Maria's Space: Important Announcement - To My Readers - UPDATE

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Important Announcement - To My Readers - UPDATE

Last week I wrote about the problem with my beloved computer.  I have spent four-five days saving photos to my external drive and last night the husband did a clean sweep of my laptop. We are currently waiting for the sweep and then I assume it will take me a few days to load all programs back on (hope we still have the discs).  Everyone I owe something to, again, I apologize for the inconvenience.  Without my email archives I am stuck and praying that I didn't lose everything.

That nasty virus was actually so bad it was affecting my internet providers server. They closed the whole house down so that we wouldn't pass it along. Quarantined!!!!

Hopefully we are up and at least running somewhat. This has been a learning experience. While I back up my photos and videos, I don't back up email archives. I work with folders which meant that I didn't have access to anything that wasn't in my in-box on my internet providers site.  I keep the in-box strictly for incoming and then  moved it to the file it needed to be in for organizational purposes. Advertisers, Sponsors, Review Groups, Pending Reviews, Completed Reviews, Blogs, Blog Comments, Friends, and more. From now on I will be at least printing out the Pending Review folders until they are complete. I am at least 5 reviews behind due to this and missing deadlines for the first time since I started reviewing.

But thankfully, my mentality is, don't stress over what you can't fix. I couldn't fix this so I took a deep breath everyday and handled the million unblog issues quicker than usual.

Happy Mother's Day!!!


Trojan Virus infected my beloved, 7 year old laptop. Awesome, webmaster husband is trying to heal it back to health.

If a PR Person, Winner, Sponsor, is looking for me, please email me. I am receiving and responding to mail on my "Pinkberry".

Writing this post from my husband's laptop and have access to computers at the library so I do hope for the occasional update but since I don't have my Outlook email archives, things will be slow going. Any deadlines I have for reviews or giveaways from sponsors will not be up on time as I do not have access to my email prior to this virus.

My apologies and please forgive me for any deadlines missed!

Thank you,

Your Host, Maria


  1. That is awful news. I do hope you get up and running again soon.


  2. If you are desperate to save info from your computer there is an article on about a service I know that does excellent work. FYI--good luck!

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    sure hope everything gets better for you and your computer it really sucks when you have trouble like that


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