Maria's Space: Giveaway for Me and A Giveaway for You??? Could Be!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Giveaway for Me and A Giveaway for You??? Could Be!

Dear Readers,

I have been a Member of Mom Bloggers Club for a year and when I stopped by today to see what everyone is up to, I noticed this sweet little giveaway! Isn't she sweet???
Dec 2, 2009 (3)

Opps wrong photo.....
I'm talking about this little beauty.

The contest ends on January 20th and goes something like this...

I am to write a post stating why winning the HP Mini 110 with Windows 7 would simplify my life. You guys should then comment on my post because get this.... Mom Bloggers Club is randomly giving away, a new car.....

No...sorry, I was watching an old Oprah episode. 

Mom Bloggers Club is randomly giving away (3) HP Mini 110-1100 by Studio Tord Boontje PCs.

Sweet Deal Right???!!!

So let's start shall we, 

The computer is only 3.22 lb HP Mini 311 which means that I can carry it easily on my shoulder and still hold my kids hands as we head out the house. It is so small that my daughter could have brought it to me while I was lying in bed last month with pneumonia. Woot!

I could bring it everywhere and I do mean everywhere. My life is broken up into little windows of time. 

My morning goes something like this: 
Drop Handsome off
Drop Goddess off
Go home or grocery shopping, do laundry, have coffee with a friend or run a couple of errands in my 3 hour window before Goddess gets out of school.
Bring Goddess to the Library to grabs books and a movie
Take Goddess home to eat lunch, do errands, do laundry, dust, vaccuum
Play games or do workbooks with Goddess until it is time to pick up Handsome
Pick up Handsome
Give snacks
Do Homework
Set Handsome up with Wii
Set Goddess up with a movie
Cook dinner
Give baths
Bed Time
Exhaustion has set in.

My windows of time don't really give room for a lot of "ME" time.

With the beautiful, stunning, sweet, little HP Mini 110, I could stay organized, sort my photos, work on those scrapbook pages I have been meaning to get to the last 6 years, email my family and friends, keep in touch with all my blogging family, visit Facebook, Twitter, The 8 Mommy Groups I signed up for but never get to spend time on, research, and keep both my blogs up to date. 

In this summer, it could come with me to the beach, the park, my kids swim class, etc.

The HP Mini could sit on the counter while I cook dinner, take Goddess to the library, wait for Handsome at the bus stop, I would be as they say connected!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus, with a NEW laptop, my dinosaur who is struggling and trying so hard to keep up with the technology of today could finally be put out to pasteur. It takes her 15 minutes to boot up and all her connectors are getting loose. She has done a good job but she is tired and waiting for her in my windows of time to boot, really stresses me out. If my computer time window is only 30 minutes and it takes her 15 minutes to warm up, I now have 15 minutes to answer email, do a book review, write a post, visit a blogs, read a news flash, post a photo, get the picture? Need I go on? Probably not!

Oh, and since you know how much I love being in front of the camera, I could finally get back to some video product reviews because the HP Mini 110 is equipped with a built in mini webcam. My kids can finally see their their Grandparents in Spain for a face to face chat.

Anywhooooo you guys should comment, even if I don't win, I hope one of you do and then give it to me...kidding...kidding...I'm a kidder!!!!

Good luck to you, good luck to me and have a pleasant day!


  1. I would love to have a HP mini! I am a very busy mom with two teenage sons and I am constantly on the go.
    The mini is so portable, I could take it everywhere!

  2. You have such a wonderful sense of humor. :) Good luck to you!

    A mini would definitely simplify my life because I wouldn't have to lug around that heavy laptop anymore! And it would fit inside my handbag instead of being so conspicuous in a carry around laptop bag. And besides, you don't always want to carry your laptop with you but leaving it in the car is a direct invitation to thieves to break in and steal it. Being able to carry it in my purse is a major advantage!

  3. I have been looking at these and would totally love to own one myself. It's amazing at the many ways it would make my life easier. My current laptop, which is relatively new, is so cumbersome I've stopped taking it anywhere. The Mini would be easy to manage while trying to wrangle the babies to go somewhere.

