Maria's Space: Self Portrait Sunday - Dec 13, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Self Portrait Sunday - Dec 13, 2009

The rules are simple. Just post a picture of yourself linking back here. Hope to see your beautiful faces.

This weeks picture was taken over 2 weeks ago and I have been meaning to move it from Blackberry to computer.

I was waiting for Handsome to come out of school. There is no snow on the mountains or trees which seems so long ago now.

This was taken last this past Wednesday. Big diff right?



  1. Great shots!! You look fab, and I love the Winter scene too!

  2. Fredamans, Thanks for stopping by. I will check you out. Thanks for playing.

  3. Who ever thought to take a picture in a rearview mirror? Cute idea!

  4. You even look pretty with a blackjack in a rearveiw mirror. Love the background, too. It is sooo much nicer than that AWFUL SNOW!! You know how much I hate that stuff!! :-)

  5. I like your creative mirror shot.


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