Maria's Space: The Princess and the Frog Are This Weeks Photo Time

Saturday, July 03, 2010

The Princess and the Frog Are This Weeks Photo Time

Goddess is a balance of tom-boy and girly-girl and I wouldn't have it any other way. She can rough and tumble with the boys but she loves playing dress up and like most girls, love shiny, sparkly things.

None of these are staged by me. She is her own producer. I only pushed the button on the camera.  I love the little toes in the background.

June 24, 2010 (9)

The frog was a gift from her Tia Marta when she came to visit her after her birth. The frog doesn't have a name. I only know because everyone asks her and she always says, "it doesn't have a name." The frog is dressed in Goddess' clothes. The pink dress is a dress she wore at 3 weeks old for her first professional picture. It has been hanging up on a shelf in her room for two years but now that she has a big girl bed and can reach it, she took it down to dress up her frog. The shoes are her ballet shoes from her Aunt Teresa. She was in ballet from at 3 years old and loved it. Hopefully we can put her back in.
the princess and the frog

I hear Journey in my head every time I look at this picture; "The girl can't help it". Not that the song has anything to do with the photo if you know the song but she really can't help being cute. She just is and if you knew her personality, you would love her even more.
June 24, 2010 (11)

Tee - Hee...she is too cute. I want to be just like her when I grow up.

June 24, 2010 (1)

June 24, 2010 (13)

Ignore the running nose. Oddly enough, this is what she calls her "beautiful, princess, face". I am not sure if this is the face Disney princesses have on when they are looking beautiful, I have to check the DVD cases.

June 24, 2010 (12)

Because, if there wasn't at least one crazy face, it just wouldn't be Goddess.

June 24, 2010 (15)

June 24, 2010 (2)


  1. Thanks for the link up as always, and on this holiday weekend!

    She is a ham, no doubt about that. She even makes me want another one... lol

    Happy Independence Day weekend Maria, to you and the whole family!


  2. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Goddess is so funny. She loves the camera and the camera LOVES her.

  3. Those are great pictures... I adored the last two because that is the Goddess that I love.
    I love the fact that her horsey also has a crown and tutu!!
    She is such a special little girl that it makes ME want to have a little girl - but I'm medicated. TeeHee
    Hugs to everyone.


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