Maria's Space: "What is your Black Friday plan of attack this year?"

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"What is your Black Friday plan of attack this year?"

Well, for me...that means staying far, far away from the stores. The prices are never low enough for me to decide to leave the safe, warm confines of my home to brave the masses.

But, that may have more to do with the fact that I don't have a shopping thing. In my early twenties I lived with two other girls who LOVED shopping. They are the people advertisers work for. They love sitting together, planning their shopping agenda, slowly milling around the malls, trying things on, laughing and talking about clothes and more, having lunch, shopping some more, getting a $6.00 coffee and braving the traffic out of the mall. That is so the opposite of me.

I prefer shopping when the stores open, during the week when everyone else is sleeping, working or at school, getting what I need and flying out of there in record time. I shop for bargains but do it throughout the year. Yes, the prices on Black Friday can be inticing but that is what is so great about the internet. Anything I can get at the stores can be found online.

This year, I will be checking out the deals at Target as soon as I wake up on Cyber Monday. However, I believe that the deals keep coming long after Black Friday. While Black Friday may be a great thing for some, it is a day I prefer to stay away. Don't look for me the day after Thanksgiving. I will be sitting at home with my family enjoying some time with them.

To find out with everyone else is doing this Friday, be sure to head over to Twitter Moms (that's me) and let us know how you spend the day after Thanksgiving.


  1. I heard on HLN this morning that a lot of online stores are talking about doing cyber week instead of cyber Monday and some even longer than a week. I'll probably still get up and run to one or two stores because I like to meet my dad for breakfast on Black Friday. It's become sort of a tradition.

  2. I want to get up early and go to some stores, but hubby is off that day and he'll probably want to go and I know he doesn't want to get up early.

  3. I'm in Canada so we don't have Black Friday here. If we did though, I wouldn't go out shopping either. I am the same as you- shop when no one else does. I hate crowds!

  4. My plan is a lot like yours... hide in my bed until they all go away!!
    I shop online because I have Social Anxiety Disorder and don't like shopping on a regular day, never mind a crazy day like Black Friday!!
    Our downtown area is having special sales if you show up in your jammies early in the morning, if I wake up early enough, I may do that, I can usually find some nice unique gifts there, and it is not usually that busy.
    I'll email you on Friday to see how you are doing... :-)


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