Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Webkinz Jr Party (Webkinz for 3-6 Year Olds)

My family has been playing Webkinz for three years. We love it, but my daughter who wants of course to be like everyone else, would need someone to sit with her while she played.  This would be fine but in an already busy day this can be difficult.  

When Mom Select was looking for hostess for an In-Home Party starring WEBKINZ Jr., I was psyched. 

What is WEBKINZ? 
Well, WEBKINZ is an online world where children and many adults I know, are able to bring to life a humongous variety of stuffed animals that you can buy from pretty much any retail store that sells toys. It is awesome!  Each pet comes with their own unique code (adoption code) that you enter into the Webkinz adoption center and suddenly your pet is on the screen. There is so much to do there and....if you have a friend who has a Webkinz home, you can visit each other, send notes and gifts, play against each other in a very safe environment.

WEBKINZ Jr. is the sister to the well established WEBKINZ world and was created for ages 3-6.This is the ultimate online game for the youngest of players.

What I personally love the most about WEBKINZ JR. is that while I cook dinner, clean, do laundry or my own blog, the site is so easy to navigate that Goddess can do so without much assistance. I am there to monitor (all parents SHOULD BE monitoring their child at the computer until they are at least, 17). Goddess does not know how to read yet. She can figure out help, play and go on most games but usually gets stuck. Since there is no reading required to play WEBKINZ Jr., most 3-6 year olds can play easily.

The parent can register in 7 easy steps! You can even set your child's skill level.
Your child will love it! They get to actually take care of their pet. Give him a nap, feed him, do some gardening, play with him and then head out to the neighborhood and head over to the school, the playground, or 5 other locations. Many of the games teach preschool- and kindergarten-relevant skills like shapes, letters, and numbers, as well as emotional awareness, map knowledge, and matching skills.

Picture 171
When Mom Select throws an In-Home Party, they really do it up! The package I received was to die for and they leave nothing out from the pets to give to 10 kids, craft suggestions and the materials, menu suggestions and activities. This is the third Mom Select party we have had and everyone is always amazed at the material provided. It is a hostess dream. Ok, sorry, I digress...where was I?

We invited 8 friends by Facebook invitation. The RSVP's came in right away. Who doesn't want a stuffed animal?

On the day of the party, my niece set up some shots of the goods while I took care of the snacks and game prep.

We made Chillin' Pet Punch (Frozen Cherry Juice, Ginger Al and Pineapple slices).
and Sweet Pet Parfaits (Yogurt, strawberries, pineapple and Graham Crackers layered in a clear drinking glass).

Picture 169

The morning of the party, 2 kids were sick and another had an out-of-state family emergency. Thankfully, 3 kids showed up which was 5 including my two. They hear party, and my kids want people over! I would have had to invited the retired neighbors over if no one had showed up.

We played a quick game of "meet your pet."  Which basically means all the kids got to rummage in the bags to find the pet they wanted.
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Goddess and Mitch picked the brown dog, Handsome the gray cat, and Blondie the Pink Elephant.

We recited the Webkinz pledge (provided in my hostess material):

I'll make sure my pet is happy (hold pet into the air)
And With it I will Play (toss pet in the air and catch)
I will learn, have fun and care for it (hug your pet close)
Each and Every Day! (jump up with pet)

Then we watched the DVD provided which gave us parents and the kiddies an overview of the WEBKINZ Jr world.

You can see Mitch and Goddess were very interested.

Then the kids, ran around for an hour while their pets sat watching. Mitch had just come back from the shore and brought his hermit crabs which all the kids, gathered around for another 15 minutes while working on the puppet craft


Although I was unable to use video this time, one mom preferred her child not be on the website my kids will be happy to talk about their WEBKINZ Jr Pets anytime. So, as soon as I can get the video up onto You Tube which was giving me trouble for the past 3 days, I will.

Here are the kids with their puppets.

This was one of the funniest parties ever and my house is soon becoming the house kids want to come to. They always ask what I am reviewing this week.  As you can imagine we had company the next week for 2 days as the guests who were finally around came to collect their pets. Except for Soprano who we went to visit after her dog had puppies. We brought hers to her. Just look at that smile!


Thanks to WEBKINZ Jr, and Mom Select for allowing me to host a super fun, party. I hear that all the kids love their WEBKINZ Jr Pets and take them everywhere.

 Look for a Webkinz Jr., giveaway very soon!

Taking Pen To Paper Challenge Week Three

This letter was sent to Kathy who won the Surprise DVD (Phantom of the Opera) I gave away on my Birthday.

Picture 207Picture 208

I really do love giving someone a note. It makes me feel good just knowing that someone is going to open something that is not a bill!

Kathy received her DVD and wrote me this note:

Hi Maria,
My dvd came today thank you sooooooo much and thank you for the pay it forward note card what a sweet idea :)

So, with one more week to go, I am going to write a letter to my girlfriend Peggy and finally get it out. She and I haven't spoken in over a year (she prefers letters, I prefer phone calls). She will love that I am sending a letter to her.

