesame Street Neighborhood Collection with my children. They loved it!

The K'nex Sesame Street Neighborhood Collection lets kid's build and then play with their favorite Sesame Street pal, including Elmo, Cookie Monster and Ernie. There are 4 individual sets to choose from and kids can build and rebuild over and over again.

We received this one.

My daughter happened to be home sick this day with a stomach virus and this made her day.
Picture 069

When I asked her to pose with the box she had no problem at all. Obviously!

Picture 070

Feeling much better, she proceeds to build. She tried to copy what was on the box and got something like it but not quite. Then she asked me to do it for her. She was happy with that and played until her brother got home from school. Then they took it apart and made Elmo and Ernie robots. They received it over 8 days ago and have played with it everyday alone and together. They are even asking for the other sets.
Picture 071

The box says it is good for 2-5 year olds but my son is 6.5 and is still in love with Sesame Street.

Picture 096

Computer Woes!

My laptop is 6 years old and has been working hard ever since I received it. Unfortunately, I believe things are coming to an end. This is being written up on my husband's computer.

Wahhhhh....this isn't efficient blogging at all and when it takes over 2 hours to write a 3 minute post you tend not to want to get on the computer.

Hopefully, Santa or some wonderful computer company will take pity on me and put my worries to rest with a shiny new laptop.

One can dream can't one?

Friday, November 20, 2009

When Teacher's Talk - A Book Review

Since my son started Kindergarten, I have had the opportunity to read so many books on education and the school system. This book was yet another one that made me reconsider the idea of homeschooling. If you are a teacher this book will not come as a surprise to you. However, it does uncover what a lot of us parents already know. The principal of the school isn't perfect and can and will make mistakes. The mistakes are not the problem, it is the abuse of teachers and students that is the heart of this book.

Every job has a boss. In the school the principal is the boss and then we move up to the Superintendent.  I am not ready to say that principals are the sole problem in the school. I believe the problem is much bigger than that. We all know that the BS trickles down from the top. I would never say the principal is the brains of the school. Maybe in some locations this is so but honestly, I believe the person who sees and knows everything is the School Secretary. In my experience they are quite knowledgeable, pleasant, do everything, know everything and  see everything. The principal is nothing without their secretary.

The problems is much more global than a bunch of power wielding principals. The school system as a whole has to be reevaluated. The people we put our children in the hands of need to be looked at. They need to be happy. They need to be compensated. They need to be educated and that education should never stop.

While the government is busy increasing the age of mammogram recipients they would be better of looking into our schools. The place where our children are being molded needs to be looked at under a microscope.

This book should be read by all parents, teachers, PTA members, and school board members.

Parents: If your child attends a school, buy this book and educate yourself. Get Involved! See what is really going on and if you don't like it, don't be afraid to do something about it. The school is where your child spends most of their time. Shouldn't it be a healthy environment?

You will not be able to put this book down.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Moon Giveaway, Candy & Jewelry Ahhhh Perfect Together

The countdown for New Moon has pretty much taken over my Chotskies Blog for the past 9 months. I love the whole Twilight Sage and can't wait to see New Moon.

I am not so fanatical that you will see me anywhere near the theatre for the next few weeks because I really want to SEE and HEAR the movie. I can do without the gasps and screaming of the crazies but I am as excited as the next person.

Hopefully I can get some of my girls together and go see the movie one day in a couple of weeks.

Until then, I have a New Moon Giveaway for my readers.

Last month I found New Moon. Chocolate by Skybar to be exact. Carmel for Edward, Cream filling for Bella and Peanut Butter for Jacob.
I wish I bought more than two bags because they were yummy. We (the husband, my nieces and I ate one bag) and the other I hid away for this exact moment.

Beside the Skybar Chocolate I have a New Moon Keychain and a Jacob (minus the shirt) pendent from Street Angel

Since this giveaway is for New Moon fans, I thought we could have some fun with this.

To Enter answer 1 or all of these questions, for each question answered correctly, you will get another entry in the giveaway.

If you are a New Moon fan, these questions will be easy for you.
  • What is the name of the vampire family that lives in Volterra, Italy?
  • How does Edward plan to provoke the vampire royalty into killing him?
  • Who finds Bella in the woods after the Cullen family leaves Forks?
  • Who did Sam Uley imprint on?

