Maria's Space: Self Portrait Sunday - Dec 5, 2009

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Self Portrait Sunday - Dec 5, 2009

The rules are simple. Just post a picture of yourself linking back here. Hope to see your beautiful faces.

So blurry, I know it, Blackberry photo..I was out last night for a half hour with Lauri. We went to see Sheress who was holding a Scentsy party in town. It was quick but I felt like such a big girl out at night with a girlfriend, giggling, acting silly and grabbing coffee.

Here is me and my babies sitting on the couch today. I love both their faces in this picture. It was taken with my Blackberry so the quality sucks but they look sweet.


  1. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I should have been there with the both of you!!

    Your kids look so sweet!

  2. Always lovely to "see" you! ;-)

    Happy Sunday!

  3. Great pictures, fuzzy and all!
    You are a beautiful family - sorry there are no photos of Teach, he's a HOT dude!!
    Sorry I didn't get to participate this week, we were putting up the Christmas tree with Alex and Rachel. We had such a great time. It was just like when he was a little boy (minus Nik of course, sure did miss him!). I'll get some pictures up some day soon.
    Have a fab week!!


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