The Happiness Project - What Makes You Happy?

Happiness is = Watching my children hold a puppy for the very first time thanks to Lauri’s dog "Bella, Bella" giving birth to 6 on Saturday night.

Don't get any ideas...we are not taking one. We are not ready for a dog. Annnnddd....when we finally do, do it. We are going to pick one out as a family. The parents of these pups are tiny little yappy dogs, we are looking for bigger for our next one. I had a dog for 12 years and a cat for 16 before the kids. That dog weighed 4.5 pounds. We definitely want bigger next time.  Buuuuttt they are cute.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Avocados are Not Just For Guacamole'

I am from NY. We do a lot of pizza here. In fact, Pizza is always our Friday meal. Soooo.....recently I decided to try something different. Avocado on pizza. I love it on sandwiches, burgers and in salads so why not try it on our favorite meal?

Here are pictures of my Breakfast Pizza starring the Mr. Avocado!

We scrambled 6 eggs, add salt, pepper, oregano, basil
Then put the scrambled eggs on pizza crust (usually home made, this time, ready made)
A thin layer of shredded mozzarella
Then we cut red onion very finely and place that on top.
Bake for 8 minutes at 350
Take out and place, big pieces of sliced avocado.

The hardest part of this dish is making sure the slivers of avocados make it to the pizza! I love fresh avocado.

We loved it because of the crispness of the crust and the creaminess of the egg and avocado. It is yummy!

So, what do you think? Should I bother entering?

BTW..anyone can submit their avocado recipe and YOU just may be featured as an "all-star" recipe.

If you decided to enter. Let me know so I can vote for you.

Mellow Yellow Monday - Feeding the Parakeets

Feeding the parakeets really is one of our favorite parts of the zoo! This little yellow sweetie was one hungry bird.


Blue Monday - Parakeet Feeding

At the zoo the other day, we feed some of the parakeets. Here is Handsome being so patient and still as a bird eats off a stick with bird seed.



Saturday, August 28, 2010

Round Robin Photo Challenge - Feelings!

Not the best pictures but....these totally say happiness to me. They were on apposing sides of a see-saw.

Sad - This was not the animal he wanted on the Merry-go-round but he refused to wait for the next ride so this is the face he wore in all photos.

Tired - Goddess was having a blast and sat down feeling too hot to play for all of 20 seconds.

And my favorite for this meme, Goddess being SILLY!


Shadow Shot Sunday - Ginormus Flower

At the zoo the other day I took this picture of Handsome with the idea of using it for Shadow Shot Sunday! I love these big flowers.


Self Portrait Sunday - August 29, 2010 - In The Nude

Oh, my poor little meme has never quite caught on. So sad. Funny, people just don't like taking pictures of themselves but when we are old and gray and have a lot of people pictures of obscure things what then. I much prefer to think I am going to live into my Golden Years and will cherish all photos of me looking younger and full of life's promise!

Once in a while you need to put down the photo editing tools and make-up and show the world the real you! So, here I am showing the world the real me. Yup, this is pretty much the "real" me tongue and all.

Picture 198

Friday, August 27, 2010

Summer's Sweet Moments Hosted by Milano

One2One Network has linked up with Milano cookies to ask about this Summer's Sweet Moments, a moment from summer that made you stop to savor the sweetness of life!

The reason I found this so hard to answer is because I spent 2 weeks of my Spring in the hospital and 6 weeks of my Summer suffering from all kind of "itis" issues. Diverticulis and Endometritis so while it seems I should have nothing "sweet" to discuss here, I have plenty.

My little family became much closer during my time away and my husband and I did what we could to make sure the kids had an enjoyable summer regardless of the fact that we had to stay close to home.

The moments I spend with my kids together and separately are always "sweet" moments for me. Moment's with my girlfriends, family members are moment's that I particularly enjoy but this year, the moment that was the sweetest for me was, my 44th birthday.

My husband came in bearing the necessities for the perfect meal for "ME". Wine, Steak, Sweet Potatoes and Chocolate Cake are all the things that make up the perfect meal in my eyes. To know that he really knows what I like and took the time to get all of it on his ride home, made me realize even more what I knew already. We are and always will be perfect together. There may not be grand gestures of adoration but in the long run, having someone who REALLY knows you, and takes care of all the little details (and the big ones too) really made my birthday special.

Then because I liked the cake so much....he went out and got it again...and another steak the next weekend. Now that IS "sweet".

Sky Watch - Biggest Flowers Ever

Today the kids and I headed to the Zoo. It was a beautiful day and school starts in less than 6 days and we have a Summer fun list to check off. It was the last place I wanted to go but the kids really wanted to. It was hotter and more crowded than usual but we ended up meeting up with a friend which made it even better. She wanted to know if I wanted to meet at the local park, I mentioned I was heading to the zoo, she wrote she was on her way. Love those fly by chance get togethers.
They might not look that big in this picture but......


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Memory Rewind - My Babies

Here is your chance to use some of those older photos you have on your computer that you may have forgotten about. Post a photo and write a story about it.