Who's In There?

Picture 041

You Know You Are Tired When

Picture 061

You fill up your kids sippy with coffee!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday - The Soft and Hard of it!

My Outdoor Wednesday photo today is some high weeds behind the park where I took my daughter a few days ago. I love the feathery look of it, so soft. Yet, if I touched it, it would be dry and crisp.
Picture 035

ABC Wednesday = R

Ricky Raccoon is one of my son's favorite animals.


A Note From An Old Acquaintance - A Review

Yesterday I mentioned I would post my review of A Note From An Old Acquaintance by Bill Walker.

Filled with tender romance and taut suspense, A Note from an Old Acquaintance is an unforgettable story about fate, honor, and the power of true love.

I sat down with this book while on sick leave from my life. I feel like I or one of my kids have been sick for a month now.

The book started off so sad, to think that this man Brian loses his wife who has been in a coma since the accident that took the life of his three year old son is just devastating. Then he receives an email from an old love. From someone he hasn't spoken to in 15 years.

His relationship with Joanna was something he never quite got over, nor for that matter, had she. I loved the back story which makes up a lot of the book about how Brian and Joanna met and ended their love affair.

At first, I was questioning Joanna's motives. Why after all this time did she reach out to Brian? In the end we know why their affair ended and how their relationship affected all parties involved.

Without giving away too much story. This is a book you should read. Bill, is a thought provoking writer who had me distracted a few times while I pondered what I would do if Frank, Rich, Manny, Danny, Tommy, Steve,  (and I will stop the list now so I don't make myself look like a total loser) looked me up and tried to get in touch again. Would I be ok with how the relationship ended? Would I want them back in my life in anyway?

A Note From An Old Acquaintance is a book I would highly recommend and will list on my holiday gift guide as well.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ruby Tuesday - Blast From The Past

Well, not the so distant past, but the past nonetheless. This is a photo of my babies from 2005. Handsome was hogging the tunnel and Goddess was waiting her turn. This is not what would happen now. She would never stand there waiting, there would be pulling, tugging and eventual crying.
Waiting her turn

Take Me Back Tuesday

My Baby Girl

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Self Portrait Sunday

Last week we discussed the possibility of  choosing between two themes. This is currently my favorite shirt. While you can't see it, it is too cool. I bought it because it has jewels on the front and since I was doing my very first jewelry show I wanted to look bejeweled.

Self portrait while sitting at my jewelry table waiting for customers.

I am holding a check which was my payment for 4 hours of work. It was a shopping extravaganza and we invited the town to attend. There would be four of us. One selling Sensy, one selling Tastefully Simple, Me and another selling facial products. We had two customers who arrived together. Fortuntaly I made a sale, selling 3 pieces. We were all doing a giveaway too and of course the person who purchased from me got my giveaway so basically I broke even.

It was a learning experience and something that will be much easier to do again. I am a fairly shy person and this was a huge step outside of my comfort zone but it was worth it. There was a lot of positive feedback and that is worth a fortune.

The shot above was taken by my husband who seemed really proud of me. It isn't a great shot but at least it was him who offered to take it.

Color Carnival - Better Late Than Never - Come Smell the Flowers

Picnik collage

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Life Recap

There is so much going on these days I feel like I have to write it here or forget.

Tomorrow, I head into my son's class to read a book to his classmates. Why am I so nervous reading to a group of 4-6 year olds?

Saturday, I am doing my very first jewelery party as part of a local group of women entrepreneurs. One women is opening up her home, where 4 of us will be selling our wares to the public. One sells, a skin care system, Tastefully Simple and the last one  Scentsy, then there is me, Street Angel Jewelry. I am so nervous. This is not something that I ever thought about doing.  My blog, the jewelry, writing,  my photography is all very anonymous. This is weird; standing at my table with all my jewelry in front of me saying, this is mine and I make it. Scary.

I have spent the past 4 hours tagging the 96 items I have for sale.

Then, I have won a few giveaways the past three weeks from Bloggers that I wanted to give a shout out to.

MommyMandy - I won an OxiClean Baby Care Giveaway - which is a gift for my girlfriend's new niece who will hopefully be born before Thanksgiving.