  4. I hope you win, good luck!

  5. A HP Mini would be so nice to have to take with me when I'm on the go. There are so many times that I need a computer but don't have access to one. Good luck to you!

  6. Anonymous2:05 PM

    A mini would be wonderful for me. I have been contemplating whether or not to buy one and this would be a perfect opportunity to win one. I am on the computer surfing, answering my e-mails, FB etc. This would make me so very happy. It would make my life so very happy.

    BTW I know you definitely need one. You are a very hard worker and a great blogger. this will make a wonderful gift for you. I hope you win.

  7. You had me crackin' up!
    Good Luck to you! I blogged & entered, too!
    This HP 100 Mini netbook would be a blessing to our family, too, as we only have one old desktop to share amongst our family of 7. We rely heavily on spreadsheets,lists,email and schedules, etc. to streamline our day to day activities, and the portability of the HP 100 mini would make it so effortless and stylish. Plus, mobile computing would be perfect to pass the time--when time seemingly stands still--like when waiting in a doctor's office!

    Good Luck!

  8. I would love to have the HP mini because my desktop is too old to support Windows 7 and besides its cute and portable!

    Good luck to you!

  9. I wish you much luck in winning the computer.

    I know exactly how you feel about your old dinosaur, I also had one until I got a new desktop puter for Christmas...yes santa Does love me.

    However, if you don't win I would be thrilled to have it as I am always on the go and let's face it I can't take my desktop puter with me. And yes, it would be great to have the webcam so the grandparents can keep in touch with the little ones.

  10. My computer is only a year old but it is a desktop and in my room.Because my husband works nights and sleeps during the day I am basically cut off from using it during daylight hours because I do not want to wake him.If I had this mini I could keep it with me all day and on the road and never miss anything!

  11. i would love to have this who wouldn't its so small and compact, i have two teenage sons and their is always a fight over the computer, if i dont use it during the day forget it after they get home from school. did i say we have only one computer and three people who wants to use this. if i had this small computer i could slip away to my room and blog until my hearts content.

  12. theprophecygirl11:45 PM

    What a cool netbook! I have been drooling over those. It really would simplify things around here. Good luck to you! You give a compelling argument and I hope you win. theprophecygirl at hotmail dot com

  13. i mini would be sweet we boh win cool beans :)

  14. Funny post!
    I have to do a lot of traveling and I use a friend's extra laptop while I'm on the road. It would be great if I didn't have to use his and didn't have to carry such a big thing through airport security!

  15. A mini would simplify my life because then my husband and I wouldn't have to fight over--I mean--share our one laptop anymore. But, honestly, if I did win one I would feel really guilty because Maria has made such a good case with her reasons for wanting one. Who could deny those babies the chance to see their grandparents in Spain??

  16. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Oh my goodness, how this would help me (I'm getting excited just at the possibility of winning!!). I have a very old pc, that I'm using, and hoping daily that it makes it to the end of the day! With me wanting to go back to school in the summer, this would be a tremendous help, and a huge relief. Good luck to you, and thanks for the chance!!

    clctaube @

  17. I would LOVE to win the HP mini. My life needs to be organized more than it is.

  18. An HP Mini would help me be more organized. I'm switching from paper to online calendars. Would be handy to carry the mini in my purse.

  19. I so think you deserve an HP mini to organize your life!
    I don't actually need a new one because my hubby got me a new laptop recently. But HE sure does need one as his desktop TOTALLY died last week and he is trying to use my dinosaur of a laptop that I used to use. I was infected with a HORRIBLE virus and I wiped it and rebooted it, but it still doesn't run well. He has been so good to me, he really needs one.

  20. I could totally use an HP mini. My 6 yr old laptop's got one foot in the grave (so to speak).

  21. Great post! Best of luck!!

  22. Something this small would be really convenient for me since I need a computer for work and it is light enough to take on the bus which I use to commute every day. I could check e-mails & bills on my commute. My old laptop was actually stolen recently so I would love a new one! Good luck!

