Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Celebrate Summer With Solo

Thanks to Mom Select and Solo, I received a Celebrate Summer with Solo Package in the mail.

During my Zhu Zhu Party last week, we invited the kids upstairs for snacks. On the table we set out Solo Cups, ribbon, markers, stickers, and glitter glue. I asked the kids to decorate their cups because they would be bringing home a special surprise.

Then I asked them which cup they would like red or blue, most of them opted for blue. There was only one who asked for red and I think it was to be different. I would have picked Blue too!

While the kids worked on their cups, I explained to the mom's that Solo has come a long way since we first heard of them. First, the bottom of the cup! I remember the first time I saw a Solo cup. It was at my very first keg party in the woods with all my friends in Staten Island, NY. The cup was huge, perfect for drinking in the woods but you couldn't set it down on the ground for fear of it spilling. The new Solo cups are perfect because the bottom is as wide as the top.

 Back in the day, I had no idea Solo wasn't a "keg cup". That was what we all referred to it as. Now, that I am a mom, I look at things differently. Solo wants you to look at their cup differently too. See, that we are in the same place, Solo and I. We go way back and have grown up together. Ok, I digressed but I went on a memory trip. I am back now....

So, as I was saying, Solo provided the cups, ribbon, stickers, glitter glue, straws and seeds and I provided to kids and love.

The kids got started decorating what would eventually, hopefully be a container for their seeds of love.
July 9, 2010 Zhu Zhu Ninja Party (34)
It didn't take long before everyone was laughing and talking about each other's cup. Even some moms joined in, grabbing their own cups.
July 9, 2010 Zhu Zhu Ninja Party (36)
Out of respect for two moms who preferred their children weren't on my website, I mostly shot hand pictures. This is why you see some crazy photo cropping.

July 9, 2010 Zhu Zhu Ninja Party (33)
You can see Goddess is hard at work here. She loves stickers, glitter glue, creating. She is very artsy.

The kids loved putting the stickers on their "seeds of love cups" so much that even their drink cups had stickers and ribbon.
July 9, 2010 Zhu Zhu Ninja Party (35)

July 9, 2010 Zhu Zhu Ninja Party (39)

It was fun, the kids each took home a cup with seeds in it and a cup for drinking which we washed out before they left. I am sure the mom's were loving me.

What a fun way to spend the afternoon. It was easy, fun, doesn't cost a ton to set up and kids will love it. If you are having a party, picnic, get together, dinner or whatever, remember Solo Cup!


  1. Great post!

    And great ideas for parties for kids!

  2. Anonymous4:43 PM

    What a great post you did for Solo. Once again you made me smile when you went back in time with your "Keg party" lol

    Nice party for the kids.

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    What a great post for SOLO cups.

    The kids seemed they had a great time. GOOD JOB!

  4. That looks like so much fun... I love the new shape of the cups, square makes so much sense, I wonder why no one thought of it before.
    What a wonderful thing you did for these kids with the seeds and letting them decorate their own cups first. Like I said, you ARE the coolest mom on the block!!


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