Hip Mama's Place - A Wubbzy Goes Boo DVD - It is really cute. My daughter has watched it every day since she got it.

The Dirty Shirt - A Care Bears DVD that I am holding for my daughter for Christmas.

Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife - Aa My Little Pony Twinkle Wish Adventure DVD that I am also saving for Christmas.

Mom of 2 Dancers -  100 brochures from Uprinting. My plan is to use them to make brochures for my Street Angel line.

One2One Network - A $75.00 gift certificate to Target which I am so beyond excited about. This will really come in handy this Christmas.

I feel like the luckiest person alive. It has been a wonderful 3 weeks and I wish everyone else luck on blogger giveaways.

There is Nothing Cuter than Sibling Hugs

Bunny Hugs

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - A Half Birthday

This wordless Wednesday, can't be that wordless. Today, is my Handsome's half birthday. He is 6.5 years old and we celebrate half's here. We don't do much, but we do give them the dinner they ask for and talk about their birthday all day. Then, we do a cake and sing, "Happy Half Birthday to You!" The kids really just love that they get a "special day" dedicated to them. Honestly, it really is about the candle. What kid doesn't love blowing out a candle?

In fact, here is Goddess' half birthday this year. Notice the face? This is one of my favorite pictures. She was kinda upset that Handsome decided to blow out her candle.  I ended up re-lighting and telling him to step back but didn't know that she made this face and pose until I looked at the photos after download.
Picture 538

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Take Me Back Tuesday

Way back, 3 years ago or more...I used to do a lot of scrapblogging. It was so much fun and I love the look. Then Scrapblog decided to start charging so I stepped away from it. These sheets of my kids playing in boxes are too cute to me. Don't all kids love boxes?
Cardboard Boxes = Happy Childhood

40 Years of Sunny Days - A Review - Great Holiday Gift Idea

I am thrilled to be a part of the Sesame Street, 40 Years of Sunny Days, DVD Collection campaign.

If there was a person raised on Sesame Street, it was me. I was 3 years old when Sesame Street first aired on TV. I don't recall much before the age of 3 but I do recall Sesame Street.

Every day my mother put it on our Montgomery Ward, black and white 13 inch TV and we watched and sang along. After I grew out of Sesame Street I would revisited it while babysitting my cousins. Then again, when I was in my late teens, while getting ready for work, I would occasionally put it on. We didn't have cable and there was nothing on beside the news. So, I would go back to something that was comforting and comfortable. With 13 channels you didn't have much of a choice back then. However, when my son was born and I had all the choices in the world, 180 something channels and all the VHS and DVD tapes a child could ever want, I still put Sesame Street on for him.

Why? Well, easy, it was something I respected. Something I knew he would love and something I could deal with. I have always felt that too much TV is not the problem for children. It is what they watch, and Sesame Street for me has good morals, is educational and entertaining.We still watch it everyday at 7:00 a.m.

When we received the DVD set in the mail I was so excited to show the kids. We watched it in two days.

In A Nutshell: I loved sharing songs I remember with my kids. They were surprised at all the songs I knew. What I also liked and appreciated was how fast Sesame Street moves along. Back in the 60's the colors weren't as vivid the effects not as eye catching but this DVD is fast paced. Basic Sesame Street logic, keep things moving and colorful and kids will watch.

The set also comes with a book full of colorful photos and journaling about the inception of Sesame Street and behind the scenes which were really fun to see.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Christmas Traditions That You and Your Children Will Love

My 25 days of Christmas starts next week and my kids have started talking about all the decorations and movies they can't wait to see.

I had heard about this tradition a long time ago and was waiting for my babies to be older so I could implement it.  You open a gift every day until Christmas so that the holiday season lasts instead of it being over in one morning frenzied morning.

December 1st I brought out a basket filled with 25 wrapped gifts (they are things we already own). I wrapped up every single movie (DVD and VHS) and book we opened that had a Christmas theme. There was also a new ornament for the tree thrown in for good measure.

I explained how every day we would open a present, alternating days, one day Handsome could pick one and the next Goddess.  The kids were really excited and so was I.

If we opened a book, we read it. If we opened a movie, we watched it. It was really exciting to watch them decide which one would be opened. Sometimes they decided together and other times it was a solo choice but they loved it.

