Maria's Space: Mommy and Me Monday - Digital Scrapbooking

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mommy and Me Monday - Digital Scrapbooking

I told you last week that I had once spent some time Digital Scrapbooking.

Here is a page I made of Goddess and Me.

My Baby Girl


  1. How sweet!

    Love the feet picture!

  2. I love the pinks and grays. I love how you're holding her. Her hair do and also both of your toe/shoe thing side by side like that.
    A great digital scrapbook page.

  3. Aww, precious pictures!!

    Stopping from Really Are You Serious?

    Have a wonderful week.

  4. Too cute, I love the picture of the toes! Adorable!

  5. Very cute! Love the feet photo!

  6. Very sweet--I have never tried digital scrapbooking--sure sounds a lot less messy than traditional scrapbooking! I have papers, ribbons, etc. everywhere and haven't actually made a scrap book in ages....

  7. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Digital scrapbooking is the way to go. I use Scrapblog. Its awesome. :)

  8. I've never done digital scrapbookking, but have done it with paper and really love it. This layout with Goddess is SO beautiful. Thanks for sharing, it is perfect for Mommy & Me.

  9. love love love this! I am soo behind in my scrapbooking - but not behind in taking pictures at least! one day I'll be able to put it all together! I hope!

  10. beautiful! i've never seen anything like sweet!


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