Maria's Space: The Bug Diner At Your Service, Courtesy Of Goddess

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Bug Diner At Your Service, Courtesy Of Goddess

Well by now most of you know that Goddess is a very curious child. The other day she asked me to come out and see her "bug diner". I could only imagine what she had done, so I headed to the deck.

Here it is in all it's glory.



There is the food! On the menu? Oh just some gummy worms.


I wish I could live in Goddess' world for a little while. She has the life! Like I always say, "I want to be just like her when I grow up."


  1. When I first started reading this, I thought maybe she had caught some real bugs and put them on paper plates.
    She has a great imagination, Bug Diner, gummy worms, too cute.

  2. That is adorable! Oh to be in the mind of a inquisitive and curious child. She is a doll!

  3. I love the "pool" :)


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