Maria's Space: Book Nook Corner - Children's Books - A Review

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Book Nook Corner - Children's Books - A Review

Thanks to Blue Apple Books I received two books to review and write about.

Emily & Alex: Naughty and Nice (Which hit the shelves today)-- Emily and Alex are twins. They have the same birthday. They have the same last name. But they can be as different as night and day.

Meet Emily and Alex, fraternal twins who love being different. Emily is clean, Alex is dirty; Emily likes dots, Alex likes stripes; Emily is noisy, Alex is quiet. Acclaimed artist Barroux makes his Blue Apple Books debut with two charming and witty books of opposites, featuring a pair of lovable twins who are double the trouble and double the fun.

Barroux studied photography, art, sculpture, and architecture in France at the famous École Estienne and École Boule. He went on to work as an art director in Paris and Montreal. While in Canada, Barroux began illustrating by creating linocut images, and he is now well known for his children's book illustrations.

In A Nutshell: What makes these books so amazing is that my 4 year old who doesn't read yet, CAN read these books. Reading starts early and these books are perfect for building confidence. Each page has a picture and a word.  The word describes the picture! It was so fun to watch my daughter's face as she read the entire book!

These books are perfect for 1-5 year olds.

The graphics are sweet
The words, big and bold
The colors fun
The book nice and sturdy
The price compatible


  1. Blogwalking from Indonesia, looking for new information. How do You do?

  2. Anonymous7:53 PM

    These sound like cute books to read. I wanna read them. lol

  3. My daughter gets so excited when she recognizes and reads a word--I think she would want to read these books so we'll look for them after the release date. You have given some great suggestions for Easter basket candy alternatives--much appreciated!


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