Maria's Space: Take Me Back Tuesday - My Grandma

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Take Me Back Tuesday - My Grandma

Here is a picture taken 7 years ago at my Baby Shower. My grandmother was 88 years old at the time. She is a little tiny thing, about 4'5 at the moment. I feel like a giant standing next to her at 4'11".
Hopefully this month I will get to visit my grandparents, my kids, great grandparents. I love that my grandparents are both still around. It is amazing to me that at 43 I have two grandparents who still send her birthday and holiday money in a card. It is a Godsend.


  1. What a great moment and photo to share with us.

  2. Aww...that is so nice that you still have your grandparents! I really miss mine, yes it is a Godsend!

  3. What a wonderful picture and memory!

  4. Anonymous9:41 PM

    awww how beautiful. It is a great blessing to have her in your life. She looks really good. God bless her!!

  5. What a wonderful picture and I hope you get a chance to do your visit.
    How fun to feel like a giant at your petite size! I remember teaching 7th and 8th graders and feeling pretty tall for the first time in my life (I am 5'3". It was kinda cool!

  6. You are lucky to have your grandies around, Maria!
    Imagine how I would feel next to your grandma--I'm 5'11! Well, 5' 10 and a half technically but whatever....

  7. Oh, my, she is tiny. But it is wonderful that she is still a part of your family and your children's lives. I wish I had my grandparents around, or even my kid's grandparents.
    Having family around is very special and I know that you really do appreciate and love yours, thank you for sharing such a special memory.


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