Maria's Space: ABC Wednesday "K"

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ABC Wednesday "K"

This weeks, ABC Wednesday is the letter "K"

K = Kids
Last week my daughter got to make pizza with her class at a pizzeria. So cute but good luck trying to get her and her classmates to stand still long enough for a picture.


K = Kitten
Littlest Pet Shoppe Cat

K = Kiss

K = Kook
Dec 15, 2009 (5)


  1. Delightful K words for the day! The kids are all so adorable!! Reminds me of my years as a teacher -- not to mention when my own four were growing up! Have a great week -- well, what's left of it!


  2. Kids are so much fun to look at, they can make faces and still they are cute! Happy Wednesday!

    ABC Wednesday~Keyhole

  3. You always manage to be so "K"reative with your ABC Wednesday posts. I love how expressive Goddess is. I love her so much. Tell her I am giving her a great big kiss right back. xxx

  4. Funny! I love the look on the face of the boy in the blue Star Wars shirt.
    Is that Goddess's "boyfriend" in the Spiderman shirt? I seem to remember a Valentine's story you were supposed to tell us....

  5. Very cute post for K day. Be sure to Kiss the Kook! Thanks for the smile.

  6. For Goddess: *mwah*

    The first pic, there's one boy who is making the cutest face!!! Great shots!

  7. I should have thought of kids. Thanks for joining in on the fun at ABC Wed. on behalf of the ABC team.

  8. Kids, kisses and kittens - does it get better? LOL!

    I love the little kitty with his tin of fish!

  9. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Love the pictures. That boy in the blue shirt is too funny!

    Goddess right back at you!! xoxoxo

  10. Quite the klever kollection. Love kooky!
    On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you!


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