Target has very small rolls of paper in their $1.00 section and I had stocked up on when it was on sale a few years back. A little goes a long way when you are wrapping books and movies so it only took 1 and 1/2 rolls to wrap everything.

Here are my babies last year when I first presented the basket.
December 1, 2008 (1)

Holidays in my mind should be strong on tradition and memories and less on the actual gifts. I hope that the kids look forward to this tradition every year and that hopefully they share it with their own families when they have them.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The Strange Question Meme, Part 2

26. What color is your watch? The band is black and the face has a picture of my family from this past Christmas. I love that watch.

27. What do you think of when you hear “Australia”? Hugh Jackman!

28. Would you strip for money? It depends on how much money we are talking. I never say never.

29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? I hate eating there. It is bad enough I eat the food but I don't want to sit there. We usually go through the drive thru. It is a real treat for my kids to eat there.

30. What is your favorite number? I like the number 5. When I was a child there were 5 people in my immediate family. Also 5 says blue to me. I see colors with numbers and blue is my favorite number.

31. Who’s the last person you talked to on the phone? My girlfriend Teresa

32. Any plans today? We had plans. We went to church then cleaned up the lawn from all the fallen leaves. The house is still sick so we have been taking it easy.

33. In how many states have you lived? 2

34. Biggest annoyance right now? A gnat that made it's way in today when we were airing out the house. I hate those little bugs that always seem to hang around your face area.

35. Last song listened to? Use Somebody by Kings of Leon (it has been my current favorite since the beginning of summer).

36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? If I concentrate. After all I took an IQ test and scored 38 points about the norm. Yeah me.

37. Do you have a maid service clean your house? Yes, her name is Maria and she looks a lot like me.

38. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? My sneakers.

39. Are you jealous of anyone? No. Jealousy is a wasted emotion.

40. Is anyone jealous of you? I hope not.

41. Do you love anyone? I love everyone. Mwaaahhh.

42. Do any of your friends have children? Most of my friends have children.

43. What do you usually do during the day? Answer my children's endless questions, talk to Clarissa,

and wait on my kids.

44. Do you hate anyone that you know right now? Hate! No

45. Do you use the word hello daily? Yes that, love, and that lovely colorful F word.

46. What color is your car? It is dark something.

47. What size wedding ring do you wear? 7 I think

48. Are you thinking about someone right now? No, my daughter keeps talking to me so I am lucky I can answer these questions let alone think of someone. Oppps I'm thinking of someone. Yes. I am thinking of a few people.

49. Have you ever been to Six Flags?  If you are referring to Great Adventure. I have been there.

50. How did you get your worst scar? I have one on my breast that was a mole that had to be removed. I have a bigger one where my babies were removed from my body but I would never consider that MY WORST. It is their entry into the world and I would never look at it other than with love.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Self Portrait Done Orton Style

My husband spent some time fixing my button for me tonight. It is on my side bar for the taking.

I have no idea what Ortonish means on Picnik but I always use it. I love the effect. You wouldn't want to see the before picture on this one. Yikes! A week of being sick; dry hair, dry skin, coughing for the past three weeks, does not do a body good. This photo makes me look at least 10 years younger than the actual which no one should ever have to see.

If you want, to next week, how about we try a theme again?

You can just post a picture of yourself of course or you can choose between these two themes.

Post a photo of yourself in Sepia


Post a photo of yourself wearing your favorite shirt (if you have one and tell us why it is your favorite).

Children's Books That Are Fun & Educational

Last month I received two books by Lori Jordan-Rice. One was Miss Trimble’s Trapdoor and the other Miss Trimble’s Trapdoor: The Perseverance of Christopher Columbus.

Due to the family being sick the month of October I got to them later than I wanted to. Why? Well, the books are fabulous. They are geared toward 6-12 year old children but I believe children as young as 4 will sit through them

Miss Trimble's Trapdoor: Book 1

About this title: Tyler Thompson hates that he never knows the answers to any of Miss Trimble's questions in class. But one day, Tyler accidentally unlocks a secret trapdoor beneath his school desk! He discovers a dark, mysterious basement filled with old books guarded by a magical talking dog named Barnabas Bailey. Now, with the help of the books and Barnabas, Tyler can travel to any time in the past to learn about history up close

The Perseverance of Christopher Columbus- Book 2

About this title: Tyler Thompson doesn't know which is worse: trying out for the school basketball team or giving an oral report about Christopher Columbus in front of the whole class! But with the help of the magic trapdoor beneath his school desk and his trusted canine guide, Barnabas Bailey, Tyler travels back in time to visit Columbus himself. When he sees the setbacks even a great explorer can face before reaching his goal, Tyler knows he can't give up.

