Maria's Space: Self Portrait Sunday - January 24, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Self Portrait Sunday - January 24, 2010

If you are new to the meme, welcome. To find out why I began Self Portrait Sunday, see my first post here.

The rules are simple. Just post a picture of yourself linking back here. Hope to see your beautiful faces.

I took these on Friday afternoon after the kids came home from school.
Picture 726
Picture 736
Picture 743

Have a great Sunday!


  1. Looks like great fun!!

  2. Great pictures--your husband doesn't like to get in on the camera action very often, does he? :)
    I'm glad to see Goddess is a member of the Crazy Sock Clan like all the girls in my family, myself included!

  3. Maria, you are gorgeous, as always.
    No fat ass as far as I can tell!! TeeHee - You are one hot mama!
    Your kids look like they are having so much fun with you and that is the most important thing of all.
    As soon as I am more comfortable with my self-timer setting on my camera, I will take some like that!

  4. Anonymous9:25 AM

    The pictures are great. Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

  5. These are fantastic! Love the first one of you...makes me want to yell out "TA-DAAAAAAA!!" :)


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