Join me and bring back a memory.

They kiddies

Here are my beautiful babies 2006. How stinkin' cute. I love that they are holding hands. Handsome's favorite book at the time was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We have about 5 copies of it big, small, soft cover, hard cover. Everyone bought him one that year.

Tuesday Takes


I can't take any credit for this photo of Handsome! My niece took this picture while she was over. He is our Navy Seal in the making. He loves the water and will stay in purple lips and all.


ABC Wednesday - F

The ABC Wednesday letter of the week is: F

F  = Fake
I am sure you are wondering what this picture has to do with the word fake. Well, my birthday was actually the week before and since I had pictures of everyone else blowing out my candle, my niece and I decided I needed one of myself. The candle had already been blown out so we were pretending.

F = Fake 2
Here are my two darlings, making a "fart" face. Umm...seriously, I have no idea where they got this from.

F = Friends
Goddess and my girlfried's daughters are so cute together. I love watching her play with this particular friend. The play is always sweet.

F = Family
Here is my little family blowing out my birthday cake this month.

F = Frog
I taught Goddess to catch frogs this year. She can do it with total ease and releases them and lets them go in the amount of time it takes to blink. I love how this guy just perched on her finger. They don't seem to fear her and will sit on her open palm just as easily. I remember when I was a kid, if I opened my hand even a half inch, they struggled to get out.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Five Lessons Every Kid Should Learn."

Recently, Twitter Mom's and Nanny McPhee Returns (the movie) joined forces and asked:
What are the 5 Lessons Every Kid Should Learn, since I was curious about what my friends and family think about this, I sent a Facebook invite to a few friends and family asking them the same question. Some answered "family rules" rather than life lessons but a lot of us were on the same page with some important lessons.

Maria (little ol' me) Says:
  • Always be true to yourself. Know who you are and never compromise yourself for someone else.
  • Don't be afraid to take a chance. Fearing failure and never trying is worse than trying with the possibility to succeed.
  • Be good to others. Being kind and polite doesn't cost a thing. Treat people the why you want to be treated.
  • Never sell your short. Always strive for the best in yourself and what you deserve. 
  • Love with your whole heart. Love is one of the things that make us human.

Lori, says:
"That it is always better to tell the truth no matter what it may be, because I will be more hurt and angry that they didn't trust me enough to be honest... I will always be angrier about then lying than about whatever it is they may have done wrong."
Lyn, says:
-Respect their mother and father's decisions for the family.
-Respect other people's property
-Always empty your pockets before putting clothes in washing machine!

Laurie says:
Dont allow friends to encourage you to do something that you know is wrong.
Listen to authority
Dont make fun of people
Come straight home after school
Call home if your going to be late, or going somewhere

Deb says:
~Always put yourself in the other person's shoes. Think how your actions would make you feel if the roles were reversed. Always live by the Golden Rule.
~Respect your own property. Treat other's item as if they were your own.
~Mom and Dad would never do anything to hurt your feelings or hold you back. Trust that the decisions we make for our family are the right ones for us. Other families make the proper decisions for them and they will not always be the same as our's.
~Do your best. We ask nothing more than that.
~Every "failure" is never that. It is a chance to learn and grow.

Lorie says:
~Always put yourself in the other person's shoes. Think how your actions would make you feel if the roles were reversed. Always live by the Golden Rule.
~Respect your own property. Treat other's item as if they were your own.
~Mom and Dad would never do anything to hurt your feelings or hold you back. Trust that the decisions we make for our family are the right ones for us. Other families make the proper decisions for them and they will not always be the same as our's.
~Do your best. We ask nothing more than that.
~Every "failure" is never that. It is a chance to learn and grow.

Side Note: Do I know enough Lori's?

The Happiness Project - What Makes You Happy?

This picture of Goddess and Jewel spending time together at the park. Watching the girls who are what 18 feet apart and 4 short years makes me happy. I adore Jewel's mommy, she is one of my "best friends" and one of the nicest people I know so obviously, I adore Jewel too! So happy when the girls play like friends. Handsome has a different relationship with Jewel. He could take her or leave her. Mostly, he wants to control the situation and is constantly heard telling her "don't do this, or don't do that peppered with a few "don't tell me what to do" lines. Thankfully Jewel has the patience of a saint and mostly ignores him.



However, as you see, they want to both be just like her!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ruby Tuesday - This Water Bottle Rocks!

Oh yeah, my Spartacus water bottle is the best. Spartacus on Starz is one of the best shows on TV and I can't wait for it to start again next year.

Color - Yellow

More participants for this fun  Yellow meme here.

Last week at the park I shots tons of pictures of this cool park phone. Goddess and Handsome love talking to anyone on it.



Pole climber


Blue Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday - Perfect Together

Head over to Blue Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday to play along or see some yellow and blue photos.

The other day the kids and I headed to the park with my girlfriend Clary and her daughter Jewel. This is a picture of one of the climbing walls for kids.

