Maria's Space: Friday Photo Flashback

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Photo Flashback

Recently I started scrapbooking again (pictures coming), but before that, I used to do digital scrapping.

Here is Goddess in 2005! Not such a flashback but work with me here.
My Baby Girl

Seriously, is there anything cute than baby clothes?
My Baby Girl

Notice the little bitty angel wings I put on Goddess because she was my little angel baby. Not that she ever acted like one and still doesn't!!

Oh Lord, was I hot or what? My mother-in-law stepped in and said, you look like you still have a baby in your belly! Thanks....
My Baby Girl


  1. Oh, those pictures are beautiful. What a pretty baby she was. P.S. Your MIL could have kept that opinion to herself. Oops.

  2. Aww..she is precious!! I love her big brown eyes!!

    And gotta love mother in-laws! LOL

  3. Very, very cute! Such big, beautiful eyes :o)

    A great flashback :o)

    I have one photo of me after our first was born that is conveniently "saved" somewhere... where? I just can't remember.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  4. what a beautiful baby

  5. Fantastic flashback! Love to see the kiddies as babies.... who doesn't love babies?!

  6. Erin, Thank you so much. Yeah MILs are supposed to be crazy I guess.

    Alicia, She is too cute. Thanks for stopping by.

    PSAS, Thank you. She is something else. Her eyes are still big. My father in law used to call her BIg Yes.

    Crystal, Thanks. I couldn't stop kissing her.

    Freda, Love looking at these pictures. They make me happy.

  7. So sweet--Goddess has been making those cute wide-eyed faces since about day one I see!

  8. That is a great flashback. I would know those eyes anywhere! She has always been beautiful and I agree she is definitely an angel!
    Those pages are so lovely, makes me want to get back into my craft room and do some more scrapbookking for myself.


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