Maria's Space: Memory Rewind - February 11, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Memory Rewind - February 11, 2010

This week for Memory Rewind is a photo from a few years back.
2002 family picture

This is what my family looked like before Handsome and Goddess made their stunning appearance.

My Man and I had two animals. The cat, Sandi (see her eyes on my shoulder, I was making sure she didn't block my baby belly. That is Handsome in there and it was important to have him in the picture too!) came into the relationship with me. It was her and I for many years before I met My Man. The dog, Zoe came into it later on. After a breakup with a real shit head, My Man (a really good friend) and I moved into a house with his Bass player friend Dan (one day I will talk about the band). One day I went to a pet shop and checked out this really cute dog. I talked to the dog for two days telling it I would be back after talking to my "roommates". On the day I had Ok'd it with them, I headed down to pick up the really cute dog. Unfortunately for that dog, "Zoe" was there in all her 1 pound glory. She was the smallest, cutest, fluffiest thing I had ever seen and I had to have her.

So, here we and my little family in the last Christmas before Handsome's 1st. No other Christmas before his 1st compared but this was a great one because of the belly!


  1. Hey, a picture with hubby--those are pretty rare! :)
    I'm glad you pointed out the cat because she was well hidden.
    Do you still have those two? I don't recall seeing them in any other pictures.

  2. That's cool picture. It is so nice to look back to the old photo. To remembered those happy moments.

  3. I, too am happy to see a photo of your hubby... he is too cute to keep under wraps! :-)
    I'm glad you pointed out the cat, I don't know if I would have seen her if you didn't. That puppy is so cute. You need to get another one now for your little kiddos, they would love one. TeeHee


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