Maria's Space: The Recipe Club - A Book Review

Thursday, February 04, 2010

The Recipe Club - A Book Review

One of my favorite things about being a book reviewer is that sometimes books that you would have never picked up, end up on your bedside table to read. Sometimes this is a good thing and sometimes, you can't wait to finish the book because you are bored to tears. This IS one of the good times!!!!

I LOVED The Recipe Club.

In A Nutshell:  What I loved the most was the back and forth letters from the girls to each other. Their friendship twists and turns through their letters and it reminded me of my oldest friend Peggy, we met in the 1st grade and our honest our letters were to each other. The writers change the voices of the girls as they age in their letters from worrying about not being together in school, and worrying about the change in the friendship as they let more people into their lives. Then their letters are about first kisses, boyfriends, girlfriends, but throughout all letters they include a recipe themed around the letter they wrote.

I think Andrea and Nancy, have a wonderful way of writing the different ages of the girls. It was fun to hear them age. The recipes made me hungry and the book reads so quickly that you almost forget you are really reading a novel. I love the idea of the letters and eventually emails back and forth.

Great idea for a book! Really good writers. This book will have your nodding your head as you remember your own childhood friendships, or your own life long friendship.


  1. I don't know if I have this one or not. If not I will get a copy!

    Great review!

  2. I loved reading through 'The Recipe Club' as wel. I'm glad to see this on your post.


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