Maria's Space: A Goddess Moment

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Goddess Moment

We picked this cute little Skelkitten up at Target after Halloween. I love hitting the sales two days after the holiday when everything is up to 75% off. Goddess had wanted this kitty before Halloween and I told her I would get it eventually. I snagged it for $3.00 and she was so happy. The face? Well, it is a Goddess face. She is an actress in the making.

We were at the library and one of the librarians asked her, "did you get that kitty for Halloween?"

Goddess replied, "nope, we got it from Target."

Hahahaha...Target, if you are listening, we are spreading the Buzz.


  1. Whenever I see a post title like this one, I know I'm gonna have a huge smile on my face at the end of it. She is the best and I love every single photo of her.
    Glad she got her kitty, and I too LOVE the 75% off sales at Target, it's where we get almost ALL of our Halloween decorations.

  2. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I love the "goddess face." Seems to demand worship.

    Day-after shopping at Target is the best!

  3. Very cute and pouty Goddess face. Skelanimals rock--my daughter got a Skelanimals jacket from Target after Halloween. Maybe some nice Skelanimals sponsor person will wponsor a giveaway on your blog?! got my fingers crossed.


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