Monday, July 12, 2010

Loads of Monday Thingies

I love this necklace, which is for sale at my etsy shop. It is called Childhood because the square beads remind me of cups my parents used to drink their coffee out of.

Carnival Games tell a different story in black and white. Head over to Black and White Weekend for more black and white pictures.

June 26, 2010 (1)a


  1. I had a hard time finding your comments.

    Happy Blue Monday, Maria!

  2. Lovely necklace, I love the sentiment behind it!

    Beautiful monochrome!

  3. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I love the meaning behind that necklace. Very sweet!

  4. I have always loved that necklace, your artistic ability knows no bounds. The monochrome photo is gorgeous.
    Thank you so much for posting such great photos.


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