  23. I have my fingers crossed as well! :)

  24. I would love to win this too.

  25. The HP Mini 110 would be perfect for me. Since we play musical chairs at my house throughout the day and night it would make it so much easier for me to carry around the HP Mini 110 when doing the musical chairs.

    Good luck in the contest!

    prpldy (at) comcast dot net

  26. main entry:HP Mini 110 with Windows 7 would simplify my life.
    cause my desktop keeps freezing up and a new laptop would be great
    campcreeknanny at gmail dot com

  27. This would make my life a lot simpler, I could work even when I am waiting for my kids to finish piano or dance lessons.

    ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

  28. LOL--your post brought a smile to my face. The HP mini sounds pretty cool and I would love to have one for work :)

  29. It perfect for on-the-go computing. I would also be able to easily take it around the house and out to the back yard.

  30. I understand everything you're saying in your post. Ditto, ditto, ditto! Hope and pray I win one!

  31. I entered too..oh how I would love to own a sweet sweet mini! TO be able to have a mini to call my very own. No more fighing for computer time!
    Good luck to both of us:)
    modernmom at rocketmail dot com

  32. Isn't it the cutest and most convenient little thing to have? I would love to have an HP Mini. Good luck to you.

  33. Isn't that the cutest and most convenient little thing? I would love to win a Mini. Good luck to you.

  34. In life, we are always taught that bigger is better. Well, that does not hold true for all aspects of my life. I am a mother. With this comes tons of responsibility. With all the chaos in the morning (getting son ready for school, me work), I’m lucky if I leave the house with a matching pair of shoes. I like order, planning, and to be on-top-of-it type of gadgets. If I win the HP 110 mini notebook, I may be able to gain some time – one that was lost in all the madness we call life – because I will be organized again. I can check my mail,respond, make appointments, create schedules, and socialize again. Besides, who wants to tote a laptop around the size and weight of a newborn baby? Heck, I mine as well get a sling for it (just kidding). The HP 110 mini notebook proves that big things can come in small packages

  35. Good Luck! The computer looks awesome! I meant to write the same post, but I slacked off! I would love one for the same reasons, Me time!

  36. I was looking at the HP mini Tord and Windows 7 and love all the features of both. The laptop is beautiful and Windows 7 features would really simplify my life. I love that it has a large HD and it has quick access features to find the files I need. And there is fast web surfing.


  37. this would be a very handy thing to win. Its funny how the busier you get the less you seem to get done.

  38. Hi Maria. Wouldn't this be a dream to win. I've got all my fingers and toes, and legs and arms crossed for both you and me. Good luck!!!!

    Hugs....Tracy :)

  39. Good luck Maria. So many of our lives would be simplified by the HP Mini. I blogged about it too!

  40. I would absolutely love to win this. My computer gives me so much grief. :( Thanks for the chance.

  41. adrian11:25 PM

    Would make life much simplier - even waiting at the doctor's office could be productive!
    smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com

  42. I would like to have a small computer like this to be able to take anywhere for everyday tasks.

  43. I would love to have an Hp mini! I need to get away from this desk and explore the different rooms in my house! Maybe I could go outside in the summer and watch the kids play while I blog!

  44. I would love an HP mini! It would definitely simplify my life!

  45. Would love this, good luck everyone!

  46. Man my life could use some simplifying! I would love to be able to write my blog posts on the go or during lunch breaks. Now if the HP Mini 110 could help me get my daughter to sleep through the night, I would be in LOVE (even more!)

  47. I entered also. It would simplify my life by helping me get organized! Wishing you luck... and hoping for some luck myself!

  48. a hp mini would be an awesome pc to have thanks for the chance to win I love the size

  49. I am in the process of trying to start my own business and I currently work from home...but I rarely stay in one place with my laptop. As I suffer from degenerative disc disease in my cervical spine - coupled with a heavy laptop - changing my "workspace" throughout the day is NOT an easy task.

    The HP Mini would simplify my life by allowing me to move my computer from place to place on my more bothering the rest of the family! This netbook would be a true lifesaver!

    Thanks so much!
    sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com


I love comments. Please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to talk to you further