In A Nutshell:  I was a terrible student in school and History was not something I was ever interested in. Believe me when I say this, my grades showed my disinterest. These books would have changed everything for me. The author, Lori Jordan-Rice creates a fantasy world by taking a classroom setting throwing in a touch of magic to formulate something that children will love. 

There are two children on my Christmas list that I will be buying these for. Not because they aren't doing well in History but because I know they will absolutely love them. 

The illustrations are awesome and the story is besides educational, extremely entertaining. I was transported into the book and at times forgot I was supposed to be reviewing a child's book.  This book series would make a great movie for children.  The author also has a great moral lesson entwined in the story that doesn't beat you over the head but won't be lost on the youngest of readers. 

I believe this book is a great addition to a school curriculum, home school library or just your own personal library. Kids learn even things they don't love by having fun. These books are fun and may just change the way your children look learning about History.


Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Mascot Plays Xbox

Ricky The Mascot from School came home with us last Friday. We get him for a week, along with a journal that we write in with pictures to talk about Ricky's time at our house. Handsome has been holding Ricky more than any of his other toys and unfortunately he goes back to school tomorrow so that he can go to another home.

Here they are having snack and playing Xbox.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Twilite by Stephen Jenner - A Review

In case you haven't had a chance to see some of my holiday picks (more to come), head over to the button on the top right of my side bar.

The very first item I listed as a holiday pick was a book called Twilite by Stephen Jenner. As my long time readers know, and especially if you read Chotskies, you know that I am a Twilightholic, Twilight Addict, Member of the Twilight Saga,  aTwilight Mom, and back in March, I tried to start a Twilight Support Group.

Twilite by Stephen Jenner was a must read from the moment I saw the book on Amazon. It is everything that Twilight isn't. Stephen took a story that is familiar with characters were love and are comfortable with and created the funniest satire spin on a book I have yet to read.

Word to the Wise: This book is only worthy of the open minded Twilight fan.  Now, I am not talking about the fan that will be all pissy because Edweird isn't always a gentleman and makes Stella Crow go dutch at dinner. It also isn't for the fan who will get upset because Yakob performs an interpretive dance to tell Stella that the Sullen's are vampires. If you are a Carlile fan, you might be upset that Carpile or Dr. Sullen is in need of some change because he is constantly being sued for malpractice or that Harley is excited because there is a Full House Marathon on TV.

I could go on and on. This book made me laugh out loud. Stephen is a remarkable author whose writing is so good, that it would be a sin if he didn't make a Shiny Luna, or a Cracked Morning (sorry Stephen, I know your titles wouldn't be so lame but work with me here).

The past two week, I have read my favorite parts over the phone to my nieces, girlfriends and father who laughed so much I had to stop reading so they could catch up. The Brady Bunch references had me cracking up and I couldn't contain myself whenever Stephen wrote about Edweird's appearance. Just like Stephanie Meyer did in Twilight, Stephen has Stella describing Edweird's appearance to us over and over and I just couldn't get enough. "His eyes. It was as if a thousand of the bluest oceans had condensed at the end of his ocular nerve. If I were a sailor or a bar maid named Brandy who served sailors whiskey and wine, I would have drowned in their blueness."

Steve was kind enough to let me interview him about Twilite, so without further ado, I bring you the interview of a true comedic genius (trust me, I don't say that lightly, just ask my sister).

In A Nutshell: I highly recommend this book! Pure comedic genius and really well written. I cannot say anything negative about this book. If you need to hear if from my mouth personally, feel free to contact me. Oh and you seriously need to order this book, but please remember to order it through Amazon and through my site so that I can get the 3 cent commission. K, awesome. Ta

ABC Wednesday - P

P = Parade - My town holds a parade during school hours. The kids come to the soccer field. Parents meet up and watch the kids with the teacher and classmates march around. It was really cute. They didn't know what was going on. Handsome was Super Mario but refused to wear the white gloves, mustache and belly.

