Maria's Space: The Magic of Picnik

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Magic of Picnik

A Picture of Handsome taken yesterday. I love this picture and decided to play with it on Picnik. Here is one of the reasons everyone should have Picnik on their computer. It took me less than 2 minutes to get these effects.

Flickr Magic


  1. Cute before and after!

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Look at him how cuuuttteee!!!! Love the pose.

  3. Thanks Renee. It is such a sweet shot. He was bending down and I called his name. He looks so innocent.

    Sweet right Clarissa. Love it.

  4. I agree it's a great website. It brightened the photo right up. It is nicer in my opinion, the effects that is. The boy will always be Handsome. ;-)


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