Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

This week's Ruby Tuesday are some photos from Handsome's birthday party this past Friday.

Here is Goddess and her cousin who haven't seen each other in almost two years. It was fun to watch them play like family who saw each other yesterday.

This is pretty much how I saw Goddess this night. In a blur, whizzing by.

Looks like fun, I want to play. Parents were allowed to partake in the fun but Teach wasn't able to come so as the only parent, I kept my feet on the ground and played Hostess.


  1. The little ones look so happy, adoring the moment! Love the big eyes on the two girls in the first photo!

  2. Looks like it was a blast for the kids.
    My Ruby Link for you

  3. Great shots! For cousins they sure look alike.

  4. Anonymous8:09 PM

    This place looks amazing!! I know all the kids had a blast.

  5. Great photos... looks like everyone had a terrific time. I love Goddess's socks! Thanks for sharing. :-)

  6. I love her crazy socks :)
    And the girls DO look very much alike!


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