P = Pumpkin Picking - While we didn't go this year (even though I promised over and over again) because we were all sick for the past month I did manage to get a picture of the wagon that takes us to the patch.

P= Parrot - I love this lawn decoration.

P = Peacock - This is another lawn decoration. I love the vivid blue on this peacock

Because She Can't Be Normal!

For Wordless Wednesday, I present Goddess!

I love her for so many reasons and one of them is because is just can't be normal.

Feddie Girl A Book By Nona David, A Review by Maria's Space

Sunday I started the above book called Feddie Girl, The Hilarious Adventures of An American Teen in A Nigerian Federal School by Nona David.

The cover is beautiful no?

Anyway, the back of the book states:

Boarding school doesn't get any better than this...

For those who have experienced the boarding school life, the adventures of Feddie Girl will bring those memories crashing back... For anyone else, get ready to see the world as Feddie Girl.

In A Nutshell: The book focus on Carlotta and her experience at a Nigerian Federal School which she was sent to for bad behavior. Cutting class, smoking pot, just down right bad teenager. It also centers around her mother, English Professor, Shelly, a recovering alcoholic who has fallen off the wagon and father Dr. Richard Ikedi who is too busy trying to get in his young assistants pants to care about anything else.

When Richard decides to send Carlotta to a Federal School in Nigeria I am stunned when his wife Shelly unwillingly agrees. Is it any wonder this child is having problems? Her parents are the ones who need to go to a Federal School as far as I am concerned. Carlotta's biggest problem is her absentee parents but she is the one that gets shipped off.

I enjoyed reading about Carlotta's totally hating the food in her new surroundings. I loved reading about Maria (hello, I wonder why) and the doctors craving for her. I appreciated the message that we are all more similar than different, the only thing I didn't love was all the names I couldn't pronounce. For some reason I can't skip over them and struggled through them.

While I didn't think the book was hilarious it was a light good, maybe I am too old but I was searching for the humor. Mostly I felt bad for Carlotta and hoped she would be ok in the end.

Monday, November 02, 2009

I Would Like To Thank The Academy!

An award? For me? Well, my, my, you shouldn't have but I am so glad you did.

Freda from Freda's Voice gave me an award today which really made my day. I have one child still sick (slight fever, but quiet and telling me his body hurts). He has been sick for weeks now. My cold is still going and my energy hasn't come back yet. The chronic cough I get at night and in the morning hurts my neck, ribs and head. Speaking of the head, the headache is enough to make me want to cry.

Thanks Freda, I know there are a lot of blogs you could have given this to and I am proud to be one of the chosen few.

Mellow Yellow Monday

Aren't these guys cute? I love the cluster of Scarecrows.

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY...November 2, 2009 from Maria's Daybook

Outside my window... Cold, crisp and beautiful

I am thinking... That my son sitting on my leg while I try to type is exhausting. He weights 51 pounds and is no longer a baby.

I am thankful for... my children wanting to be near me for I know this will eventually change and I will be begging for their time.

I am wearing... jeans and a cream thermal shirt.

I am remembering...that my husband were on a plane heading to our honeymoon 12 years ago today.

I am going... to try to catch up on a week plus of sick leave from housework.

I am reading... Feddie Girl

I am hoping... that I don't get a call from the school nurse today.

On my mind... the million and one reasons I can't go back to laying down this morning.

From the learning rooms... for my son - reading and comprehension. For my daughter - her alphabet. For myself, trying to create more jewelry using different techniques.

Noticing that... missing a week of life changes everything. The glorious colors of autumn are almost all gone leave the stark trees to brave the winter alone.

Pondering these words..."I don't want to go to school my stomach hurts." Is this a way to get out or am I going to get a call today?

From the kitchen... Nothing. I need to go shopping. We are all out of food.

Around the house... Everything needs to be spruced up from a week plus of dust.

One of my favorite things~ my children waking in the morning and coming to my lap while they are still warm and sleepy from their beds or, in the case of the girl, from my bed.

From my picture journal...

My children and my girlfriend's kids had a great time this Halloween.